Anxiously waiting - again

This waiting game is the worst bit. First you wait to go to clinic. Then you wait to go for biopsy results. Then you wait for surgery. Now I’ve got an appointment to go back for the results of WLE and SNB on Monday. Waiting again.

I don’t think this bit of waiting will be as bad as the waiting for biopsy results but if I get bad news again it will be massively disappointing. Also, I’ve kept busy in the other stages - but not so easy when you’re tired and sore.

My thoughts and wishes are with you all, at whatever stage. I realise I’m lucky to be at this early stage with lots of hope. Take care, Looby

I know what you mean - it’s just a series of waiting at every step of this game. So frustrating! Good luck for Monday and hope you get favourable results.

Hi Looby,

It’s terrible waiting isn’t it! I managed to get hold of my bcn and had a long chat with her before I got all the results. Dhe was very good and supportive.

I hope that all goes well for you.


Hi Looby I’m behind you all the way, both in wishing you all the best with my fingers crossed for you and waiting for my results on Wednesday. I am going to think positive for both of us, love Jilly xxxx

Hi Jo and thanks - Was the bcn with you when you got your results? She was with me for the dx. Did you get all the info you needed from the doc or do I need to ask the bcn - although I’m guessing she won’t tell me anything before the appointment?

Are you sleeping any better now? Am worried about you - I have fallen asleep at wheel before and come off road. Not to be recommended! Looby

Hi Jilly ooo - did you have WLE & SNB too? I had two nodes taken. I’m going to be a nervous wreck this weekend. I’ll let you know how I get on - will you do the same. Wednesday - what time? Looby x

Hi Looby,
just want to wish you the best of luck I found the waiting to be the hardest part so far! I have finally got my results after having found the lump at Easter. I didn’t realise how stressed I was till i broke down in tears as she told me what I actually had. Thankfully Grade 1, tho in 3 places and in 2 nodes out of the 19 they took. The long term prognosis being that there IS a long term prognosis.
But I had convinced myself that the reason they weren’t telling me was because it was bad news…very wrong. So don’t be downhearted, stay strong but let yourself get some of the stress out if you can.
My consultant kept saying “do you have any questions?” but I didnt know what to ask, so I have started to say “is there anything else I should know?”, seems to work better that way.
the very best of luck and lots of hugs coming at ya throught the ether,

Thanks Gill - I’m sure I will blub too. I’m usually worse if it is good news - out of sheer relief. That sounds really stupid, but true! Whatever happens I know I will deal with it but I have had a year of illnesses and could really do with some good news!

What treatment are you having now? I hope things are going well for you. I know what you mean about the questions thing - I had questions but were they the right ones? Your suggestion sounds excellent. I’ll borrow that if you don’t mind.

Many thanks, keep well, Looby

Got my results this morning.
Grade 1, 12 mm,clear margins, no spread to lymph, ER+ maximum 8/8
I don’t think it could be better! Have an appointment to see oncologist for discussion regarding radiotherapy on Wednesday (speedy or what!) and will also be put on Arimidex. Def no chemo.
I am so pleased but also feel very lucky (and it is a lottery). Fingers crossed for all of you still waiting.

Hi Looby

Just wanted to say I’m pleased your results good and you don’t need chemo. I had a grade 3 but clear margins and no spread. I’ve also got an appointment on Weds to discuss further treatment. Already on Letrozole and I’m hoping it will only be radiotherapy but BC nurse has already suggested it might be chemo. Not sure how I’ll cope with that but if that’s what it takes…

Hope you get on OK.

Hi Smileyface!

When did you start your letrozole? Don’t know anything about this so does your GP prescribe it? My cons. said today they would write to tell my GP and that I would start Arimidex soon - but not sure how it happens. When was your op? Mine was 11 days ago. Would they have put you on letrozole if they were going to give you chemo?

Anyway, I hope you don’t have to have chemo - but you’re absolutely right - if that’s what it takes… I read that the single biggest factor for a positive outcome is clear nodes so you’re right there with that one.

I’m assuming you had WLE as you mention clear margins- has it healed up OK? Mine was only v small lump picked up on mammogram - but the wound decided to leak all over consultant today when he took the dressing off - a build up of bloody fluid. Nurse - a dressing…no, some paper towels now … no, a bucket (!). Just his joke! He did say it might continue to do this for a while which will be annoying - I just want to get this damn dressing off.

Let me know how you get on on Weds. Looby

Hi , I am so pleased for the ladies with no spread. We are waiting at the moment. My Mum had 1 of the 3 sentinel nodes positive , so was in surgery again 5 days later. We picked her up today and boy does she look well! Now we have to wait to see how many extra nodes (IF ANY HERES PRAYING!) are positive.

I am due back in work next week after using most of my holidays, but I feel I need to be with her so thats what I am planning to do.

All the best to you all xxx Suzy xxx

Suzy - call your local CAB, you may be entitled to time off to care for dependants, which includes your mother. Unfortunately, it’s unpaid. But at least you can be there for her with the full support of the law.

All the best to all
Sue xx

Like all of you I am waiting for results. – and feel that for the past 7 weeks a huge " pause" has been put on my life. One of my problems is that I cannot see WHY the results take so long. Are the delays just due to lack of funding/staff for the pathology depts- or could some of it actually be administrative convenience?

It must be known that all these anxiety - raising delays are at best unhelpful and at worst positively detrimental to the emotional welfare of patients. Surely it is inappropriate for us to just accept that a wait of 2 weeks post surgery (lumpectomy and Sentinel node in my case) is OK?

I have also been told that the results will take 2 weeks following surgery so maybe there is a reason why it takes this particular length of time or maybe there are just so many people who are now being picked up by routine screening and it is just down to sheer volume of work for them?

Hi all

I was told when I was waiting for my core biopsy results that they could ring me with them if I wanted as soon as they came through. I chose not to because I did not want to receive the news when I was at work.

It was explained to me that the waiting would be similar for the pathology tests (and it was - six/seven working days) and this is because, although they have the results a couple of days earlier they have a team meeting to decide how you will be treated and so that you see the appropriate people when you are given you results or that appointments are made etc.

When I got my core biopsy results I met with the surgeon straight away and walked out of the hospital with a date for the WLE and SNB. When I got my path results I got given an appointment to see the oncologist (different hospital) - scheduled only two days later.

So, yes waiting is the worst bit - but I’ve been impressed with how quickly things have dealt with after receiving the results. I’m now due to go for my planning appt (ct) for radiotherapy and the actual rads starting 12 August.

The thing that gets my goat is why the hell don’t they email stuff through to GP’s - I got told that the instruction to start me on Arimidex would take two weeks to get to my GP!!! Talk about snail mail!

Looby x