Hi there,
Just wondering if there are any immediate effects after having Herceptin that would prevent me from either driving myself afterwards and returning to work the same day?. My first “Herceptin only” wont be for a couple of months but just trying to plan. Im still working during chemo as have had minimal side effects though don’t drive myself on the day of treatment.
Any input gratefully received. Many thanks.
I have had no problems driving after Herceptin. Infact have really been neither up nor down with it. I’d maybe just see how you go for the first treatment.
Well done on working through chemo. You must be a tough cookie.
Had my first herceptin on 6th August. Could have driven myself home but began to feel very achey and tender in shoulders, hips and legs as though I was getting a temperature When i got home 5 hours later. I tried to work it off by taking dog for a walk but needed to take some paracetamol before going to bed. Woke with headache but felt better after more painkillers. Have felt more tired than before and a bit fuzzy headed. It was a loading dose so hopefully next one will be better.
If you’ve had chemo this should be a doodle. Good luck.
I had no problems at all managed to work during herceptin, the very last dose I developed blisters and had to get steroids at a and e
Hi there. I had herceptin number 12 yesterday. No major side effects (compared to chemo!) I usually drive myself there n back. Does make me feel as though I am a starting with a cold for a few days. And my nose runs a lot all the time. Feel a bit achey and tired over the weekend. But know I will feel ok again by Monday.
i have it given over 30 minutes but then have to hang around for 2 hours before I am allowed to go home, so be aware of that if you plan to go into work.
x Sue
Thank you for all your advice and information. Based on my chemo experience working won’t be an issue and hopefully driving too. Take care
The side effects on Herceptin vary depending on the individual so please be open minded and dont consider the negative comments until you have had your herceptin. Iv had little or no side effects except brittle nails. So as Iv mentioned - just be open minded and listen to your body.
Regards and good luck