Finished chemo over two months ago fec/tax but my nails keep splitting and are covered in ridges which seem to grow out then come in again with new nails. They are so short I can’t open tins, tie buttons etc which is a pain. Anything I can do to help them recover?
Kelp extract.
2 years post-chemo and my nails were not back to full strength. Mine kept splitting horizontally and seemed to have about half a dozen weak layers.
After 3-4 weeks, I’ve noticed a great difference.
I found Sea Kelp tablets in Holland & Barrett, they are 30mg and 1-3 to be taken daily. They were £1.99 for 250 tablets. Hope they are the right thing - Alloway?
Just popped three and hope for some good results in few weeks will let you know how it grows!!!
Thanks for that, much stronger than the ones I got today. Will order online and take weaker ones until they arrive. Never thought I would be so happy to pop pills!!
well not being one to miss out i will do the same! we should have a nail growing competition see who’s grows the longest… fastest… now i think about it it would be very hard to measure, well anyway i’m sure you get my drift. i wonder how long i can blame my mad ramblings on chemo?
Thanks for this info. My nails are driving me crazy. Splitting and flaking and catching on everything. They look as if a mouse has been nibbling them. I’m off to the herbalist tomorrow.
hi jan, i think everyones nails suffer through chemo. i know mine did, i was out one day i think it was in beaties and they were demostrating some dead sea oil hand wash sort of stuff and then they used hand cream and gave me a massage, but the best part was the buffer they buffed my nails up with, you didnt have to have varnish on and they looked like you had. i found when i used the block for polishing my nails it seemed to strengthen them, and they stopped breaking. i payed a fortune for the whole kit, but my local market had the polishing blocks in a few weeks later for £1 which was the best part of the procedure for me, give it a try you never know.
Thank you. I’ve seen the polishing blocks you’re talking about but thought they might make my nails thin and break more. Now I know that they don’t I’ll get one and start polishing!!!
I spent a fortune on some nail treatment stuff. Like clear nail polish which it said would bond the layers of nail together. It hasn’t worked.
just waiting for my kelp to arrive, hope it all works coz i’m just totally fed up my nails… i used to have such lovely long ones… and they get dirtier when they are short…
I’m fully kelped up 400mg tabs!!! Got 280 tablets for £3.69 from my local herbalist… bargin. Polisher block at the ready. I need really nice nails for the end of July. I’m going to a family wedding in Malta.
Just returned from a week in Malta where nails were splitting like mad. This week they have stopped splitting and now appear to be growing. It is six months since I finished taxotere. Still do not have proper hair. And thin patches at front. Hair fell out one year ago. The effects of all the chemo seem to take a long time to sort. Maybe the hot weather I had in Malta has helped nails!
Finished TAX 7 weeks ago, nail and hair rubbish and am interested in popping whatever pills I can to get back to as normal as poss! Does anyone know if it’s ok to take this sea kelp extract if you are taking tamoxifen? Just a bit concerned as I was so oestrogen positive that I worry about anything that can boost hormone level, sea kelp doesn’t do that does it???
I asked the herbalist if sea kelp was OK with Tamoxifen. He looked in his book and said yes no problem. The problem is if you have a thyroid trouble because there’s iodine in sea kelp. I’m a week into my sea kelp now but I can’t see any improvement yet but early days.
hi just wanted to say i am happily taking my kelp daily… wish i had got your bargain jan.any way no differance yet but i am still believing… it is still early days,