Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

Good luck tomorrow and Thursday, Sarah and Peachez. I hope it goes well for you.

Pat - too funny! You’re not the only one whose been caught out like that, so don’t worry. Mine is slowly falling in the loo each time I go, so may avoid instant deforestation… prob. spoke too soon now!!

Sophie xx

Sarah, go ahead and have a couple :slight_smile: Bit of dutch courage not a bad thing to get you through this evening. All the best for tomorrow

Sophie xx

Good luck ladies for tommorow!!

As for receeding lady gardens. Bring it on i cant wait. One SE i dont mind. Pat what a shock that must have been.

Deb XX

sending hugs Sarah, I’m right behind you!! P :-/ xxxx

Thanks girls…the wee wipe werewolf comment actually made me laugh out loud!!
I have heard about an eyelash eyebrow gel that has got really good reviews, to minimise loss. I have ordered some, not cheap but hey what the heck!! Can’t for the life of me remember what it’s called, jeez I have chemo brain and I haven’t even started yet, no hope for me!! I think there’s a link on the look good feel better website.

I had my first Chemo yesterday afternoon. The nurse was fantastic - very patient and caring. Have not felt too bad today - just slightly queasy but tomorrow may be a different story!
best wishes to everyone who has started or is about to start this week. One down!

First one done!! Wasn’t too bad other than the 2 hour wait to be seen… Lovely nurse, vein behaved, good litle vein, pat on the back… I think sitting in the hot waiting area for 2 hrs with 2 gloves on hand helped. Feel ok, other than stinking head. Have drunk about 3 litres of fluid so far, managed to get a whole litre down during the chemo…bit tired but think that’s emotional tiredness. So glad she warned me about the tingly feeling down below, did anyone else get that? Also the really painful nasal passage when the 2 nd one was going in.
Even popped into lidl on the way back for a shop!! Ha ha…
Sat on the sofa, having a Ginger tea and eating biscuits…
Love and nice thoughts to all xxxxx

Hee hee Pat- wait for the lack of nasal hair! That’s a fun one too!

Congratulations on surviving FEC1, Sarah. Part of the wait is because they don’t prepare it until you are there, so I fear waiting can’t entirely be avoided, but one nurse suggested that it’s ok to pop out while waiting. No shops nearby for me, unfortunately. A game room or an internet cafe would help the wait.

Yes, I got the tingle, although it was less pleasant than a tingle, I thought, and didn’t notice anything in my nose. I had quite a headache afterwards as well.

You are entitled to collapse, just rouse enough to take the anti-emetics. Oh, and to go to the loo after all that water!


I’ve survived the first week, and most of the queasiness I had has gone, and all the SEs from the anti-emetics. My mouth is a bit sensitive, but so far no more than it would be with a cold, so I’m using sensitive toothpaste, the Difflam mouthwash, and I’ve stopped nibbling pieces of satsuma in favour of less acidic fruit like grapes and dried fruit. The dried fruit and a big stir fry has also done its stuff for constipation that didn’t quite happen. A bit of carbohydrate before bed last night (ok, so it was a doughnut, but it was lying around to go stale!) seemed to ward off indigestion/ heartburn. If that comes back or get worse, I’ll check whether it’s ok to go on taking the indigestion tablets I was given.

Now I’ve just got to stop thinking every itch is my hair starting to fall out, when it’s just normal winter dry skin!

Best wishes, everyone.


Dried fruit seems to be the way to go for constipation. I tried some dried melon. It was very sweet but like a comfort food. Having my first period for years after being on the mini pill. I’m 49 so I’m hoping the Fec will bring on the menopause. This is day 6 of FEC and I’m hoping to feel a bit more normal this weekend.Jan

Could anyone tell me if you have ordered head gear from Bohemia Fashions. I have looked on their website and the hats etc. look reasonably priced and good. Can anyone say anything about the quality. Other recommendations would also be welcome as I think that I had better get a bit more organised now I have started Chemo. I have a Wig and 2 woolly hats but it is the beanies and sleep caps etc that I need now
Love and Many Thanks

The monumental hangover feeling is kicking in…yuk yuk yuk

Hi Janet
Yes I ordered from Bohemia-I really like the knitted beret they sent. I also ordered a fleece bandana already tied if you know what I mean- that’s OK too I tied one of my own scarves around it to jazz it up a bit. They took a few days to arrive. I have ordered from anna bandanna too- ordered on Monday delivered on Tuesday- just wooly hats for me to co-ordinate with my own scarves. Let me know how you go with your head gear. I’m trying wigs tomorrow at the Marsden- this will be the 5th place I’ve tried to find something that I can feel comfortable with.

Kaz and Peachez all the best for tomorrow thinking of you both.

Love and ++ vibes- Diana

Janet - I’ve ordered from Bohemia Fashions too - quick delivery and the quality is fine. Also check out Scarf Hut and Hats 4 Heads - they are good value and prompt delivery too. I spent hours trawling online, and these are the three best places I’ve found. Well done on getting the first chemo out of the way.

Sarah - well done you, too. Hope the se’s aren’t too miserable, and both of you, keep on top of your meds, and make a note of anything truly miserable/when it occurred (if it does, hopefully all will be a-ok), so you can discuss it with your oncs before next appt. It may be only that you need a change to steroid dose/timings and that could make the world of difference.

Sophie xx

Sarah well done you. Hope the hangover lifts soon.

Sophie have you noticed a difference since altering your steroid regime?

Deb XX

Deb - first time round I had steroids 3x day for 3 days, so Sat,Sun and Mon - and by Tuesday afternoon I was flat out on the sofa, and couldn’t move for three days… onc. told me that often our bodies get rapidly lazy when on steroids, so the withdrawal can cause a crash, so this time I spaced them out over 4 days… and have been feeling fine. Big difference. Also wonder if the half stone in weight I have put on has diluted them somewhat <grin> as have had no fuzzy head this time around either…</grin>

Sophie xx

Hi all just to say I have found the advice from all of you invaluable. I stocked up on mouth treatments and bought a new corsodol which is alcohol free. 1st session was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The port catheter as helped as no injections etc anywhere else on my body. Had the cold cap which was uncomfortable for a while but got used to it and I was just snuggled up under a duvet. Only 5 left no so just keep focussing on that. Have wig session next week at hair to ware, in ware, hertfordshire, they are meant to be very good so I shall let you know.

Took the sickness meds straight away and am taking everything they are throwing at me. Still feel slightly nauseous but on a par with very mild morning sickess so got my appetite back this morning. Yesterday I went straight to bed and could not eat a thing all night just drank lots of water. Slept really well. Rested today but just could not sleep.

I have heard that there can be a cumulative effect in terms of the side effects to the treatment so am trying to keep an open mind. Had not considered withdrawal of the steroids so will need to make sure I have Childcare in place just in case I am wiped out. I just keep thinking there is so much to think about with this treatment and unlearn something new each time I come onto this thread.

I am glad that for those of you who started this week it has been manageable. Whilst I have to remind myself that the road ahead is going to be rocky at least I am beginning to know what i’m dealing with.

Very lastly, re the White cell injection, apparently a nurse told me it costs £1000.00 hence I think it’s only given where absolutely necessary. However this short sighted view really annoys me as It will cost more than 1k to admit and care for a cancer patient if they get an infection. Also from a more general view we have enough to worry about already without the added stress of trying to avoid people and places where germs may be prevalent.
Good luck to those of you who are still waiting to start.


Den42, well done on getting the first one out of the way, and I’m so pleased to hear that you’ve been minimally attacked by the se’s - that’s fab. You may not get the steroid withdrawal at all - my onc. told me that some people’s bodies are lazy, and get used to steroid input instantly - which I thought was finally someone commenting truthfully on me…lol…lazy (as opposed to young and fit, which I still can’t get my head around - moi!!!).

I’m fortunate enough to be in a health district which doesn’t scrimp on chemo patients - the sickness meds I get are almost top tier as a basic standard, which has meant I’ve had virtually no nausea - and I will get the blood cell boosters before starting TAX. Hadn’t realised they were so expensive, but then neutropenic sepsis can kill… so worth every penny. We also get a free NHS wig, full value paid for by them - and I know that’s not true everywhere.

It shouldn’t be such a lottery, but here’s hoping one day soon in cancer care, at least, we’ll all be so well looked after.

Sophie xx