anxious...trying to stay positive

haha, no…can’t for the life of me remember…but it stuck out enough at the time that I knew what was coming when he said the second time!

Hi Girls
My results are due thursday and I’m a nervous wreck. My core biopsy results came back negative but they wanted to take the lump out. After surgery the consultant said it was undefined and he had taken some surrounding tissue for a further biopsy and to prepare myself.
So after the initial elation of good news after the core biopsy I’m down in the dumps again.
It’s so bloody hard waiting. The house is a tip and I’m drinking too much!

Chrissie xx

Hi Chrissie, Im new to this forum, Glad your core biopsy came back negative.Im waiting for my results at the moment, Had my fibroadenoma taken out under anaesthetic on Thursday with a biopsy aswell.
I know when I had ultra sound before and mamo report set it was 21mm by 21mm benign then it said I have fibrocystic breast disesase aswll.
I Hope it does come back Benign,but I just have a big doubt at the back off my mind that it wont,How long do test results take, When I left hospital all I was told is that my consultants secretary will be in touch with an appointment for me,and that was that,and now Im left in limbo playing the waiting game x

Hi Dids
My results are due Thursday, 2 weeks after the op. I called the consultants secretary to make sure I hadn’t been forgotten and she was able to give me the date there and then.
Had a really crap day today, this bloody worry is really getting to me, but I forced myself to sort the house.
The surgeon told me that mt my fibrodenoma wasn’t one and that he had taken surrounding tissue and told me to prepare myself. GREAT!
Good luck with your results.
Chrissie xxx

Hi Chrissie,I know how your feeling, I try and keep myself busy to stop myself worrying about it,Its the dreaded phonecall Im dreading,Is it normal to wait 2 weeks for Biopsy results?.When I had cervical cancer in 1999, I went in to get sterelised on the wednesday where they took a Polyp off, then on the friday I get the phonecall to tell me to come to hospital as soon as possible and bring some one with me,Thats when I was told I had cancer turned out to be a 3cm needed radical hysteectomy and lymphectomy, no radio or chemo were needed and Ive been clear ever since.,Now its just my boobs that are the problem.They get very itchy,does anyone else suffer from itchy boobs, its reallt embarrassing at times.
Fingers crossed for Thursday,
Take care Dids (di)

Hi Di
My results for the core biopsy was 1 week. I wonder if this time it’s 2 weeks so he can get a look of my boob now it’s nearly healed.
I had dodgy smears for years and was checked yearly at the hospital. In the end I had treatment (2 years ago) and since then I’ve had yearly checks at my GPs and so far they are clear, and no more dreaded chair. Oddly enough I had never been frightened over this, but I’m terrified this time. Maybe as I’m older, who knows!
Not had any itching, maybe the heat isn’t helping.
Chrissie xxx

I didn’t get the phone call to book an appointment until two weeks after the biopsy, and then the appt. time was one week away. Looking forward to Thursday’s appt. at least I’ll get an answer - possibly! But it will have been three weeks from biopsy till results. I think that if they have the results and they are negative when htey call you for the appt., if it’s negative, then they SHOULD be able to tell you this! The woman who did the bookings though did mine by voice mail and was the Doctor’s PA so likely couldn’t say anything anyways. ho hum - two more days…
Re the itching - I have constant itching all the time - but that’s 'cos of psoriasis - I don’t know that I’d notice if there was a new itch!
Been up tonight finishing off wallpapering a jungle mural in kids bedroom - all the boys are having a sleepout in their playhouse with dad and kids movies out there, neighbours kids over…so a nice quiet night in here!

thought i,d send you a big cyber (((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

thinking of you, bet the kids love their new room!! take care of yourself,

love mel. xxx

Love the idea of the rest of the family sleeping in the garden. You clever girl you! ha ha

I’m so glad to say that I am NOT in need of joining the next group up on the forum. The sample was benign, an inter ductory papilloma - which is what the ultrasound tech told me at the first ultrasound. What had concerned her was the ‘mass’ above it…and yet the doctor doesn’t know anything about that. So, they said that ultrasound and mammo was fine, and that the sample was benign.

Relief first…and then anger at how I was told I would be getting a letter in the mail if all fine, otherwise another appt. would be made. Well, once that appointment was made, I felt for sure it had to be malignant. But - good news is always welcome.

Since this scare though - some good has come of it. I’m currently considering volunteering for the coordination of the annual Terry Fox Run. This young man’s life was a story of strength and determination - and many years after he succumbed to cancer, his family are carrying on his dream throughout the world, raising much needed money for cancer research. Unfortunately it looks like London’s run this year may be cancelled due to no event organiser - so I’ve been in touch with his sister in Canada (she used to be a neighbour of mine there) and am wondering if I have the ability to take on such a project. We never know when we might be the ones relying on the research to ensure we reach our full life’s potential.