Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

Good morning everyone.

Dena, I have good mobility of my arm, there is just some residual swelling, nothing like the seroma I had earlier, and pain. I have been doing the exercises all along, and they give temporary relief as well. It may be that it is just a question of pain relief while tissue and nerves heal, but if it doesn’t settle again soon, I’ll see the BCNs about it.

I think I was lucky in asking about flu a while ago, because when I had the jab on Christmas Eve, the local surgery had good stocks. I just wish my OH had paid attention to me then, because he has had to wait. The nurse did quiz me about age, but when I explained about the chemo, had the needle out almost before I finished. Really, though, you would think there would be better co-ordination on things like this. OH visits different special schools to do music therapy a couple of times a week, so he is in a position to help spread flu if he gets it, as I pointed out a few times.

Just a word on flu jabs. We should all have one, and also our nearest and dearest- that seems to the general advice. Especially those with kids, or if you work with them- it’s the new term today- so a whole new set of incubated germs coming our way! Also, i was told not to have it in the few days preceding treatment, as the chemo would kill the vaccine off. I was given priority at my local surgery, as were the rest of the family- but I did go in November, just before the rush. Also, for kids under 13, they need the booster 3 weeks later too, so it takes a bit more time.
Hats- the unpromisingly named ‘Suburban Turban,’ is good. I’ve prob mentioned them before, but I have such a big head, it was good to find a company that catered for it!! They are also quite contemporary, and a lot of their styles give you a bit of ‘height’ too, which is great if you have always had full hair.
Tracey x

Morning girls

Day 5 post EC 1. Had to wash hair. May have to aim for the 6 week thing when i get used to looking so grubby.

Re flu jad. They advised me to have it but said my kids 3 and 6 didnt need to ?? Such contradictions we’re all told.

Feel a bit more like normal today thank goodness. Have horrible mouth and eyes a bit light sensitive but much better than previous days. Maybe the fog is lifting.

Good luck to all those having cocktails this week.

Deb XX

Ps i still have a big cord in my attected armpit. I can do my exercises no problem but couldnt possibly shave due to the cord. This is 7wks post op- MX and ANC.

Deb XX

I did notice on one thread that the BCC helpline has info on flu jab - when/if to have one, so might be worth ringing them, as local advice seems to vary so much.


(Who hasn’t actually got round to ringing herself, but thinks it would prob. be a good idea)

Having a little wobble today, cold sore appeared on Saturday, been putting loads of Zovirax on as instructed.
This morning woke up having nightmare, throat dry & scratchy temp 38.2, was due to have bloods checked anyway, so went up early to get checked out. Dr’s seem to think it’s a virus, but got ab’s anyway, need to keep an eye on temp.

Pat hope you feel better soon. Dont let that temp get any higher. It leaves you feeling so vulnerable this treatment doesnt it. XX

Well, I had my first wig appointment today. I didn’t come away with anything, because there wasn’t anything quite right, but the fitter seemed to know her stuff and was sympathetic. It’s probably going to be a compromise between length/style and colour, but she said she would hold the one that’s a good colour but too short back for me until we see what the longer one looks like. When I say longer, I mean chin/collar length, nothing more, but in this weather I like hair at the back of my neck. They are both fairly lightweight and similar in outline to my own very fine hair, though of course the texture is not like real hair, especially fine hair. The other one should arrive in about a week.

At least there will be a choice.

Otherwise, no big changes so far, which is probably a good thing. This is the last day for the anti-emitics for this cycle. It’s too easy to worry whether every little thing is a side effect or not. It’s gloomy weather here, so curling up with a book or DVD for the afternoon seems like a good idea.

Anyone else about to start?


I am starting the adventure tomorrow and although I am basically scared stiff I am trying to be a little calm but not succeeding!
My appointment is for 2pm so if I have to wait as long as you Cheryl I had better take a sleeping bag. I am not worried about the actual Chemo - it is the side effects and not being in control of my life that I worry about. I bought a thermometer today and checked my temperature. It was a full degree lower than the normal - am I normal or is the thermometer a dud! I will take it tomorrow and get some advice. It is these things that seem to be so worrying especially since I live in fear of the dreaded infections.
Hope that everyone is coping in their own way and that one down and 5 to go does not seem so terrible after tomorrow

Good luck with chemo tomorrow , Janet. You’ll feel better (mentally) once you’ve got started.

Cheryl, Hope you get the wig soon and that you are happy with it.


Good luck, Janet.

Let’s hope that any backlogs caused by the bad weather and the holidays have cleared and that you don’t have a long wait.

Regarding temperature, we all have perfectly normal temperature changes, so eating raises it and generally it goes up about the time you wake up in the morning, IIRC, and many people have a dip that goes with afternoon tiredness. So it might just be that you happened to try it at a time when you normally are a bit lower. You could keep a chart for a few days just to find out what is normal for you, if you are interested.

When I was a child, the main purpose of a thermometer was to prove that you were well enough to go to school. :wink:

Good luck Janet!! Will be thinking about you. XX

Janet - my ‘normal’ temp is generally a good degree below the stated ‘normal’ - so don’t worry! It’s good to know beforehand what ‘your’ temperature is, just so you can compare it, but don’t take it when you’ve just had a cup of tea!!!

Good luck for tomorrow, hope it all goes well, and let us know how you get on, when you feel able. Which hopefully, will be the minute you get back home.

Sophie xxxx

Hi everyone

i think upto now my symptoms have been quite mild, but i do keep getting awfull flushes that push my temperature up to about 37.3 which is quite unusual for me as i normally don’t go above 36.6 and as low as 36.1. i know flushes are common but not on fec1. Along with these flushes my throat became sore and i lost my voice. I knew i was not unwell but i still informed nurses as directed and ended up having a lovely day spent in the medical assessment unit. No infection. Tonight the skin on my upper body has become sore to touch. Has anyone else had these kind of symptoms.

janet, all the best for tomorrow. I,m probably not the best one to tell you to try not to worry about the infection side of things.
i do all the time! But i think that we are all probably really on the ball in regards to this and are very aware of our bodies at the moment, so would be able to detect anything very early on. the nurses are really good and give you plenty advice on this. i wasn’t made to feel bad for my false call. If anything i was patted on the back.
Good luck

Maria x

Hello Fellow Feccers!
I have been laptop less since Wednesday. Well I survived the week so far. Bad nausea, insomnia and weakness for 3 days but now have turned the corner. Hope you all all doing fine. No one can prepare for how it will feel butit seems we are all functioning and fairly cheerful under the circumstances so that has to be good. My daily injections are fine, it’s nice to have the nurse come around and chat. Prescribed movacol today as nothing moving. Any tips will be appreciated. xx

Glad it’s going well.

I’ve been adding extra dried apricots to my morning muesli and the occasional dried fig. I often make dried fruit salad this time of the year for the same reasons. There are lots of nice recipes, but try to make sure there are apricots and figs in the mix. Soak in your choice of fruit juice and you can speed the process by bringing it all to boiling point and then cooling. Add whole spices to taste (cinnamon, cloves, star anise, etc) and leave a while for the flavours to develop. There are boozy versions, and the flavour gets better over a few days. This can be eaten as a pudding, added to cereal, eaten in place of say a grapefruit and so on.

Otherwise if anything sometimes gives you problems (onions, peppers, hotter spices), you could see if that does the trick, even though your stomach may protest as mine did a stir-fry with onion last night.

Hi All

Jan -was wondering where you were-glad you’ve got No 1 under your belt hope you feel better soon.

Sarah- good luck for tomorrow- will be thinking of you and sending love and positive vibes.

Janet and Den42- hope you went well today and don’t feel too bad

Everyone else- hope you are all OK- keep calm Kaz and Peachez!

Love Diana

Hi ,
Diana, thanks for your post, I’m feeling a bit better as just come back from pre-chemo appt. Apart from fighting back tears due to waiting well over an hour was ok. Asked lots of questions, but I got the feeling they were very much going to do it their way , thank you very much!! Can’t get Emend or White cell injections until I have a problem, however the Onc did write me up for Diflam mouthwash, and was very reassuring.

At least I’m on the starting blocks for Thursday now - think I might have a medicinal tipple tonight!!

Re: being bunged up; always turn to Majool dates myself, a couple a day - gentle but very effective!! (I get the organic ones from Waitrose).

Love to all, hope all the SEs and Temps are under control
P xxx

Oh well, this time tomorrow first one will be over with… Truly not happy right now but will put on my brave shoes tomorrow and face it… Can I have a drink tonight?? Or not advisable?
Hope all of you are well, lots of love xxxx

Hello ladies, exciting day today, have got new permanent boob and it looks good! But have had massive hair shedding so been to hairdresser for shave off.
Couldn’t believe how much was falling out, and got quite caught out in the nether region, had wee, wipe, hand looked like a werewolf, had myself quite a moment there!
Have been expecting the hair loss but wondered if yesterday’s high temperatures had anything to do with triggering it off.
Anyway feeling better today wether due to antibiotics or not don’t know, don’t care, getting quite good at this taking one day at a time.
Best wishes for minimal side effects