I am really fed up (understatement) and confused today.
A brief history. In early 40s and saw a dimple in February although couldn’t feel a lump. Was seen in March, mammogram then deeper compression mammogram, ultrasound and core biopsy. Diagnosed end of March with IDC and put on Tamoxifen and had a WLE early April and lymph nodes removed. Early cancer and 15/15 nodes clear. Tubular breast cancer.
Started radiotherapy about 3 weeks ago but 2 days before I started I had a concern about my breast as it had been feeling slightly painful and I had found a lump about 1cm on opposite side to WLE. Saw 2 BCNs and chief surgeon who dismissed my concerns and said all was well and to go ahead with radiotherapy. After today I only have 5 booster rads to go and thought I was near the end of my journey of treatment. I met my oncologist for the first time on Monday. Very nice lady who I told about my concern with my breast and said despite being told it was fine I was still concerned. As soon as she felt it she asked if I had had an ultrasound and when I said no my concerns had been dismissed said she would get me referred – that appointment was this morning. After an examination and an ultrasound I have been told it is a lymph node that is causing me the problem and that I need a biopsy which I cannot have until after my radiotherapy has finished. I feel really let down that my earlier concerns were ignored and that as a consequence the biopsy is now delayed whereas if they had listened to me it could have been done before the radiotherapy started. What if it is cancerous and I now need chemo but have had rads first? Does that matter? Also I didn’t know that there were lymph glands in the breast so I thought when my armpit ones were clear that was that.
Has anyone else had similar happen or had problems with lymph nodes in the breast itself?
Thanks and Best Wishes to all. LooLoo x
Hi LooLoo
I am sorry to hear about your the extra worry you now have and in addition to the support you will recieve here please call our helpline to talk things through with one of our specialist nurses if you feel it would help. The lines open at weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2.
Best wishes
Hi Looloo
Lymph nodes are all over the body. Is the lump concerning you near the middle of your chest as there are lots of lymph nodes there. It could well be that the inflammation caused to the breast tissue has resulted in a enlarged lymph node. If this is the case, this is a perfectly normal reaction to the radiotherapy. It happened to me during radiotherapy. My lymph nodes under my arm and chest wall were tender and a bit enlarged. I would imagine that your oncologist is being very thorough requesting a biopsy to be sure all is well. Fingers crossed its ok
Thank you Lucy, I may do that. My list of questions is growing and I thought I had had all my outstanding queries sorted on Monday.
Thanks for replying Cathy. My WLE was on the inside of my left breast about half way up and the node is on the opposite side so outer side below armpit in the top of the breast. The doctor I saw yesterday said it may go after radiotherapy but as it was there and causing discomfort before the radiotherapy I don’t feel I can put it down to the radiotherapy ( wish I could) although that has probably made it worse.
5 days away from finishing treatment
Best Wishes to all,
LooLoo x
Hi Looloo
Sorry - didnt read your first post properly as I would have seen lymph node up before rads. It may then have been up because of the surgery or even the core biopsy. My lymph nodes were so tender right from the core biopsy through rads and only went down some time after rads. I guess I was just hypersensitive to all the treatment. Like you, I pointed out the lymph nodes and they did look at them on ultrasound but dismissed them as a normal event. They have gone down now, so I am not worried. I hope you get some good answers soon.
Thanks for replying again Cathy. I shall be praying that it is down to the surgery or core biopsy like yours were. Take care. LooLoo x