
So I’ve always checked my breasts and felt confident about what was “normal” at a routine doctors appointment l ended up having a breast exam and my gp wanted me to get a few things checked, everything was normal but I’d not even noticed them so I became really scared of missing something, in the last 13 months I’ve been to the breast clinic three times, all referred from my doctor, the last one just a month ago where the specialist said he “absolutely couldn’t find any signs of cancer” but I’ve done my monthly check and already I’ve found new lumpiness, my boobs are large and very lumpy with lots of thick tissue and I just worry and constantly prod them if I notice something that logically it just feels like normal breast tissue, can anyone be more specific about what a lump to worry about would feel like? Thanks ladies

Hi Tania,unfortunately there are so many variations in how breast cancer can manifest itself (I had no symptoms at all) it is difficult to answer your question .Has the Breast clinic given you any explanation for your lumpiness?Are you of an age when you are seen for routine mammograms?If not it may be worth asking to be monitored more regularly given how anxious it is making you .

Hi Tania 1,

I am sorry to hear you are going through this anxious time but it is great to see users have already been along to show some support.

If you would like to talk about this you can call ourhelpline at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about the lump you have found and offer a friendly and supportive ear. The opening times are below.

Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Late opening Monday and Wednesday 5pm-7pm,
Saturday, 9am-1pm

Easter opening hours:

Thursday 24 March, open 9am-5pm
Friday - Monday Closed 
Tuesday 29 March, open 9am-5pm

Best wishes, 


Hi Jill, I’m 36 so no regular screenings yet, the consultant said it’s perfectly normal at my age to have lumpy boobs due to hormonal changes and all he feels is normal breast tissue, he reassured me that anything sinister would feel very different to the rest of my breast tissue, the new, I suppose it’s a bump rather than an actual lump, does feel soft and when I really poke it it seems to separate, I can only feel it if I push really hard, when I just use the flat of my fingers and gently feel I don’t notice it, which is why I’m reluctant to go to the docs again as I was examined four weeks ago and told this x

Thanks Lizzy

Why don’t you leave it a few weeks and see how it develops .It is easy to get paranoid when you have had a scare,but just because you have investigations that turned out to be nothing before doesn’t mean you should ignore something that is worrying you either .

I think Jill I’ll keep an eye on it and if it does get bigger or I show any other symptoms I’ll get it checked, I’m on the pill so at my next check up I’ll definitely book a breast exam in.

Yes, do that ,but if it changes /gets bigger /doesnt settle down go back.