Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

Hi Den, I didn’t have any problems coming off the steroids, in fact I felt better in some ways when I had. On the other hand, if you have a friend or relative who can pick kids up or come round on short notice if you are wiped out, this will at least ease your mind.

If you read through some of the threads, you will see that some people seem to find the middle sessions worst–I know the tiredness gets worse as you go through, which isn’t surprising. Others settle down once they get the right anti-emetics. Keep notes and tell them about any SEs, like a period of not being able to eat, because something else might give a better result.

This is the first night I’ve had enough trouble sleeping to get up for a while, and that’s partly due to my husband snoring.


My first chemo was the worst since then the first few days are a wipe out for normal routine which is heavy duty for me but after that back to normal each round 4th now has got better and ive felt fitter and stronger. Dont know about next week as i start 4 tax and herceptin. Good luck keep a positive mind and keep busy you wont have time to feel sick. I also found working out doors deffo keeps the sickness at bay. I also had force make me up an anti sickness oil that i sniff and thats a great help.

After feeling better, This is day 6 and I seem to have gone back a step. I was planning nice little normal tasks for today but feel too tired and sicky. Daytime telly and the sofa it is then.

Well day 2 and not too bad for me. Felt awful last night, pretty sick about 6 hours after chemo, felt soooooo much better after that, the migraine type headache lifted instantly. Pretty good night sleep, and starving hungry today, craving fish n chips!!! Bit of a headache still and bright red cheeks, but all in all fingers crossed not too bad.
Hope all goes well for the girls today, thinking of you and sending good thoughts xxxxx

Just done FEC 1 this morning. Managed soup and a stroll after, now 4 hours on from finishing and crashed on sofa. Feeling a bit woozy and a little queazy. Drinking loads. Think it’s time for a nap…zzzzz

Well done all - just listen to your bodies - if you need to flop on the sofa, then do it. It’s not like we usually have the opportunity! I found fresh air did help with the fuzzy head, just really short walks (with or without dog!), but also lots of rest. It’s annoying when you think you’re on the up, and then have a low day, but it’s normal.

My OH has just gone to pick up a prescription for heart burn meds for me… 48 hours with heartburn is not funny, esp. when on steroid awake all night burn :slight_smile: Only time I don’t feel it is when I’m eating. Oh good, more reason to turn into Jabba the Hut on chemo!!! Fingers crossed the Omeprazole kicks in quick… have felt good this round of chemo, but now soooooo tired!!!

Sophie xx

Glad to hear some more FEC1s have gone well, and best wishes to those about to start.


Well done peachez…go with what your body tells you. I am hoping the amount of fluid I consumed helped me, even though none of it stayed inside me eventually!! Lol…but I shall do the same next time too. Funny but I am craving salty food today big time… Sent oh to tesco with list of ingredient for Greek salad, salty feta and olives mmm and fish n Chips a must too… Am I the only one wanting to pig out on day 2??? Face still bright red btw…xxxx

Sarahbeara - STEROIDS!!! Even when feeling a little nauseous, I could still have eaten all day…

Sophie xxxxx

Had fec1 today, a long day lots of waiting around but home vegging on my sofa, feeling woozy and queazy and have a horrible metallic taste in my mouth… Glad all went well with you Peachez, take care everyone
Kaz xx

Take care everyone, and sweet dreams.

Remember the song, ‘A little of what you fancy does you good’.

BTW, I’ve started a new thread ‘I shall wear purple’, quoting the Jenny Joseph poem. So we’re all going to be dotty old ladies one day, right? not just feel that way. What kind of dotty old lady will you be?

I know I’ll be absent minded, putting the laundry in the fridge and the milk in the washing machine, but I’ll probably be able to sing all the songs I learned in primary school. I’ll probably say exactly what I think, too.


First one done Kaz - you won’t ever have to have that one again. If your mouth continues to taste vile, phone the chemo ward and let them know - there are mouthwashes they can prescribe for you which will help.

Snuggle up warm and just do as much or as little as you need to - if the way to get through is by sleeping for a week, then do so.

Sophie xxxx

RE: that foul taste in the mouth. I am day 8 post FEC 2, and I still cannot taste anything apart from that horrid metallic taste. I clean my teeth after every meal, gargle 4 times a day, drink 2 litres of water a day (all as advised by chemo team). I’ve tried two different toothpastes and two different mouthwashes - and tried 3 days of just salt water mouthwash. It sounds such a minor complaint, but I crave a nice cup of tea - but can’t taste it.

I don’t have any spots or sores, so I don’t think I’ve got oral thrush.

The taste came back by day 3 post FEC 1, but not this time.

I’ve tried to get a taste by eating chilli, ginger, pepper, salt - but nothing. I didn’t realise how we take taste for granted until I lost it and it is getting me down as there is nothing like treating yourself to bit of chocolate to cheer yourself up, and I can’t even do that.

Any tips would be really appreciated.


Day 2 fec 1. You can stuff this for a lark! Can’t keep anything down. Let alone drink ltrs. Ended up phoneing in last night, as keep throwing meds right back up. Managed some sleep, but sick again(what with?) This morning. Frightened to move from bed. Is this normal? Am I just making a fuss? P xxx

Peachez - phone your chemo ward and let them know. If you can’t keep anything down, then you are not going to be able to keep the anti-nausea meds down either, and it becomes a vicious circle. They may tell you to keep going as you are for another day, or, because it’s the weekend, they may want to try something else to stop you being so sick. DO NOT SUFFER IN SILENCE. Please.

Good luck hun

Sophie xxx

Annie - FEC2 for me was this time last week, and I still have the horrid mouth. It lasted well into second week during FEC1 for me, too - only really lifted in third week. This time around I was prescribed Difflam mouythwash, which does help, temporarily - but nothing really shifts it for long. For me, this is almost the most distressing se, only beaten by the heartburn I’ve had this time (which fortunately has now been sorted by meds). I tried eating gherkins/pickled onions etc, just made heartburn worse and didn’t really do much for mouth.

Think we just got to hang on in there. I’m the same as you - no white bits, so don’t think it’s thrush, though I do have that mouthwash in bathroom in case I need it.

Sophie xx

Oh peachez poor you… I really feel for you… And I agree, phone the chemo unit, my nurse told me to phone straight away if I was sick and couldn’t control it…do not suffer, they can give you other stuff… Really hope you feel better soon xxxxx
I have dipped today after my relative high of yesterday, very tired, no taste at all, only want to drink tonic water…
My head felt sore when I brushed my hair this morning, am I being paranoid?? Surely it can’t start falling out this soon???

Peachez, phone them.

Hi Peachez

I was the same and phoned GP who gave me an injection which stopped it almost immediately. Dont suffer they can give you something and they will change your drugs next time round.


Peachez - you poor thing - I hope you’ve managed to get to the phone and someone is doing something practical for you. Makes my fuss about my taste seem daft.

Thanks Sophie; I haven’t tried that mouthwash, but will do. At least I might lose weight this way!
