Any blokes out there?

Hi Jimbo and others. Sorry I only just came to this thread, I am not accessing the forums as regularly nowadays. Like the others, I am happy to give what limited support I can.

We are almost two years on from diagnosis now, having gone through some very dark times, which I blogged about. You can find my blog through my profile here. It is rather depressing reading in places, but the good thing is that we are through the worst now and living our lives again.

Hi JimboJr, I’m a bloke. Not sure how I can help but I have been through the whole loop - my wife (and I) lived, happily with the obvious constraints related to treatment, with breast cancer for 12 years. She died very recently (June 2011). I have a bit of medical knowldge gained throughout this period, and my wife was a doctor, so she understood how to manage the medical profession and carers so she retained control. I cared for her nearly full time for the last 3 months and she died peacefully at home. My experience my well be very different from yours and that of others - everyone is different, but I might be able to help a bit - let me know. Making use of my experience is sort of therapeutic for me too.