Anxious about starting FEC in Jan :(

Well done Cheryl!! That’s 50% done…hope you feel fine or at least not too bad for the next few reading that you are already half way through has perked me up as it doesn’t seem so long since this thread was started and we were counting down the weeks never mind days till fec 1.
I’m with you Maria, just want to get to next Friday as quickly as possible now. Planning a trip to the Eden Project on Sunday with my boys and some friends, it’s a fair old walk to get down to it but there’s a lovely outdoor cafe I can perch myself at with a good book if I get too knackered and the others can run off and enjoy themselves, I shall sit and admire. fingers crossed for some nice spring like weather. hugs to all xxxx

P.s thanks fro the eyelashes Sophie, they are fab…my 8 yr old came in the lounge with them on yesterday, he looked quite beautiful worryingly!!! LOL xx

Half way already seems unbelievable. Remember how worried we all were? We’ll ignore the recovery period after FEC6 just to keep our spirits up! I’m definitely going to ignore the steroid buzz today and tomorrow and increase the rest-to-activity ratio.

Keeping busy during the ‘good’ week helps to bring the next one along and over with sooner, or at least it feels like it, as well as letting you feel like an ordinary human being, not just a cancer patient. I hope everyone gets to their next session without delays; let’s get this over with.


Hello everyone! Hope you are ok and coping well. Day 3 and things all good. I am taking it a bit easy this time. I have been given cyclizine for sickness FEc 2 and 3 and it has been great to not have nausea. I feel like I want to get out and about but will keep indoors today. Have a good weekend everyone! x

Glad to hear the good news, Janipi. I think having treatment in the morning is definitely better for me. I realised, though, that I was up a bit too long before resting properly this morning. I didn’t sleep too badly, all things considered, and at least waking briefly in the night means I sip a bit of water each time, but at 5 I decided there wasn’t much point in trying to go back to sleep as I can nap during the day.

It’s a bit miserable and wet here, so I don’t have much temptation to go out. I’ll just try to get the towels washed, and I think that’s enough work for today.


ha ha, found a positive for having cancer - for the first time in my life I have got long strong nails. Went out yesterday and bought 3 bright coloured nail varnishes. I had a great night last night, glass of wine, fresh cream cakes and experimented with my nails. They look fabulous if i do say so myself! Never had painted nails before. It’s made me feel more feminine, which has been sadly lacking since losing hair in a very male pattern alopecia kinda way lol.

hope your all well

thoughts and love to you all Maria x

Isn’t it great to feel normal and have a good night out? I can’t wait for the good days to come. I am trying to nourish my nails ready for the TAX and they are looking good at the moment. I must remember to get my nail varnish out as that is recommended for TAX,I a have a purplish pink one to keep the daylight out.Hope everyone is OK. Slight annoying toothach today and tired day 4 but enjoying the signs of Spring in the garden. Hope half term isn’t too exhausting for mums. x

Glad everyone seems to be doing well at the moment. I had slightly worse SE’s this time than with FEC1 (queasiness, achy legs and sore mouth), but as I haven’t had an infection this time (touch wood!) I’ve actually recovered better and at 12 days post-FEC I almost feel normal apart from the peculiar mouth.

I’m going back to work tomorrow for the first time since before Christmas, just for a week and a half before FEC3, then will be off for the next week and a half. My managers have been really great and have told me to take whatever time I need. They’re pleased I’m coming back but I’m only to do what I feel capable of and must stop if I feel too tired. I should be OK as I only work 5.5 hours a day anyway, and as long as I do my hours I work flexibly during the day so can come in later or take a longer lunch break if I need to.

janipi - I’ve been using the Rimmel Nail Rescue that I saw recommended somewhere as good preparation for Tax. I’ve nearly finished one treatment and I’ll do another before my Tax starts in about a month or so, then go onto the dark nail varnish. I’ve got a lovely colour - haven’t worn anything like it for years!

Jane xxx

It looks as though Day 4 is low blood pressure day for me, but at least lovely daughter is here to chat to, and she got lunch and is now working on a big vegetable soup, something we both love. Just the thing for a wet grey day.

Because I not only rested more over the weekend, but realised I might be wiped out quickly today, I was better prepared, so as soon as getting up became tiring I went back to bed for a while, and I have managed to avoid standing up too quickly, even though the need for the loo seems to come on rapidly. I tire quickly, even sitting up, but am managing.

I’ve noticed that my lips are getting progressively drier and need more salving and attention and the inside of my mouth and the tip of my tongue are more sensitive, but so far all manageable. I have had a little more queasiness which I prefer to too much steroid and a sensitive gag reflex when I cough or brush my teeth, but nothing too bad. Nibbling and sipping has kept the queasiness under control again and I think that is passing off in any case.

I hope everyone is coping.


Hi everyone!
Vegetable soup and a quiet day sounds good. I,ve had a duvet day today really. Weather doesn’t help with the tiredness. I haven’t done anything really productive apart from an online tesco shop. I’m finding it frustrating now because I want to be doing things but the body just says no. No it is then!lol

Cheryl, apart from theblood pressure your SE’s sound exactly the same as mine - a little worse this time than the last. I also had slight tingling in my lips and fingertips this time.

My big news is that I went back to work today for the first time since before Christmas! although my SEs were worse with FEC2 than FEC1, not having an infection this time has meant that I’ve recovered more quickly and apart from being tired and having a horrible mouth I feel fairly human.

They were lovely in work - so glad to have me back (even if only for a week and a half before FEC3!) I only work part time and was shattered by the end but glad I did it. Any time I can work now will delay the dreaded drop to half pay after 6 months!

Jane xxx

Hi all, saw my oncology nurse today, they are keeping all my meds the same as last time but have to take the laxatives starting the day before, mm nice!!
My arm is still very sore and I asked about this. He said it would definitely get worse, they will try another vein on Friday and if it is still that bad then it looks like a picc line for me. Not relishing the thought of that but hey ho…
Definitely have more energy than after FEC 1 , I felt rough the 3rd week but so far I’m pretty good this week not even needing a daytime nap. Which is fortunate as the boys are on half term and oh has gone back to London again this morning.
Hope everyone is good, stay cozy and indulge in the duvet days!!! xxxxx

I’ve been doing some work-related stuff from my home computer, which helps keep me from going mad, and possibly benefits others. I hope to be able to get back to it tomorrow or Wednesday, if tomorrow turns out to be another rest day. I haven’t been 100% alert. My big job worry is whether I will have a job to go to next autumn, due to the heavy cuts to adult education and Skills for LIfe in particular. We get very ominous notices. If they offered me severence it wouldn’t be so bad, but I’m sessionally-paid not salaried, which means employments rights are virtually nil. I was only planning on one more year part time as I will turn 65 after that, but still have a child in education.

Glad to hear you’re feeling better Sarah, especially with children at home. I hope they find a better vein, but perhaps the PICC would be better in the end.

Take care, all.


Hi Ladies
Hope you are all keeping your spirits up!!!
Sarah i have the same problem as you a very sore arm feels kind of bruised and the veins in my hand are sore too. I have just freaked myself out after reading your post re picc line… really scared at the thought of this!!! i have my 3rd FEC on thursday and beginning to think that they may not be able to use my veins, i had a tough time on my 2nd FEC as it took them four goes to get a vein. I have just got myself some hot mites and am hoping that this will do the trick on Thursday!!
Did your ong say it was a common problem??
Hugs to all
Kaz xx

Guys - a PICC line is nothing to panic about, honestly. I demanded one (!) as my veins are pretty rubbish anyhow, and only having one arm available now for giving bloods, I wanted to take care of my veins! It’s the epirubicin (E in FEC) that really screws with your veins… so I figured even if I could only cope with the PICC for the three FEC, that would do. It was put in under a local anaesthetic, took less than ten minutes, and has made life a whole lot easier. My OH flushes it through weekly for me, so don’t even have to hang around for the district nurse, all bloods can be taken from it, and it speeds up the time on the chemo ward as there is no searching for a vein.

Downside? The first couple of days after insertion can be uncomfortable, and showering is a pain as you can’t get the dressings wet - but I bought a limbo shower sleeve and that solved that issue. I wear a tubigrip type thing over the top, and it doesn’t get in the way at all.

If your veins are already giving you probs… then do consider it. I’d have another one like a shot, if I had to choose again - and mine looks like it will now stay in until all chemo done…

Sophie xx

hi guys

as you all know i,m also having problems with my veins and about to have fec3 on Thurs. Sophie,cheryl - can you still do everything as normal with PICC line, as in carrying bags, bending arm, doing exercises etc?

Cheryl i,m really sorry you,ve got the worry of your employment hanging over your head. You really could do with out that at the moment. Hope you find out sooner rather than later,so at least you know whats happening.

Alto well done for going back to work. It,s nice to have a bit of normality isn’t it. It will probably make the time go faster, You’ll be at the end of treatment before you know it. I did attempt to go back to work but the first thing i did was cut my finger, then spent the whole night trying to clean hair out of it (i,m a barber). The first blokes hair that i did told me as I was half way through cutting his hair that he had an ear and throat infection. This is after me asking before I started. Decided after this that it just wasn’t worth the worry , so am leaving it now till I,m on rads.

Need the weather to get warmer now. I,ve found these last couple of days have made me lazy - too cold to go out. my snuggle blanket (that i think everyone on the planet got for xmas) is getting a good outing lol.

Maria x

Maria, the PICC doesn’t interfere too much–take things easy with that arm for the first couple of weeks . I don’t exercise it vigorously, so I just do stretches with my surgery arm and shoulder circles and the like with the PICC arm. I can reach and lift and type as normal, but I’m not doing heavy lifting at the moment and not stretching to reach the tops of white boards or high shelves. I have driven. (The PICC is in my right arm and I’m right-handed.) If you need to do more strenuous things, they can also put the line in your chest–the name of the gadget eludes me right now.

It might take a while to get used to holding that arm up while giving haircuts (I cut my OH’s hair, but haven’t done it lately), but I think you would get used to it, and again, the chest wall one might be better for you.


I would rather not need it, but it is better than possibly needing surgery on my veins later on, and must be better than undergoing a lot of pain with every blood test and every treatment. I live close to my hospital, so I go there to have it flushed.

I am a great fan of the picc line now. I do miss a good soak in the bath but that’s about it. I don’t ever feel it or think about it being there. dressing change by district nurse takes 5 minutes tops and she always comes when she says so so far so good. Insertion was painless and I only noticed a slight ache for a couple of days. Go
for it if you can get one. It pays to make things as easy as possible. Well done to the workers on FEC. I haven’t been much help to my colleagues at the momemnt. I teach, but can’t go in as a class of 28 4/5 year olds have every bug going this time of the year. I really miss them.I had a critical illness policy with my mortgage so now it is paid I am lucky enough to talke life easier. I will work half a week from September. I will be 50 then but who knows how I will feel or how treatment and tamoxifen will effect me? Scary stuff. Normal life still feels a long way to go.

It’s not just the loss of a small income from work, it’s losing the contact with my students and colleagues, which was why I was cutting my hours gradually. As tiring as it can be, it’s hard to give up teaching if you love it.

I suppose it might be time to go back to volunteering, or perhaps to think about giving private lessons at home. But as you say, Janipi, it’s going to be a while before I can think seriously about any of this.

I don’t stay too long in the bath, but by resting my PICC arm on the side I can keep everything dry under the cover. In some ways this is easier than in a small shower cubicle where it’s hard to keep that arm out of the spray. Well, showers and baths have to be a bit shorter these dasy anyhow.


I barely remember what normality is??? So looking forward to life post cancer, have told myself the last day of chemo will be the first day of the rest of my life!!!
The whole financial issue is just one more thing to worry about isn’t it. I am self employed, run a B&B and certainly haven’t been able to work since October, as I went straight for recon surgery and that puts you out for a couple of months, then straight into chemo. I applied for ESA but as I stopped working to have children and only started again recently my NI contributions haven’t been enough in the last 2 yrs apparently, sod the fact that I paid NI from the age of 18 to 32 that doesn’t count… I have also just put in a a claim on my critical illness cover ( never thought I’d need it, almost didn’t bother taking it out 12 yrs ago with the mortgage), keeping fingers crossed they pay out, I have heard they can be reticent to cough up the money. I have no idea what my future holds at the moment, right now I just want to sell up and move on. We have a massive house with a holiday cottage attached and I have been running the whole thing single handed while oh works away from home ( I even do all the cleaning myself) and the thing that BC has taught me is life should be so much simpler. I spend the whole summer holidays working 14 hrs a day, ( with the 2 boys to look after somehow) and to say it’s stressful is an understatement. I wonder now whether my exhaustion last year was the cancer or just trying to do too much.
Right now my dream is a little 2 bed cottage with a small garden and a sea view…
Oh yeah, and a dog… And a nice car,… And a month on the amalfi coast in Italy,… And and a and …LOL…
Still, every time I feel sorry for myself I think about the lady I met at chemo last time. I couldn’t even tell you her age, she had been BC free for 4 yrs, ignored her bad backache, went for 5 yr mammogram and it was back and in her bones. She has been having chemo once a week every week since October. All she does is chemo, sleep, chemo, sleep… I felt so bad for her, she said herself. It’s no way to live.
On a brighter note my boys are still in their jammies, it’s half term, no school run, and are watching top gear on Dave, talking about Mercedes and brake horse power… (that’s my 5 yr old and nearly 8 yr old mind you!!!) brilliant…seems the days of cbeebies are already a distant memory.
Signs of spring are everywhere down here, snowdrops and crocuses in abundance…hooray, bring on the warm weather, wouldnt it be lovely to sit in the garden with a cup of tea and a good book for half hour in the sun.
Love to all xxxxxxxxx