Anxious. Appointment Monday.

Hi all.
Have been reading this inspirational forum for the past week but have just decided to post myself now.
I’m 37. Have two children. About 3 weeks before Christmas I discovered a lump in my left breast. I wasn’t too concerned and thought I’d just leave it a while and ‘see how it goes’. Wasn’t sure if it was connected to my cycle or not, but have been through two periods ( v. light as in mirena coil) and it’s still there!
Went to gp last week and have been referred to the breast clinic this Monday coming (3rd feb).
Was coping really well and trying not to think about it, but the last couple of days I’ve been really snappy at my family and eating everything in sight! I’m just starting to feel really nervous about the appointment. My husband is taking the day off to come with me. I know they will ask about family history, but I don’t know it as haven’t told my mum as she is such a worrier and suffers from high blood pressure so I don’t want to have her worked up incase it’s ( hopefully) nothing to worry about.
I was diagnosed with a fibroadenoma about 9 years ago ( only by ultrasound ) in my right breast. This lump in my left feels different. I’m also getting intermittent pain in my left breast and armpit. Also I can only really feel it with my hands facing forward, as if from behind. Or if I’m laying on my right side. Sorry for the long post, just feel better writing it all down. So anxious for Monday. Sarah x

Hi Sarah
I am sorry to read that you have this worry, please feel free to call our helpliners to talk through your concerns on 0808 800 6000, lines are open during the week 9-5 and Saturday 10-2

You may find the following information link to the BCC ‘Worried about breast cancer’ pages helpful too:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi Sarah


 I am also 37 with two children and was diagnosed on the 8th January and was devastated.  I will say though waiting for the biopsy and the results was the worst, once I got the diagnosis my anxiety lessened!! Have no idea why, just needed to know if it was cancer. I have since had a lumpectomy with slnb (nodes underarm checking)and am now waiting for the results of this. Waiting again is horrible but for me easier than the wait for initial diagnosis. The feelings you are having are completely normal so don’t feel bad, you are bound to be snappy, and if you eating everything in sight until your appointment is over then so be it. We all deal with anxiety differently and you are experiencing a really difficult time, be kind to yourself, its hard, really hard…


Hopefully you will receive good news and beable to look back on this as a horrible experience, but if you do need further support and advice this is the place to be. Take care Sarah and try and keep as busy as possible , one thing I have noticed over the last few weeks is time has flown. Good luck for Monday and fingers crossed, Louise xxxxx

Hi Louise.
Thank you for your reply. I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. It must be absolutely terrifying to be told. I know what you mean, it’s the waiting and not knowing. It’s constantly on my mind. I’m sleeping fine, but finding that I’m always tired.
I’m so glad that I’ve found this forum, so if I do find myself being diagnosed I can talk to others in the same situation. It’s very comforting knowing we’re not alone in this worry.
Thank you for taking the time to write to me Louise and I do wish you all the best on your journey to recovery. Hugs. Sarah x