any one heard of Resveratrol?

FROM WEB- "Resveratrol is a phytoalexin produced naturally by several plants when under attack by pathogens such as bacteria or fungi.

It Inhibits the initiation, promotion and progression of cancer
• An all natural powerful antioxidant that protects DNA
• Restores glutathione (our most important antioxidant) levels
• Increases levels of quinone reductase (the liver uses this enzyme to detoxify carcinogens)
• Has a protective role against the formation of colon cancer
• May be protective against prostate cancer
• Acts as a beneficial phytoestrogen
• Shown to reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) oxidation
• Enhances healing of wounds

MY sister in america swears it helps ‘fight’ cancer ( shes a nurse). Anyone heard or tried it over here??


There was something in one of the Amoena magazines about this, yu might be able to find it online. I know it is an ingredient in red wine, but i think that is only in American wines.

Cant remember much else and i cant find the mag.

Hope it helps


Resveratrol is in red grapes & red wines (not just american ones)

Happened to notice they’re selling it on the Holland & B website but only saw it cos I’d seen this thread - never heard of it before.

Yes indeed, and have added it to the supplements as I cannot eat brassicas or drink red wine.

Whether it is this, or the MMM treatment, my last scan showed definite improvement to liver and abdomen, and my scalp is no longer covered with little tumours.

Ok ladies! It is big in america as is complementary therapy to run along side cancer treatment. My sister is a herbalist and a nurse but when i read about this supplement it does say its a phytoestrogen so assume a no no with E positive cancer?
No idea!


phyto oestrogens are meant to be good and help reduce BC… i entered a research trial 3 years ago for this but not sure what the outcome was… they apparently work differently to oestrogens but will see if i can find a research article which says yay or nay.

found this…

Almost 14 days since my first round of TAC cocktail and almost fit as usual…

Yes i take a produCt called ENOANT

and i think it helps a lot really a lot…

More details on my post :

Home > Community > Forums > Treatment & side effects > Undergoing treatment: chemotherapy > hello from İstanbul / how i am handling TAC :slight_smile:

Love and blessings to all from Istanbul :))


In answer to Lulu’s question about whether it can be taken by e+ patients, the answer I received is yes - indeed, it has been no problem.

Hi all

Just had a read through the link that Lulu posted and discovered that…

…Under the section ‘Food Additives’, there is the folllowing statement;

'There is no research to suggest that food additives increase the risk of breast cancer. Most food additives actually help reduce the risk of cancer, for example, by stopping food going mouldy. ’

:open_mouth: ???

Are they saying eating mouldy food causes breast cancer? Or is this just a bit of sloppy writing? Surely if eating rotten food caused cancer, there would;

a) Be fewer cases of it in the developed world than in the third world, and

b Fewer cases (in terms of percentage of population affected) nowadays than in the days before fridges, etc were commonplace.




Have just been reading a great book - Resveratrol is mentioned in it. Red wine contains many polyphenols including resveratrol. It acts on genes called Sirtuins that are known to protect healthy cells against ageing. It can also slow the three stages of cancer development, initiation, promotion and progression. It says red wine from Burgundy Pinot Noir is particularly rich in Resveratrol. No more than 1 glass should be drunk per day.
The book is extremely interesting promoting the values of certain foods, along with physical exercise, and mental well being.
Hope this helps

Don’t want to be the one to put a dampner on things but there is well established evidence to show that alcohol increases risk of breast cancer. Not sure if it’s all types of breast cancer or only those that are hormone receptive. I’ve made the decision to avoid altogther although I do enjoy a sugar free sparkling red grape juice and love red grapes.

I also didn’t think that that research on resveratrol was conclusive yet in terms of breast cancer. Be interested to know what book you are reading though.

Elinda x

Hi Elinda,

The book is called 'Anti Cancer - a new way of life by Dr. David Servan-Shreiber. I was recommended it by the Breast Haven Centre in London. It’s about his story of cancer, his research and the way in which we can help ourselves through diet, exercise and mental well-being. It takes a reasonably un-biased view of various complementary treatments and diet and does not promote them or dispute them in any way. He aims to give the facts for which you make the choice. It is not specific to breast cancer but to all cancers. Hope this helps.

Thanks for that. I’ve seen a clip of him speaking on the internet and it was very interesting. I cut sugar out of my diet following that and I don’t know about anything else but it’s really helped me lose weight along with cutting out other things.
Elinda x

Re alcohol and its effects in cancer, like so many things moderation is the essence. One glass of red wine taken with a meal once a day is not the level of alcohol intake that is being identified as a possible cancer source - you really have to be on the verge of alcoholism to have reached that. In this matter, you read the material and decide whether it is for or against. There are stands on both sides.

As a post result of both chemo and treatment for lung drainage, my system refuses to tolerate any form of wine-based alcohol. It makes me feel really ill. No wine, red, white or pink. So Resveratrol is a life-saver as I can get the vital ingredient without suffering.

Oddly spirits [in moderation] and fortified wines do not have the same effect.