Anxious after mammogram recall


I was diagnosed with Grade 2 ER and PR positive HER2 negative invasive ductal carcinoma in Nov 21. I had a lumpectomy followed by 9 sessions of radiotherapy and take tamoxifen. I had my third follow up mammogram on 31.12.24 and had a phone call about 10 days later from the BCN to advise my that the mammogram was showing something in the same breast as my previous diagnosis that requires further investigation. I have been booked in for a stereotactic core biopsy on Thursday (23.1). I am feeling very anxious about another cancer diagnosis. I know it could be nothing but having been down this road once before I am finding it hard to think about anything else. I keep telling myself how could it be bc again - I had clear margins after my lumpectomy, I had the radiotherapy and I have taken the Tamoxifen. Has anyone else been in a similar position? I know that if something has returned I can deal with it as I have done it already but I feel sick with worry.

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Hi @ruthieh

Welcome to the forum. I’m so sorry that you have been recalled for a mammogram after your annual checks. It’s something we all dread. I had a bilateral lumpectomy in July 2023 and only had one annual check up which was clear. As we have all experienced with our bc diagnosis we won’t know the facts until the biopsy results are in so you will have a wait until you get them. You still have a few days until your biopsy and it will be hard to distract yourself, but maybe try to think of something nice to do before. Walk in the park, sea etc, meet friends for coffee or lunch, treat yourself to a massage. Something that will make you feel good.

I noticed you have also posted in the ‘Ask the nurses’ section. May be a chat with one of the nurses will help 0808 800 6000.

Be thinking of you. Let us know how you get on.

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Thank you for your kind words. I will try and keep myself busy this week. I learnt to crochet when I was off work following my cancer diagnosis and have a blanket to finish. I will get that out.

Thank you.

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I’m sorry you’ve been recalled and understand your natural worry. It happened to me after my 4th annual mammogram and it’s inevitable to think the worst even though one’s more rational side realises that’s a recurrence is unlikely given one’s particular cancer, treatment and prognosis. I also had a biopsy under mammogram ( hideous experience but doable) and the suspicious areas turned out to be a mixture of calcification and scar tissue. All clear after my final 5th mammogram and I’ve now completed all treatment I sincerely wish you a positive outcome too.


That’s a positive outcome. I am hoping that it is something like that too. You have a reassured me that I need to be more open minded and not fear the worst. Thank you.