Any advance on Best, Best, Best ?

Hello lovely ladies!

For anyone who doesn’t know I had a bit of a downer for a couple of weeks (probably due to very low blood count and treatment delays) but am now well and truly through it - thank goodness as it was horrible. Looking through the threads many people seem to hit a low. They can be fine for weeks and then just “hit a wall” or “read something and it sends them into a spin” etc

When I was just replying to a thread just now I found myself writing this and then I thought I’d remember it in case I needed it in future and then I thought that other people might have some positive phrases that they would like to share …

so this is mine …

Best, Best, Best
The doctors do their best.
We do our best.
We all hope for the best!

Anyone else?

We can do it!
Lots of love and thanks for al the support
FizBix xxxxx

When I was dx last Oct it was the day before my wedding and we were asked to cancel our honeymoon to start chemo.
One thing that my BC nurse said to me and I tried to live by is

Cancer will be a part of your life now, but don’t let take over all of your life.

So I gave it my honeymoon - which we are now having in July- but I was damned if it was having my wedding day and we had a fantastic day.

So although it has been hard at times I have not let it have all of my time.

Keep strong ladies and you will get through


Hi FizBIx

When I was dx last Nov, I had my op on 13 Nov and had kinda worked out from booklets etc etc that they would give me a reasonable amount of time to recover from the op before they started my chemo - like after xmas I thought !!

When the BN told me that my chemo would start on 28 Nov - I was like - ‘oh no you can’t do that - I wanted a decent xmas before you knock me to pieces’

She just looked at me, patted me on the shoulder and said look at it like this - if you get all this out of the way now they’ll be plenty of other xmas’s you can enjoy.

I tend to think along those lines (mostly ??!!?) with other things now when I get pied off that I’m missing something or can’t do/go places etc.

Someone gave me the following verse not long after my dx - and though I initially thought it was a bit too religious for me (no idea why) I certainly agree with most of the sentiments.

Cancer is so limited
It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot erode faith
It cannot eat away peace
It cannot destroy confidence
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot shut out memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot reduce eternal life
It cannot quench the spirit
It cannot lesson the power of the resurrection

If an incurable disease has invaded your life,
refuse to let it touch your spirit.
Your body can be severely afflicted and you may have a great struggle.
But if you keep trusting God’s love, your spirit will remain strong.

Magz x