Any younger women in Shropshire?

Any younger women in Shropshire?

Any younger women in Shropshire? Hi ladies,

inspired by others I thought I would try to find out if there are any younger women based in or around Shropshire?

I live in Telford but have pretty good links to most places, inc the midlands.

Haven’t been to any local support groups yet and may well give them a try, although I feel I may be the youngest there. This is fine but it would also be nice to have a catch up with women nearer my age,



Hi Kelly,

I live in Telford and go to a support group at the Princess Royal called the Pink Ribbons. They meet every 3rd Wednesday of each month, in fact we had a meeting last night. Everyone is welcome we meet at 7.30 pm through to about 9.15, I could meet you in reception for our next meeting if you are interested on the 16th May there are several different aged ladies there all at different stages of treatment. Some ladies are many years down the line having fully recovered from breast cancer. Obviously I don’t know if you’d be the youngest there, I am 42, there is another lady there 39.

Hope this helps

Take Care


Hiya Kelly,

I live in Telford too.

I replied to your thread about fertility treatment and thought it would be nice to meet up with some other ladies in the same position.

I up for going to a meeting, not been to any.

Let me know.

Ju x

Thanks Ju & Kaz Hi Ju & Kaz,

thanks so much for getting in touch. I have been feeling quite isolated but now I know there are others like me, that live in sunny telford too, I don’t feel so alone. You forget sometimes that you’re not the only person in your area going through it.

Would be absolutely great to meet at the pink ribbons on may 16th Kaz. I have been attending the Princess Royal for my appts so far, although I’ve not attended any meetings. I’d be grateful if we could meet in reception as I won’t know where to go. Ju, do you fancy joining us? I am so looking forward to meeting other ladies who know exactly what I’m going through,

Hope we can make it a date,

Take care girls,


Hiya Kelly & Kaz,

I’m up for it. What time do you want to meet up?

Ive been having my appts at RSH so have absolutely no clue where to go so meeting in reception would be great.

Ju x

Lets arrange a time! Hi Ju & Kaz,

Don’t know what you think but I guess meeting at around 19.20 in reception could be good if the meeting starts at 19.30. How does that sound to you both?

Have either of you seen the oncologist yet? I have my first appt with Dr Agrawal at Princess Royal on Mon 30th Apr. Although I am seeing him there I have been told my chemo/rads will be done at RSH. Pat my bc nurse tells me he is really nice, I hope so!

Hope to hear from you both shortly,

Take care,


HI Ju and Kelly,

Yes I’m up for meeting in reception at 7.20pm on the 16th May.

I am at the stage where I have had a double mastectomy (Aug 06), luckily I didn’t need chemo or rads and I am now awaiting reconstruction - which is hopefully taking place in May, so may not be able to make May but will do my best to do so.

I’ll keep you informed on this site when I get my date

Hope you are both ok

Take care

Hi Kelly & Kaz

16th of May at 1920hrs is good for me.

I’ve finished my chemo and will be having my last radiotherapy appt on Tuesday (had mastectomy in July last year). Am due to see the plastic surgeon in May regarding further mastectomy and bilateral reconstruction. Am hormone neg so not having any further treatment.

Ju x

Hi Ju & Kaz Hi ladies,

Meeting next month sounds good. I had a mastectomy 4 weeks ago and have my appt to see Dr Agrawal the oncologist next Monday to sort out when I’m starting chemo. Have 6 months chemo then rads to look forward to, NOT!! Mine is hormone receptive too so have hormone therapy to look forward to after all that!

Kaz, if you can’t make it I hope the recon goes well. I am not able to have mine until I have finished rads. Ju, I shall definately meet you at 19.20 in reception. I will give the group leader a call so we know exactly where to go in case Kaz can’t make it.

Take care,



Question on Pink Ribbons Group Does the pink ribbons group cater for those with secondaries too? I live in Shropshire and have struggled to find a support group - I am 42.
Thanks for info
Smartie x

Hi Smartie,

I am also 42, there is a lady that goes to the pink ribbons group who has just be diagnosed with breast cancer for the 2nd time. As I said in the earier links everyone is more than welcome.

Hope you’re ok and can make it to the next group meeting

Take Care

Hi Ju and Kelly,

I will be able to make the next meeting because I had my reconstruction date today and it’s taking place on Tues 22nd May at the City General Hospital, Stoke on Trent - can’t wait

See you on the 16th

Hope all is well with you both

Keep in touch


Hi Kaz Hi Kaz,

great news about your recon date, you must be quite excited, I know I will be when its my turn! I am sure you will be in good spirits when we see you on the 16th.

Having a bit of a low day today. Really keen to get next monday out the way, which is when I see the oncologist for the first time and know when I will be starting treatment. Feeling a bit sorry for myself but to be honest I reckon I’m allowed to once in a blue moon! Have decided I ought to pack in smoking as of today. I only have the occassional mini cigar but thought perhaps I should knock it on the head. Regretting it already as I think that could explain my mad mood!!

Anyhoo, enough of all that. Hope you are well and had a nice weekend.

Keep in touch as I promise I’ll be chirpier next time!


Fab news Hi Kaz

I am so pleased for you, will your op be under the care of Mr Prinsloo? Im due to see him on the 24th of May to discuss recon but have just found out that some women are deferred for a year after rads, dont know if i can wait that long I just want it all over and done with so i can move on. Suppose I will have to wait and see what he says next month.

Had my last rads today am well pleased, no more trips to the hospital till next month hooray. Feels a bit odd though, hard to explain but i almost feel a bit sad, trying not to be scared though as ive been so positive throughout.

Well im rambling now so will go. C u soon.

Ju x

Hi Ju,

Yes, I am under Mr Prinsloo and he is a lovely man.

He is South African and not bad looking either but more to the point he genuinly cares. He made me feel totally at ease when I saw him and fully explained the procedure he felt was right for me.

Try and stay positive

Sending lots of love
