Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

Good luck Sarah - birthday parties are an ordeal at best of times, but it won’t last forever xxxxxx

Hope the party is ok. I’m sure the collapse will be well earned.


Pat, The film is good isn’t it? You’ve reminded me I have to get down to be properly fitted with new bras now I’ve got my ‘proper’ falsie too. I haven’t managed to give it a name yet, apart from a very unimaginative one, I definitely haven’t warmed to it, it gets dumped unceremoniously in its box every night - though it is a lot better on than the bean bag effort.
Two weeks post FEC1 I also came out in spots in random places. Some painful. Skin has been drier than normal but am now using stuff from LGFB goodie bag which seems to be helping. Central heating at this time of year is always drying too but I’m sure some of it is down to the Chemo.
Btw, you don’t need to excuse yourself from treats! In fact I would positively encourage you!! I have been playing with some scarves pulled from the back of the wardrobe this morning. (there are a couple of useful scarf tying videos on YouTube).

Den42, I concur with others, I had much more energy week 2 than 3.

Sarah, hope the party went off ok and the entertainer did his/her job! Should be lots of exhausted 8 yr olds by the end!

Cheryl, agree totally about taking it easy. Sorry you didn’t get to hear your daughters concert. Hope you feel well enough to get to choir on Thursday.


Sarah, thinking about you. Well done you for going ahead with a party. Make sure you include the party game where they help clear up lol.You must think of yourself later and have a good rest. I’m Day 4 and I can hardly get up and downstairs so I think you had better pass me over some of your energy vibes. Are we all on FEC 100 or 75? I wonder what makes the decision for a lower dose. I’m FEC 100 and feel like I was hit by a train. Roll on the good days.!!

Hi all.

Re: the tiredness in week 3, I am going to raise on tuesday at my 2nd fec as I had to spend this morning in bed. I took my 5 year old son and his friend to a party this afternoon and I had to have 2 large mugs of hot chocolate to keep me going, even though I sat down and chatted most of the time. As much as I crave the social bit of seeing the other mums it still tires me out. I have to get my head around the fact that it’s not just the boring household chores that are tiring, it’s also the fun social stuff.

For those of you who are always looking for nice body lotions etc I am using the sanctuary body oil spray at the moment. Because I just spray it all over its really quick to use and it is minus the effort of having to rub it into the skin. Also, it doesn’t mark your clothes. It costs £5 from boots.

Re: wig - hair to ware in hertfordshire was excellent. It is only for clients with hair loss and people cannot see in from the shop window. They were considerate and knew their stuff. I tried on loads and they also trimmed my own hair for me for £12 whilst I was there. I am really happy with my final choice.

Good luck to all those with treatment tomorrow and the rest of the week.


Hi Den42
All i can say is snap i spent most of the morning in bed having no energy and very tired. I have had a busy week relations staying and a funeral so i did put it down to this but reading ur post i am thinking it may just happen in week 3. I have my second fec on Thursday. Good luck for Tuesday, take care

hi everyone

I didn’t realise there were different types of fec. Having fec 2 thurs - will ask which one i,m having.

Maria x

Hi guys, having one of those crash days today, FEC2 day 4. It may be the change in steroid dose & timing, so will have to discuss this next vist to oncologist. I know how to deal with mild queasiness, but I had to give up and go to bed mid-morning and will go back there soon. OH fortunately in at lunchtime & brought me an omlette. I’m just too tired and shaky to do anything, even sit up for long.

I was hoping to feel better today, not worse.

Also, my scalp is very sensitive to any pressure, movement, even very gentle brushing to remove loose hair, but at least it’s ok if covered with something smooth. Body hair, inc. lady garden thinning.

Back to bed I think.

Hope it’s better for the rest of you!


Me too Cheryl. Jelly legs today. Have to go to Docs in a minute for ECG as pains in chest all last night and today. Fec is full of surprises. I’ll be glad to get back to bed when I get home from the doctors. I’m going to hang on to my mum (74), she’s taking me FEC makes you feel OLD. She should be hanging on to me.

Janipi, best of luck with your appt… and I dont think our mums ever expect to have to stop ‘mothering’ us… so allow her to revert back to looking after you again, just for a little while!

I am now day 4 post FEC3, and feeling utterly wiped out and exhausted, tho still no fuzzy head, fortunately - that was def. confined to the first session, and was horrid. My mouth is just starting to go claggy again, time to bring out the Difflam. I think I can definitely feel that each chemo cycle is getting a little tougher, prob. because we don’t really get back to 100% in between. Hey ho, all FEC done now, bring on the TAX!

I think the percentage FEC you are on is all down to age and general health before starting… once again, 41 is apparently young and fit (still makes me giggle every time I think of that referring to me), so I’m 100FEC and 100TAX. It also gives the onc. the option of toning it down if it’s too much to deal with. They will have picked what they believe is the best course for each of us, but always query/ask questions… this is your body, so in that consultation, what’s on your mind is the most important thing, after all!

Sophie xx

Just had phone call from hospital. WBC not good enough to do fec 2 on Wednesday… Gggrrrrrrrr…getting myself all psyched up for it. If it’s like this after 1 dose what’s the rest going to be like, obviously have rubbish immune system. Not happy…

I’ve checked the forms I have, and there’s nothing to indicate a reduced dose of FEC. The Onc said at the time ‘you’re healthy enough and young enough (63!) for FEC.’ This could be something to chat to the nurse about, though. I think the first time, the nurse said something about the number of syringes, but by that stage of things I wasn’t taking much in.



I am having FEC and no TAX as I was allergic to it. The FEC I’m having is 90. I went today and asked about the different types. Normally 75 or 100. Taking into account my height and build the highest amount for me is 90, which apparently is very high for my body mass, etc.

As for the tiredness - week 3 caught me unawares! I had this idea that I would gradually feel more well and then normal. I did feel normal, but knackered! Hey ho, least i know for next time.

FEC2 delivered successfully today.

SarahBeara - I have been given injections that I take at home for a week precisely to keep up my WBC, maybe you could ask about those.


Thank you Den42 and Ragamuffin for the welcome- it has been very reassuring reading the threads as the unknown is very scary!! I had 1st fec 20th jan and due round 2 on 10th feb. I was fine on day 1 but from day 2 until day 9 i felt as if i had a constant hangover- does this happen everytime or does it actually settle down any?

All my hair gone!!! Shaved it off last night… Couldn’t stand it any longer, I had lots of hair and was getting sick of picking it out of the cooking… Feels very weird, very cold!!! But I’m sure I’ll get used to it.
Planning a sofa day today, log fire on, some old movies, heaven!
Hope everyone ok with fec 2, I’m waiting to hear when I can have my blood done again and get on with it!!
Lots of love xxxx

P.s my 5 yrs old came in the kitchen and said, “who are you and how do you know my name” … That was a bit upsetting.

Hi Sarah, that must have been a bit of moment for you. It reminds me of a time more than 20 years ago when my son was about three. My hair had gone very scrappy after two babies, so I wanted it all cut off. I told him it was happening, but when I came home after the haircut, he burst into tears, ran out of the room saying “I want my other mummy back”. But he got over it very quickly, if leaving me rather shaken for a week or so…

Kids are “of the moment”, and I am sure your little one will be back to loving mummy within moments, so please don’t brood on it.

Hi Kazza I am due to have my third fec next week then i go onto 3 x tax then radio, mine was also a grade 3. I find that I have felt tired and sickly for 5 days after have really sore mouth and have little appetite so i drink complan soups so at least i get my vitamins and minerals. My hair hasn’t all gone yet its about a number 1. I had a bad chest infection after my first cycle so its important to look after youself. Its really difficult as I think everyone feels something different so don’t compare yourself too much. Best advice is to drinks loads of water as it flushes the fec out, keep warm amd get some difflam mouthwash and use it daily and don’t do anything you don’t want to. I get a burst of energy about 7 days after so I catch up with everything then. Take care of yourself and let me know how you get on.
Sharon xxxxx

Biff - I found second FEC much easier, none of the woolly headed/hungover feeling at all, and I haven’t had that hangover feel with the third dose either… BUT the tiredness has def. come on apace - so whilst it’s fab not feeling ‘ill’… I still don’t have the energy to do anything! I have picked up at around day seven before… so roll on Thursday! The first dose was def. the hardest for me, although I had no real nausea… but the disgusting mouth/foggy brain/lethargy was hard to cope with. I think perhaps knowing what it is like makes a difference as to how we get through the next one… ‘knowing’ that the vile mouth will pass, ‘knowing’ that the fog will clear… it all helps. But do be prepared to get more tired xxxxxxxx

Oh Sarah… didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at your son! Bless him… I’m sure you’ll be able to laugh, one day! My son’s best ever one liner was in a shop, when he was about three, and I’d refused to buy him whatever it was he was bleating on about. Right in front of the cashier, he turned around and in a piercing voice announced ‘I wish my REAL mother was still alive’.


Sophie xx