Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

Well I Attempted a meal out at the pub across the road last Friday, had a funny turn half way through dinner, nearly fell off me chair! Lucky it’s only 30 seconds to get home again! There were 7 of us with the kids, everyone else stayed after oh had me safely home and ensconced on the sofa again under a warm blanket, and the landlady kept my dinner hot for me and hubby brought it over the road, so all ws not lost. I would say, see how you feel on the day, be spontaneous, don’t plan, just go with the flow… And Chinese takeaway and a bottle of wine on a Friday night!!! Hell yeah! ( if not the whole bottle a glass or 2 won’t hurt!) xxxxxx

Well, the oncologist confirmed today that I definitely do have cellulitis but it seems to be responding to the antibiotics - my temp is right down now and it’s not quite as red. Still as painful though so she’s given me some codeine. More pills… hey ho!

They also took blood to check my neutrophil count which was fine so I avoided an injection. Unfortunately this time they couldn’t get blood from my arm (flippin’ chemo - when I used to donate blood it came out really quickly!) so tried warming up my arm but in the end had to use my wrist. She warned me that it would hurt - and it did. She also warned me that I’d have a big bruise - and I do. Not much fun at all really!

However when I went to see the onc it was all worthwhile because she told me that my scans were clear! YAAAAAAAYYYYYY! I’ve had a slight cough for weeks that I kept trying to tell myself was nerves (it got a lot worse the morning of my chemo, then was much better afterwards) but underneath I was pretty convinced that the CT would find something in my lungs. Massive, massive relief and cause for huge celebrations!

I feel the need for a meal out too, although I haven’t got a big appetite with the infection so maybe I should wait until I can eat and am allowed alcohol again (it doesn’t go with codeine and mega antibiotics, sadly).

If you’re having a meal out and a drink, have one for me!!!

Jane xxx

Alto, fantastic news on the clear scans!! I’ll raise a glass for you tonight!! Pxx

Thanks Peachez - you go for it!

Glad the scans are clear, Jane. BC is enought without the rest. I hope the infection clears up soon.

FEC2 today and another 3 hour + wait. Not only that, when I arrived right on time, there wasn’t even a chair in the waiting room. The chemo unit has been moved into a vacated ward, and while there’s lots of room in the treatment area, there’s only a small waiting area. I offered to go downstairs to the main reception area to wait, but the receptionist wouldn’t have it. In fact it was getting on for 4 before the waiting area started to clear and I was one of the last to go in. This is getting ridiculous, because the wait is much longer than the time it takes to prepare the FEC. A nurse, unlike the receptionist, told someone else it is ok to leave the area if they have a mobile number.

The actual treatment may have been a tiny bit quicker with the PICC, but not noticeably. The chemo pharmacy has not been moved along with the chemo unit, so the nurse phoned my prescription through for me to pick up. Well, after 5.30, some people still in the unit, and I discover that the internal door into the main reception area has been closed, so I had to run around the end of the building to go through the front door, and the reception people told me the pharmacy had closed, as though it was my fault–presumably I should have dragged the apparatus down 2 floors while treatment was going on? Fortunately, the pharmacy was not closed and my prescription was waiting for me. A nurse was there, collecting for the people still upstairs. I was ready to make a scene, though.

I find there is a point in unexplained delays when it becomes very difficult to stay calm and stoical.

The nurse has booked all the rest of my treatments including the PICC maintenance for 9 am, so it will be interesting to see whether there are further delays on the order of the ones I have had so far.

I’m a bit hyper and shaky from the steroid as before, but expect to collapse into bed early. When the righteous indignation cools, I’ll probably be all in.


Cheryl, that sounds like a difficult day. I hope they’ll get themselves sorted out a bit before next time. I have the district nurse coming once a week to care for my picc. I think that is fairly standard in my area. They also help with getting you extra things from GP like diflmm and laxatives etc. Going to hospitals and surgeries should be kept to a minimum for us. You should have a word with your GP and see what can be arranged. I think we all need a bit of pampering through this chemo malarkey. Hope you have a good night. My sickness meds have been changed and I feel much better this time.

Grear news Jane! Everything is such a worry. It’s great to have something to smile about for a change x

Janipi, having a district nurse come round was given as an alternative, but I agreed to go to the hospital as I live fairly close. With 9 am appointments, I hope there won’t be so much delay, and then some of them will be combined with chemo sessions.

I haven’t had even queasiness so far, but my head is buzzing more and I’m not sure how long it will take to get sleepy. No sign of crashing yet! That’s another problem of getting treatment towards the end of the afternoon or early evening–not so much time for it to wear off.

I’ll see if curling up with a book helps me to unwind and get sleepy. (I know it’s early, but I’m really not good for much at the moment.)


I’m the early bird this morning; decided it wasn’t worth trying to get back to sleep half an hour ago and that I might as well get up and take the 12 hour tablet. I wound up reading in bed quite late–dozing and waking for a while.


Greetings Fellow FEC Folk

Cheryl- what a day you had hope it only gets better from now on. Like you I prefer the early appointments. I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight and have an OK week.

The cap is a good idea- I woke up yesterday to find a few hairs on the pillow for the first time. I wish I had put a cap on last night as when I woke up this morning the pillow was covered. I couldn’t help myself I pulled my hair and a whole clump came away. I just kept plucking, it was so strange to feel nothing and see my hair disappearing into the bin. Better there than down the drain as I believe it can cause blockages. My daughter is coming this afternoon with clippers. I still have a wispy covering and look as if I’m eighty despite feeling really well and young!

Sarah- welcome back- 35 under 8’s- wow- I hope you have some helpers and that the hair stays in place – you might be tearing it out by the time the party has finished- good luck

Jane – great news that the scans are clear- what a relief. Glad the antibiotics have done the job re the cellulitis you don’t need that on top of everything else.

Peachez- have a great night out tonight – will you be wearing a white jacket?

Maria – I’ve been out and about this week because I felt well. I say go for it and enjoy your walk and pub at the end if you feel like it.

Janipi- keep drinking! Glad you’ve got through FEC 2 – hope you have an OK week- that’s 2 down and ? 4 to go- nearly halfway there. Bit cold with no hair isn’t it?

Biff- welcome to this thread- when do you have FEC 2?

Pattimi and Deb -how are you doing after FEC2 - thinking of you.

All the best everyone- Diana

Now that I’m a little more alert–

Sarah, I’ve had sudden dizzy spells as well, aside from up and down too quickly at church. I’m not quite sure why; one was just sitting in the car. Noise? Wobbly chair? Being jostled? I’m glad your dinner was brought to you at home.

Maria, I haven’t been out much lately, but I had a very nice salad lunch with colleagues (salad is a normal lunch choice for me), a carvery meal with the choir, and we have had mild stir fries and curries at home. I just have to check for things like peppers and too much onion. Some chinese food should be just the thing; you might need to select more carefully.

I had to pick a lot of hair which I hadn’t noticed before out of the washing machine when I did the bedding this morning, so I think I will have to go on wearing a cap at night. I need to brush the cap out as well. The nape of my neck is the most patchy–if it weren’t falling out, I’d have a trim there anyhow, and possibly a few places look thin, but I’m not even trying to brush the remainder over.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I’m ok, just a bit slow and not feeling my best.


Ragamuffin; my pillow was covered this morning too! Am still hanging on for the meal out tonight, but maybe clippers soon…not looking forward to it as really feeling the cold!!
(And apparently I’m still sane, so no white coat)!!

janipi, glad you’re feeling better this time

Cheryl, take it easy, no wonder you’re under par with all that stress yesterday, hope you’re feeling better soon.

Hope everyone has a pleasent/se free weekend xxx


Hi all.

Welcome biff to this thread and ggod luck.

Jane -so glad to hear your good news but sorry to hear you have been through the mill.

Re: cold caps - I had one for 1st fec and am on day 19 and still have my hair and don’t appear to have lost much. I realise I could still lose it all but you never know. Went to wig shop today and have ordered a nice wig and I am going to wear it on nights out even if I keep my hair as it looks so much better than my normal hair (with cold cap you can only wash your hair once a week and have to leave it to dry naturally so no straightening irons). Just hope I do keep my hair at least until the wig arrives. Also bought a cotton night cap again just in case.

Re: going out- I went out last night for a meal with my oh and last week with 2 girl friends. I have been fine but get tired even from a trip out where all I have to do is eat. But I think it’s worth it. I am building in regular social events as I think it’s a positive thing to do and my oh needs to get out as well ( mind you I make sure he goes out with the lads on a regular basis).

Have to say I do feel more tired than normal even in week 3 and in fact I felt more energetic in week 2. Am wondering if it’s linked to the steroids as I had some real highs in week 2. Am going to raise with the hospital next week.

I have the in laws staying this weekend and so far no offer to cook a meal for us, so they won’t be down again until chemo over! Am building up my energy to make a spaghetti Bol. My oh is being great and taking charge of the kiddies so I can’t complain.

Good luck for all of you having fec this coming week.


I agree about the tiredness… I am way more tired this week, I thought it was supposed be the good week?? Been out for 4 hours, trip to see the parents and tesco to buy food for sons party tomorrow and I am wiped out… I don’t think the cold weather helps, saps you of energy just going outside… Even down here in Cornwall it was -1 this arvo… Bring on the summer that’s what I say!!! Xxx

Tiredness hit me too unexpectedly 2 days before chemo and I had made plans I had to cancel. There might be something in the steroids. I’m playing this game one day at a time at the moment. x

I found that I needed to rest more after everything, even an easy night out with friends. This has actually been a fairly busy week with me, with 4 appointments in total, two of them fairly long and involving procedures and I was pretty tired before the chemo session.

I found going out in the cold wind even for a short time was hard, too.

Next week should be a lot quieter for me, so I’m not going to push anything until I feel more energetic. I hope I’ll be ok for choir on Thursday, though.

It looks as though we all need to rest a bit more, and concentrate just on things that are really necessary or enjoyable, and go by what our own bodies tell us and not what someone else does.


Cheeks are turning bright pink again, so I guess I’ll be red again by morning.

I’m very cheesed off because a concert my DD is playing in was supposed to be webcast, or part of it, and it’s over an hour past the start time, so clearly nothing’s going to happen beyond 2 boring publicity photos on a black background. I couldn’t go because of the distance and chemo yesterday.

Oh well I’d better clear up and start getting ready for bed.


Hi ladies thought I’d just pop in with an update, had a hard time with the constipation Wednesday!!! But been smashing since. Ventured into town Thursday, visited Bravissimo and now have real bras that fit me and the wobbly (my name for the prosthesis) into boots for lovely face creams ( anyone else got dry & spotty skin, oh wrinkles too but can’t blame bc for them) wandered into John Lewis for a bacon gutty and a jaeger cashmere jumper leapt into my hand, well it was a sale and it’ll last ages, sorry ladies I sometimes miss having someone to make excuses to. Oh there was a sale in tie rack too so got several scarves to play chemo chic with.
Friday had a quiet day waiting for GP and district nurse just to sort out sick notes prescriptions line care etc. Then went out with pal for meal out and cinema to see the kings speech, really good film.
So all in all not doing bad at all, oh yes new room coming on apace, carpets tuesday, sofas Wednesday la la la life is good, hope I’m not going to fall flat on my face.
Best wishes to all enjoy the good days, hope the side effects are kind
((((hugs)))) Pat

Good morning, all. I’ve got the first small thinning-to-bald patch at the back of the top of my head, near the end of my parting, along with the straggly edges. Not too noticeable, but scarf time is drawing near.

Red face is fading, I think, but still getting shaking hands–the dex, probably, but at least I don’t have to take that for long.

I am less queasy on this regime. I can eat more normal meals, but the queasiness comes on if I go too long without eating or drinking something, so I still need a snack or two in between.

I hope you are all well and enjoying the weekend. I need to go down and sort out some lunch following a nice long chat with DD2. I think it’s got to be leftovers, Sunday or no.


Trying to summon up the energy for the birthday party this arvo… Shall collapse in a heap no doubt later. Bandana on head, only half a head of hair left!!! Xxxx