Any advice on visiting farms during chemo?

Hi. I am Mother to two children under 5 and we have a season ticket to a local farm where we can feed and pet animals etc. I asked my oncology nurse whether she thought it ok to visit a farm during chemo - don’t recall seeing anyone else obvious with headscarves or hats etc. She said go for it - but avoid feeding/touching animals. Has anyone else got a a view on this. I have had 1 cycle of FEC so far so might be sensible to see how my counts pull back on this cycle before taking the plunge anyway? Thoughts and advice appreciated.

Thank you.


I think it also depends on how many other people are likely to be there. I do living history as a hobby and was advised not to go to our group’s events this summer as there was a risk of infection due to the sheer volume of people that I potentially would have contact with. My blood counts were always ok, but I can do living history next year with my 2 under 5s.



I’d go Tanya but don’t feed or touch the animals (hard as it will be)!

I was told not to let my dog lick me because the ‘e’ part of our FEC comes out through the skin and the dog can pick it up.

I am going to Devon on Friday (can’t wait) and am feeling a bit apprehensive, but I suppose we just have to get out confidence back.

Hi, I keep sheep and would only touch them with thick waterproof gloves on. I’ve managed not to touch them at all since chemo started (well, they’re not exactly hands-on types of animals!). Hope this helps.

This is really helpful thanks, I know we need balance in our lives but also want to do the right thing to get the chemo over and done without delay.

Do enjoy your break to Devon Pheebster - how are you feeling?

Best wishes and thanks

Tanya x