Been reading through lots of forum posts third weekend and decided to be brave and post. You are an inspirational bunch!
I’ve had a swelling under my arm for a few months, then last week noticed some other changes so went to doctor and had an exam. She found a lump (that i still can’t feel despite much poking and prodding - is this normal?) and referred me to the breast clinic.
I am an anxious person at the best of times, but my anxiety has been off the scale waiting for the appointment to come round (this Wednesday)
I live alone with my asbo dog, and I am worried sick about everything. How will I cope of it is worst case scenario, will I be able to look after myself, my dog, will I be able to cope with treatments or operations. My dad passed from oesophageal cancer 10 years ago, I went home to nurse him at the end and it was the worst experience of my life.
I am not really sure why I decided to post today, I’m in a permanent state of fear panic and guess I just wanted to get it off my chest - sorry.
Waiting is the hardest part, I’m new to here as well, waiting for some test results today. I find my brain is in over drive and one minute I can be telling myself it’s fine and the next how would I tell my really anxious 12 year old if it’s not? I don’t have any advice or experience to offer you but just to let you know that you are doing the right thing in getting it checked out, the majority of people do leave the breast clinic with news that it is nothing to worry about but even if it is sinister then you will be in the right place to get it sorted. There will be people and organisations to help you through if you do need it. hope it all goes well tomorrow, and try to keep yourself distracted.
There are many different (benign, i.e. non cancerous) causes of lumps so try not to panic too much. It’s good that you went to the GP and are being referred to get it checked out. In the meanwhile try to do whatever helps to distract yourself and/or relax you. Walks, gardening, listening to the birds, yoga, mindfulness, baking, talking to friends, whatever helps reduce your stress levels.
Rolo - good to hear your results were clear - it’s always good when women post to say so, since it helps others being referred for checks to see they are just that, checks.