Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

thankyou cheryl,
the nurses said they would be able to use right arm if needed even though ive have SNB just 4 removed, has anyone had there arm used when undergone SMB?


It’s only when you lose all the lymph nodes that they can’t use that arm. Four nodes isn’t very many.


thanks again cheryl x

Cheryl / Donna
I found it really interesting how each hospital say and do different things. I had 6 nodes removed and they told me that they wont use that side for bloods or the chemo!!! I have had my second fec and due for my 3rd next week and my veins feel really tender and aching… i wish they could alternate each hand the veins may not get so much of a bashing…
Hugs :slight_smile:
Kaz xx

Just to add to that, I only had 4 nodes removed and I was told never to use that arm, blood pressure, blood tests, extra care with insect bites, even putting hands in very hot water…isn’t it amazing the differing advice we are given.
I would dearly love to use my other hand if poss, my whole arm up to my elbow has been very tender this week, I have one spot I can even put the slightest pressure on. Can’t see it surviving another 4 doses!
Shall mention it to my onc. I have my appts 3 days before chemo which although means an extra 3 hour round trip they have time to sort out any issues.
Cheryl, I also had a couple of big dizzy spells after fec 2, even sitting down I felt like I could have rolled off the sofa. It was about 5 days after chemo, do you think it was steroids? I don’t have low blood pressure at all.
I was wondering what difference it makes to the overall end result if you don’t complete the full 6 cycles? The way I have been feeling I don’t think I can face another 4 lots. What if you say no to the last one or 2 …would it have done enough by then? I had my tumours removed before chemo so I am one of the insurance policy candidates. Shall broach the question seriously on Monday at my appt.
Love Sarah xxx

Sarah, I certainly wondered if the dizziness was from coming off the steriods, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have low blood pressure just then. OH has a blood pressure machine from Boots as his was going up for a while, and he has suggested I should try it if I feel very tired or dizzy again. (Of course I won’t be able to find it then.)

One of the nurses put in a note that 100%FEC might be too strong for me, but the Onc recommended keeping on with it in order to finish more quickly and I agreed. Two weeks ago I wasn’t sure how I would ever finish if that was how much 2 affected me, but after I had had a couple of better days I felt stronger about the whole thing. How I feel in a few days after FEC3 is an open question, of course. I’m planning to go straight to bed when I get home this time.

I’m sure you can bring it up, because perhaps something can be adjusted and if you are really struggling they need to know. I suppose I’m in the insurance category as well, but the percentages and the Onc’s recommendation were pretty strong for me. (I had a DCIS as well two years ago.) But as we know, we are all affected differently both by BC and by the treatment. Talk to them, make notes and tell them why it so is difficult.

Best wishes


Sarah, I understand that feeling that you can’t go on. I remember thinking that at times in FEC 1 and 2. Somehow I have and after speaking to onc yesterday I felt better when reassured about some of my worries. I’m not looking forward to tomorrow FEC 3 and I shouldn’t think I’ll sleep much tonight. Onwards and upwards and I will be halfway through. The delights of TAX s e’s next.

Hi everyone

Hi Sarah, I like you can’t imagine my veins going through another 4 fec. It,s looking like the picc is the best option to me.

Excuse me if i,m being a bit thick, but why can’t they use a different vein each time, ie the legs?

I never wanted chemo in the first place, as i have metaplastic Bc (metaplastic has a high recurrance rate but gets poor results from both chemo and rads). My Oncologist just told me i’d kick myself if i got a recurrance and i’d never even tried chemo. On reflection i thought she was right and that’s why i decided to go ahead with it, however small the chances of it working.

It really is a rollercoaster isn’t it? Not just in SE,s but emotions too! When you feel ill - you feel miserable, feeling slight better - get angry, feeling well - on top of the world. start again

Anyway, i hope your all on the up!

janipi, good luck for tomorrow.

Hey ladies i am in full agreement with all of your comments on continuing with chemo i myself keep thinking the same “DO I REALLY NEED ANYMORE OF THIS C*** INSIDE ME”???
But ladies i think we all know that we do need to complete the course… So come on we CAN do this so we must all keep positive and keep our chins up and together we CAN do it… (Oh who am i trying to kid here!!! Its S***)
Keep strong everyone, hugs to all
Kaz xx

Hi ladies

I like some of you feel like abandoning the chemo as fec2 was pretty bad and I was not up to leaving the house until day 8. I also do not trust myself looking after my 11/2 year old on my own due to light headiness, so am booking her into extra days at nursery which I feel really guilty about but I know she needs to be safe.

Re the veins, I know I have said before but the port catheter does avoid the vein thing. I did struggle with how I felt for a few days after insertion but my chemo is pain free and I’m really glad I have it.

Kaz is right though, we need to keep going with this and I just focus on the fact that I will be half way through chemo after next tuesday. I will also be having radio but I have heard it just makes you tired rather than making you feel sick, dizzy etc etc.

Good luck ladies

Den42 x

Keep strong everyone! FEC 3 all done. Nice smiley nurse today in contrast to the miserable drippy nosed one I had the last two times. What a difference it makes. She answered all my questions and chatted away instead of “I don’t really know” response last time. I feel so much better being halfway and after chatting to her feel much happier about tax. She says keep talking to us we can find a solution for most se’s so don’t worry. Same woolly head and fluttery tum but feeling good it’s for the last time. Den 42, don’t feel guilty about extra nursery days. I couldn’t care for a young child with this chemo head on. I feel my head is detatched from my body and the body can’t keep up. Take care everyone I think we’re doing just great. x

well done janipi on your 3rd fec,i hope the se stay well away from you, my second is on tuesday, do they use the same vein then?
love and hugs

Hi all
Donna they used a different vein for my 2nd fec and i have to say that they did have to have a couple of goes to even get a vein!!! Hopefully they will get yours straight away… I have my 3rd next thursday but the way my veins and arm are feeling at the mo i dont want them coming any where near me!!
Good luck for your next dose of cocktails… just keep ticking them off
Kaz xx

hello ladies,

kazza, how does your arm feel? if you dont mind me asking

I dont mind you asking at all Donna… my veins on the top of my hand are tender, my wrist aches and the top of my arm up to my elbow is tender it feels really bruised!!! Do you have the same feeling??
Kaz xx

My arm is soooooo sore, 13 days post chemo it is worse than ever. I tried carrying a basket round tesco today and didn’t realise that was a bad idea.
Yeah, why cant they use other veins in your body? Surely it’s all going to the same place??
Thankfully am feeling pretty normal otherwise, so shall enjoy these feelings till next Friday. Am debating going out scarf less on Saturday for lunch with a friend… I bought what I thought was a tasteful scarf today, and a usually sympathetic friend asked me if I had a firearm with me as I looked like an Israeli Mossad agent!!! Ha ha i did laugh… My wig is still on the chest of drawers, can’t face putting it on… My 8 yr old said what’s the hairy thing in your bedroom mummy, it looks like someones head been chopped off !!
My sentiments towards those will children, small or otherwise is take every offer of help be it friends, family or extra sessions at nursery… Both my boys went to friends for a sleepover on Tuesday night and it was bliss not having to get up before 7! I had the house to myself, oh in London till tomorrow night…
Off to bed now, small 5 yr old in with mummy tonight, nice to have someone warm to cuddle up to, dread the day they are too grown up for hugs. Xxxx

sarahbeara - my eldest is almost 17, and he’s still not too old for hugs… just these days it’s my head that reaches his chest…lol…

Sophie xx

A record! FEC3 was finished in less time than I have previously waited. The nurses have persuaded the pharmacy to prepare the chemicals for the 9 am appointments before people arrive, so I was called in after less than an hour’s wait and finished around 11. It means they have less delay throughout the day as well.

Cuppa and a nice rest next.


Wow thats speedy Cheryl well done you, half way there!! (i think)?? I hope mine goes as speedy next Thursday :slight_smile:
Have a good rest now and hope the se’s are kind to you
Take care
Kaz x

hi everyone

Keep rested up for a few days Cheryl. I,ve been advised that doing too much in the first few days while taking steroids causes a bigger crash afterwards on day 4 and 5.

I know it sounds masochistic, but i really can’t wait for Thursday now, just need to get to that half way point. Will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel then. BRING IT ON!

I hope everyone is in good spirits and se’s not causing too much trouble, We,re getting there and we can do it - we,re strong!

Maria x