Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

Annie - your GP or onc will prescribe it for you. They also gave me one in case of the thrush (can’t remember if I said that), so got that one just in case. Nystatin or something like that.

Hope it helps! I also carry a superdrug mint breath freshener everywhere for a quick blast of mint (strong!) as I feel if my mouth tastes so vile, it must stink too… though I’m sure my OH would be quick to tell me if it did! (Typical Yorkshire man, lol, no tact - but honesty is sometimes useful…)

Sophie xx

Another small annoyance: strong-smelling wee, which started at about the 1 week mark. I just hope this means the nasties are being shed.

BTW, I phoned about pain relief (headache, wound pain) and was told paracetamol is best, only take ibuprofen with one of the prescribed anti-indigestion tablets plus solid food. I was also told to phone back immediately if the headache didn’t go away or got worse.

Otherwise, I think I’m lucky in that my stomach seems to have settled–perhaps connected to the smelly wee? Also, so far I don’t have the bad taste, just a slightly sensitive mouth.

Hope you’ve been sorted out Peachez, and that everyone else is ticking over at a decent level.


Urrrgh… smelly wee, it’s DISGUSTING, isn’t it??? Really chemically and rank. I start to notice it about four days post FEC, and it makes me gag. Hyper sensitive to all smells at around this time too - so when it’s my own body that stinks to me, well… thank god my massive LUSH consignment arrived…hehehehe, have spent a lot of time in the shower over past week!

Hi everyone

6 days into fec 1. Have got a mouth like sandpaper, but can’t see any white patches. Am warm down below. Should i leave this, see if it developes, or start mithering now? Do i go to my doctors or do you have to phone the help line? Is it something to worry about?

Decisions, decisions!!!

Why has cancer made me unable to think for myself and make decisions. Think going mad is the worse symptom uptil now. lol

Maria x

Maria - I’d ring before it gets any worse… this is the one time in your life where you are utterly entitled to squawk loudly! Your immune system is just beginning its nosedive, so little niggles that would normally be inconsequential can rapidly nosedive - and you don’t want to be coping with a full blown uti on top of all the other crap!

It’s not silly at all to worry - get on the phone and nip it in the bud, so to speak.

Sophie xx (One of the drugs is known for triggering uti’s, which I thought oh whoopee about, cos I get cystitis quite often, so the minute I get anything a bit warm going on, I’ll be on the phone too)

Maria - ring your gp or chemo unit, wherever you’ll get a prescription from quicker! Forgot to say. I ring chemo ward for advice, and they have both times told me what meds I need, and then I’ve got them from my gp. Hope that helps!

hi Sophie

Have rang the doc . they’re gonna give me a ring back - so hopefully i will get this sorted tonight. Thanks for responding, just needed a push i think. Living with 3 men doesn’t help, OH just looks kinda vacant when i talk woman stuff. Maria x

fec1 Day 2
Not feeling to bad really, a bit washed out and feeling sick on and off all day…
Annie - i had metallic taste and have eaten some fresh pineapple chunks this afternoon and it has taken the taste away so far… hope this helps.
Now suffering with slight heartburn so i am sipping hot water which is relieving it a bit… Oh yummy!!! NOT!!!
Peachez - So sorry you are being so sick, I do hope you have managed to get it sorted…

Hope everyone is not suffering too much, thinking of you all
Kaz xxxx

Hi girls, thanks for all the support. Phoned Onc unit twice and have now got anti sick suppositories from GP (what fun). Told to try milk with anti sickness tab too, kept it down a bit longer but it still came back (wondering if they are from Stemitil family, as I already told them that it makes me sick)… anyhow, now giving up the tabs as instructed, and have added ‘sea bands’ with fingers crossed.
A&E on a friday night is not my idea of a good night out!!

Have managed to drink a bit and nibble on plain crisps and ginger nuts, bit worried about the dehydration side of things as I have a cracking headache too.

love and hugs to all P xxx

Poor you! Better a tiny sip you can keep down for a while, in terms of not getting dehydrated. (Practical experience of monumental morning sickness.)

Hope the suppositories work soon.

Hugs and kisses, if you can bear them.


… Oh phoned AGAIN last night, this registar said the does of the pills was not high enough, so took max dose last night and lasted through, taken max again this morining and so far so good! Tea and biccies have stayed down so far! If this works OH will be off for a 50 mile round trip for another script! and I will be jumping up and down for better meds next time round!

Kaz, hope you’re feeling ok this morning.

Sophie, Cheryl, thank you for the support, it means so much!

Maria, hope you’re ok, suffer from cystitis myself after my hysterectomy two years ago, that’s the last thing you need on top of this, hope you’ve got it knocked out, let us know you’re ok?

Hugs all round P xxxx

Glad you are feeling slightly better peachez…hopefully next time you will just get the good strong stuff straight away… Actually reading your post and seeing how badly it’s affected you has made me think I will bloody well stop feeling sorry for myself feeling a bit low, and get on with it, you deserve a medal!! Let’s hope you’ve turned the corner now xxxx I am ok other than constant headache, can’t wait to stop the steroids, 2 more to go today. Bunged me up as I knew they would, I was already taking iron tablets anyway which don’t do you much good in that department either.

hi peaches

really glad you’ve managed to keep something down. i,m keeping my fingers crossed for you that at last they got the meds right. It’s a bit of a pain that you having to go on such a long jouney after feeling so low.

Still not sure whether i have thrush or not, but started the medication last night anyway. Better safe than sorry. Before BC i never thought to read the accompanying bumff that you get in the packet of meds. Am doing now and it makes me feel like some neurotic mad woman-constantly worried about this symptom and that pain. Oh i want my life back!!! Going for a long walk today to try to keep my mind off real or imaginary symptoms lol.

Good luck with the sickness

Maria x

I managed to escape the house today for a meeting and lunch with some colleagues, partly for pleasure and society, and partly for some planning. A bit of work to do from home will help my mental state no end. It was so nice to think about something other than BC for a whole morning! And they were nice about my short hair, too.

Hi All
Didn’t get to the computer yesterday to read all your posts so caught up just now.

Peachez I’m sorry you are having so many problems with nausea and vomiting- those were 2 of my worst fears I HATE being sick and I hate being constipated! Hope you are feeling better after the suppositories and increased doses of meds. What are the names of the meds you were given?

Glad that everyone else seems to have manageable side effects and is more or less OK

Sarah you aren’t the only paranoid one I was sure my head felt more sensitive when I brushed it this morning.

Pattymi and the “werewolf wipe” loved the description- can’t wait!

I had FEC 1 yesterday and now feel – that’s 1 down and only 5 to go. I had planned to try the cold cap but I must have an odd shaped head or something because they couldn’t get one to fit properly. There was a person doing research on cold caps there who asked if she could ask me some questions about it once it was fitted so the girls tried really really hard to get a proper fit. Apparently the cap has to be touching the scalp all over if it is to work properly and although they could get a fit around my head there was always an “air bubble” on the top of my head. They tried two different types and all the different sizes they had. In the end I just said I wouldn’t bother. I apologised to the research woman but she said that in fact it had been helpful feed back. She is talking to the Paxman company next week and also another company that is to start making a new design of “scalp cooling” headwear. After all that the patient next to me said that her cold cap did not fit properly and she lost her hair from the top of her head so shaved it off in the end.
What I hadn’t thought about was having my hair wet then smothered with conditioner- looked a proper sight and had not brought a hat with me to wear home – by public transport!
Daughter to the rescue- brought me a hat then afterwards insisted on calling and paying for a taxi home.
The waiting around for blood results was a pain but the actual weed killer going in was not a problem. A headache has been my only real problem, that and getting up to wee so many times during the night. I drank so much that the normal colour had returned 4 hours after the treatment finished. Still have the headache today but it’s in the back ground now.
Crumbs I’ve written a book so will stop now.
Have a good rest of the weekend everyone.

PS Cheryl- where is your old woman and purple thread can’t seem to find it.

A friend sent me this link, thought it might be of interest to some:

Ragamuffin, My meds were first night 10mg Metoclopramide and a one off dose of Ondansetron 8mg, both of which reappeared within 5 mins.

Then it was supposed to be 10mg of Metclopramide 3 times a day, which kept coming back too. After experimenting with the suppositories (Motillium?)Registar put me onto 80mg Metclopramide a day (3 am, 2 lunchtime and 3 bedtime). He said I’d been under medicated. Have been up and dressed, eaten some real food and been for a short stroll today, what a difference in just a few hours! Hope it lasts…

Cherly, well done. It does make such a difference to get a bit of ‘Normal’ in sometimes.

Love to all P xxx

I think someone has bumped ‘I shall wear purple’ up a bit now.

I’ve been tired all afternoon and now a bit headachy after my morning out, so I suppose it’s time to give up and go to bed early. I doubt I’ll sleep yet, but I can read, watch telly & try posting on my replacement laptop.

Wasn’t it nice having your daughter look after you that way?

I hope everyone is over the worst now. Every time my head itches I have to a) not scratch and b)rush to see if my hair is falling out yet. Oh, dear.


Hi everyone. Not been in touch for ages as have been knocked out by my first fec. Took the advice yesterday from lots of you and rang hospital to get more anti sickness drugs. Although I have kept food down and indeed had a huge appetite the feeling of sickness was getting too much. So now have extra meds that are working so far.

Peachez I hope you are getting sorted out and feeling a bit better.

Good luck to everyone having treatment this forthcoming week.


Hi Den42 - glad you’re starting to feel better again now.

Sophie xxx

Glad everyone seems to be feeling a bit better.

I found myself feeling just a little dizzy in church today, largely I think from standing and sitting a few times at short intervals at one point. It went away after I just sat for a while, so probably nothing, but I thought we all need a reminder that week 2 is when white and/or red blood cells and immunity can be affected. (I was once one of those thin girls who get dizzy from standing up too quickly, due to low blood pressure and later a tendency to mild anaemia from heavy periods.)
