Anxious and Worried Sick

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Hi, sorry to hear of your worry. I am surprised you are having to wait 3 wks for an initial appointment as I thought they normally aimed to see you within two weeks, so maybe that is a good sign! I know it would be pointless to say don’t worry as your mind will be running through all sorts of scenarios but all I can say as someone who has been through breast cancer, diagnosed Jan 15, surgery Feb 15 and now taking tamoxifen and as far as I know fully recovered, is that if you do have to face it(which you hopefully won’t ) you will find a way to cope with it and you just have to take it a step at a time. This site is a real support as well as it is very reassuring to talk to others who have been through it. Best of luck and I hope your news is good when you visit the clinic. Nic xx

hope all goes well. all the best

Thanks to those that responded and to the person that sent me a hug. I have now been given a pre-assessment date in early January and hopefully surgery will take place within two weeks of that appointment. God Bless