anxious after treatment

Hi, just wondering if anyone constantly worries about any ache pain after treatmant? Over the past couple of weeks I’ve had pain in hip which disappeared when I started to feel as if I had a ‘lump in my throat’, can’t actually feel anything, and no pain or trouble swallowing (so not helping me with my battle to loose weight!)and when I’m busy I realise I don’t notice it!I’m wondering if I’m getting over anxious and these are symptoms of that? Anyone else experienced something similar…or am I slowly going crazy? I was fine throughout treatment but am finding it harder several months after treatment, and think esp difficult as one of my friends who I went throught treatment with has just been diagnosed with secondaries.Anyway sorry to moan but it helps to ‘talk’ to someone about it…and thanks for ‘listening’! It’s a lovely sunny morning so off for a walk.
Best wishes

Dear Smiler, I think many of us have those same feelings after treatment. I had backache for ages and was convinced it was something!
But it was backache and went off. I think the anxiety is something we have to grapple with in our heads and try to keep rationalising it. Before BC we have all sorts of aches and pains that come and go and we don’t think it’s anything sinister.But once my body has let me down, it’s only natural that I worry. But are we to spend the rest of our days worrying? No way, I think as I said earlier, we have to get our heads around this. I find for me when I get anxious and I can’t push it away, I will do a relaxation tape and that helps a lot.
We all have to find our own ways of coping.
Hope this is helpful

I have to admit, last week I was a bit gastric and kept getting mild acid stomach couple with a dull ache under my right ribs which scared me a bit. This went on for a couple of days and I found some stomach pills my GP had given me when I was on chemo. I took one and after an hour burped very loudly which sorted everything out, so I guess it was just trapped wind. I had counselling last year as I was scared of going down the route of thinking every ache was the cancer coming back. I have met a couple of ladies who were unfortunately affected by this at a group I attended for a year until recently; it was really having a major effect on them and they were finding it very difficult to try to get on with life, one of the ladies had gone back to work and the fear of aches and pains was affecting her ability to do her job. My oncologist did say that they find some patients have various aches and pains that they never really noticed much before cancer and they become heightened after the end of treatment.

Hello Smiler

I am lucky to have a wonderful GP who is very understanding so when I talked to her about how low I felt and how anxious I was at every ache and pain (and there are many) she decided I seemed depressed and agreed I had been through an awful lot, so its understanding to suffer a sort of post traumatic thing.

So I don’t think you are moaning, you are not alone but I think we just learn how to live with it without it affecting our every day life.

If its any consolation, tonight I saw a News article on channel 5 about a young girl of 9 who has had several brain and spine tumours since the age of 5, she’s beaten the doctors prognosis and has bounced back and is such a happy little girl, she made me feel quite humble.

Good luck and hope you find some comfort soon

P x

Thank you all so much for your helpful comments. It really is a comfort to share thoughts and worries with people in similar situations, what would we do without this site?
I’ve joined a yoga class on friday mornings and i come out of that feeling great, so maybe your suggestion of relaxation tapes would be good, thanks for that Leadie.
Peacock I think we went through chemo at about the same time, mine finished in November? Hope you are feeling much better, your gp sounds great.
Take care and thanks again for your comments.