Hi, I have just had my chemo information meeting today and shall be starting my treatment on 19th May. It would be great to share the ups and downs with others to stay sane, if nothing else. Also to share experiences, tips and tricks and have a few laughs (and tears) on the way. Due for 6 x FEC75 with radiation to follow - so looking to the end of October to be through with it all. Feeling positive at the moment and just want to get it started - the sooner started - the sooner over! Due at my rather expensive hairdresser this Saturday to have my hair cut off and my wig thinned, so it looks more like my current hair style. Have decided not to cold cap, as I rather spend my energy on dealing with the chemo effects, rather than having to handle the cold. Also much less time spent at the unit. Yes, I am well prepared - dentist done (yuck - lost one tooth) relevant medication-in case of specific side effects sorted, work schedule done (boss does not yet know about the chemo though), nice stock of hats and scarves and new eye make up, digital thermometer and cool bag (for ice lollies) also sorted. Have I forgotten anything? If so - please let me know…
Hi Sue I have popped on from the April 14 thread! I am sorry that you have found yourself as many of us have on this journey! But you have come to the right place! This forum offers support and encouragement from ladies going through what you are! There are still 5 of us from our thread that have kept in contact throughout and beyond our journey. We have our second reunion planned for July!
There is a May thread running and I would urge you to join this as these ladies will be starting up at the same time as you!
It sounds like you have been very organised and are well prepared. Maybe add to your list a puzzle book/ magazine. The administration of chemo is fine you need to be prepared for feeling a little nauseous the first few days and tired. I know ladies that have managed to work through chemo as the cycle goes on you will become more tired and whilst taking the steroids it is difficult to sleep!
I wish you well!?
It’s under Anyone Want to be my Chemo Buddy. Good luck Sue xx
Hi sue I also start fec on the 19th so would love to keep in touch x
I’ve pm’d you x
Hi all,
I’m starting FEC x 6 on 9th June so sound like I’ll be one cycle behind you. Can’t say I’m looking forward to it, but needs must and like you say, Sue, sooner it starts, the sooner it’ll be over. I’m trying to be prepared as possible but it’s all a bit unknown at the moment. I’m not going to cold cap either - too prone to migraines to risk that. One downside of losing my hair is that I’m going to look more like my bald Dad than ever! I’ve asked my husband how he feels about sharing a bed with his father-in-law’s look a like and funnily enough, he didn’t find it nearly as funny as I did Poor man!
Love the cool bag idea. I’ve just been flipping through a chemo recipe book and there are some nice ideas for lollies I was about to make.
Looking forward to getting to know you during the ‘ride’.
Hi I have had my first chemo & due for next one on Thursday. I am feeling quite low about the hair loss which I think normally happens. Trying to be prepared for it but it’s tough. Any advice very welcome. Is it probably best to get it shaved as I have had it cut short but dread the thought if it coming off in my hands. Should I avoid washing it regularly or will it fall out regardless of that? Does anyone feel aches & pains & panic? I feel such a wimp but am petrified. Silvia x
Hi Silvia,
Well done for getting through your first one! Talk to your chemo nurse on Thursday re aches, pain and panic. Chemo effects each of us differently. It may now be too late to have your head shaved or clipped, due to the possibility of a ‘knick’ when shaving. I would suggest checking with your nurse though. Unfortunately nothing will stop or slow much the loss. Gentle washing will feel good, but it will still come out. You could also try a night beanie, which you can get on the relevant chemo headgear sites, it will be more gentle on your hair when sleeping and the hair will be in the hat, rather than all over your pillow.
Sorry for not being able to give you better news.
Mine started coming out this evening …
Hi Sue
Thanks for replying. I have purchased a beanie night cap thing like you said so it at least won’t be all over my pillow as that would be even more distressing to see it all there. I will make a list fir Thursday’s chemo so that I can speak to the nurse & I think the oncologist will be there. At the moment this disease seems to consume all my thoughts & energy but am hoping I time that will go. After the chemo treatment later in the year I am having a mastectomy & some lymph nodes removed. Did you have this? If so how was it? I am inspired by your bravery & it gives me courage thank you x
Hi Sue,
How are you? Well second chemo session was a bit tougher. Probably because I had my hair cropped very short so I felt the freezing cold more. I had big headache afterwards & took panadol when in got home. You were right though I asked the amazing, lovely & kind oncologist I have questions I had & this helped me feel reassured thorough the answers. I also got some medication for the heartburn that chemo can cause which has helped. I am in awe of your attitude it’s great you seem really in control I really hope to get to that point. This forum has helped a lot & I have learnt so much especially how giving & open people have been. I am sometimes what you could calls bit of a loner. I like listening to people & helping them but when it comes to me I am private & more quiet. I am the person who people come to & I listen so it’s not usual for me to talk about me. Except on this forum which has helped tremendously. Thank you for being so honest about your mastectomy. It helps so much when i actually hear about it from a woman who has been through it. I am having chemo therapy then the mastectomy then radio therapy. It all seems so long but am hoping it will go quickly. I haven’t gone full back to work yet but am hoping to go back to work after next week on reduced hours & not travel on the tube in rush hour. I am waiting to lose my hair so like I said had it mega short cropped but deep down I know I am not prepared for it even though I have bought hats caps & wigs. I am dreading losing my hair as vain as it sounds. Anyway it would be lovely to hear from you. I am thinking next week I will lose my appetite & get bad depression as that how it was on my first chemo but it might be easier this time who knows? Let me know how you are getting on as your positive attitude really helps. Thanks for messaging me xxx