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yes i have had radiotherapy to supraclavicular area for lymph nodes.
I Experienced some skin breakdown to collarbone , minor wound dressings needed at first, then plain moisturiser worked well .
Area was sore as to be expected but nothing terrible.
This was over 1 yr ago now, it healed well after about 6 weeks.
I have not had any nerve damage or ongoing problems from this.
There are risks with everything, but my experience was overall positive.
Yes, just completed whole chest and supraclavicular RT (10 days ago). Lovely and brown but now peeling slightly on the boob where I had boosters. No skin reaction in the collar bone area. No pain, just slightly itchy. Continued to wear bra and / or crop top (need support). Used Biafine (specifically for radiotherapy and burns) twice daily. Hope that helps.
Yes, no problems with that area during or after radiotherapy sessions
Best wishes x