Anybody between exeter, newton abbot and plymouth?

Ps Foxyferret - how dI’d you get on with your yearly mammogram on Monday? X

Thank you for asking Twinnumber. The mammogram was fine, I was expecting it to really hurt as my affected boob is very tender after the rads. It was the first mammo that i’ve ever had that DIDN’T hurt. I was amazed and grateful. Little bit achey today but nothing to speak of.
Only downside was that results will take 4-6 weeks! When I said this was a long time the radiographer said they might come sooner. As I feel only bad news will come sooner I don’t want to hear for at least 4 weeks!
Have you seen/joined the “Spring into chemo in March” thread? If you haven’t found them, please have a look, you will get wonderful support and tips on how to cope from them. Every month there is a chemo thread and the ladies on them all say that it is of enormous benefit to talk to others going through the same thing.
Thank you for explaining the Mustard Tree, make the most of that. Wigs, beanies, scarves, keep your options open but in the end it’s your choice. Glad you had a lovely lunch with the girls.
Once again - good luck - hope your SE’s are small.

Netty - hope all is ok, thinking of you. Hope you’re at home and recovering well. (Don’t forget the exercises!)

So glad it didn’t hurt - I must say the ones I had (the only ones I’ve had) on the day of the tests were VERY painful. However, my twin had mammogramfollowing my diagnosis anod her’s didn’t hurt a bit! Thank you for directing me to the “Spring into chemo in March” - I joined them couple of days ago and it’s really helpful.
all the best

I’ve just counted them up and this was my sixth mammo and the first that wasn’t painful. First five were very ouchy! Don’t know why…can’t explain why… perhaps some radiographers are better than others???
Glad you’ve joined the March thread for chemo. I’m sure you’ll find them a great source of support and useful advice.
Good luck.

Hi Girls,
I’m still around - Got out of Hospital yesterday.
Well what can I say but I’m totally amazed and astounded with how it all went for me.
Last Wednesday was the Op for Mastectomy (LB), SLNB and immediate reconstruction (DIEP) although PS had no choice but to take a fine slither of muscle too.
The operation took eight and half hours, I’ve NOT been in any pain whatsoever, kept under control with Morphine, paracetomal, ibuprofen, then later morphine reduced to Tramadol.
The results are amazing, I am so pleased I chose the immediate roconstruction as mentally (pyschologically) I feel I have NEVER lost my breast.
I am badly bruised, swollen and breast is numb, I was terrified to have my stomach cut from hip to hip, but I didnt need to be, the end result is well worth it.
I have my Histology appointment on Friday to discuss my treatment plan, I have been pre-warned I will definately be on Hormonal treatment and most likely to have Chemo too. Fingers crossed I wont need radiotherapy as this could affect the reconstruction (the lovely job the surgeon has done creating my new breast).
Exeter’s RD&E was good, there main concern was that you were comfortable and not in any pain.
Netty - I hope things went just as well for you too.
Twinnumber - Hope the Chemo went ok today, let us know how it was for you?
Thanks for asking after me Foxyferret.
Best wishes to you all

Hi all,
What a load of lovely messages to come back too!
op went well on monday, ended up coming home instead of staying the night as they were short of beds and there was a risk we could have sat there all day and still not have been operated on - so hubby and i decided we’d prefer to go ahead and he’d look after me at home.
Drain came out today - was so glad to see the back of it!!
i’ve started doing my exercises, and i’ve reduced pain meds so so far so good!
go back on 26th marh for histology results! fingers crossed they got it all,especially as they told me on monday that the lump was bigger than the original mammo had said (well according to the MRI!).
Foxyferret - long may the unpainful mammo’s continue!
sooz - i’m so pleased that your doing well and are happy… good place to be i think
twinnumber 1 - how did the chemo go on wed? have u booked in for the look good feel good class at the mustard tree? on tuesday afternoons?? i’m booked in gor 9th april. but may have to cancel - u could have my space maybe!
as always hugs to you all
Netty x

Sooz - I did reply to you last night but the Gremlins seem to have stolen the post. I am so glad that all went well and you are delighted with the results. Yes, the physcological feeling of not having lost your breast must be good but …eight and a half hours? Good grief. Also very pleased that your pain is well under control.

Netty - also so pleased that things have gone well for you. You obviously made the right decision to get it done and go home. Glad you’re also able to reduce the pain medication.
I still have trouble believing that we can be cut open, parts of us removed and it’s not THAT painful!

I hope both of you have the good old “uneventful recovery”, BUT if you have any concerns about anything at all get in touch with your Breast Care Nurse (BCN) and ask. Don’t wait to see if “it goes away” get advice.

I hope both of you get good news at your next appointments for your pathology reports.
Keep up the exercises!

Twinnumber1 - I hope you’re ok and your se’s are few, please let us know when you can.

Hi Netty, Sooz and Foxyferret
So glad for you Netty and Sooz that your operations have gone so well and that you are both home and sound so happy. I’m sure you were glad to get rid of the drain Netty, I was very lucky and didn’t need one. I did have some seroma fluid build up in the cavity for a few days and I sounded like a hot water bottle sloshing around for a few days but it soon got absorbed. Sooz - 8.5 hr op - good grief! But obviously well worth it. I’ll be thinking of you both for your results appointments. I agree with you Foxyferret that it is amazing you can have bits chopped off with minimal pain! My op seems such a long time ago but it was only six weeks. Doesn’t time fly when you are having fun!
Well my first chemo session went very well - definitely a case of fearing the unknown was worse than the actual treatment. T here was a bit of a delay as my chemo hadn’t been made up but the nurse went through everything again for me. The treatment itself took about 2.5 hours and I didn’t have any bad reactions to it nor the anti sickness drugs etc apart from she warned me one of them could give me the feeling of sitting in stinging nettles for a moment - I did get the weird sensation but it was very slight - thankfully!
I was sent home with a goody bag of drugs - anti sickness, more steroids (I had already had some to start the day before chemo), ones to protect your gut, antibiotics for days 5-14, and an injection (to help the bone marrow produce white blood cells) which my twin sister gave to me today. A bit nerve wracking as it was the first time she had done an injection but it was easy, it’s only a subcutaneous one which goes just under the skin. As for all the pills, I had to buy a diary to enter everything I have to take and tick them off as I go as I would never remember it all!
As for any side effects I have felt slightly nauseous but the drugs have kept it at bay and I’ve been a little light headed. However the nurse said that any side effects I do suffer from will generally kick in on about day 3 so … we shall see. I’ve been drinking plenty of fluids as this helps some side effects (bladder irritation is one of the side effects of the chemo I am on) and eating little and often.
Netty, I’m already booked on the look goof feel good class and guess what, I’m booked on the 9th April in the Mustard Tree. If you don’t have to cancel, I’ll see you there. My next chemo is on 3rd April so as long as I’m feeling ok, I’ll be there.
well, time for bed. Best wishes to you all.
Jess xxx

Ha ha - just seen I called it look “goof” feel good instead of look good.

Hi Girls

That happened to me [FF]with the post not showing (bliming gremlins).

Ha, Netty it is SO nice to have the drains removed. I don’t know about you but its like I’m suddenly missing my little follower! (Nah crazy not gonna miss that)

I don’t like the sound of giving yourself your own injection Twinnumber1. Hope your next sessions will be ok for you.

Today I turned up for my pathology report, clinic was running 35min behind, getting very anxious by the minute. Consultant calls me in “very sorry, but your results have not come back yet” WHAAAaaattt!!! I was gobsmacked! Booked me another appointment for next Tuesday. All the waiting is the worst for me.

Still, I also have the Look Good, Feel Better session to look forward to - booked at ‘Force’ in Exeter (on 9th April too).

This forum is a nightmare for typing things in - it keeps disappearing!
(Sorry, I’m a bit grumpy today and everything is winding me up)

Best of luck to you all with your recoveries and progress.

Sooz x

Twinnumber1 - pleased it went well and you’re not feeling too bad. I’ve not had chemo so can only pass on advice that I’ve read here. Which is…please take your anti sickness meds even if you don’t feel bad as it’s much easier to prevent rather than cure, drink loads of water to flush the chemo through. Ooops just read back and see that you are. Love your sense of humour (Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun?).

Netty - hope you’re doing well today.

Sooz - that is just pants. To have psyched yourself up for for the results and they’re not there is the pits. The waiting room is the worst place to be! You are entitled to be very grumpy indeed. Good luck next Tuesday. ‘Force’ at Exeter are wonderful, they will do anything they can to help you, just ask. They helped me no end.

Twinnumber1 has already started chemo (and joined the starting chemo in March thread) and I think both Sooz and Netty are likely to have chemo. I can’t help you with that as I was lucky enough to not need it. So the best advice I can give you is to join your “starting chemo in…” threads as you will get invaluable support there. As, of course, you will supprt each other on here.

Somehow I get the feeling that I am quite a lot older than all of you (I’m 58) and I strangely feel quite “motherly” towards you all so please let me know how you’re getting on.

hey all,
the difference today is immense! i slept so much better without the drain, i even mananged to get dressed by myself today!! i’m doing my exercises and i even put make up on today!!! i’m getting some sharp pains but i know thats all part of the healing - and i’m not worried as FF had already prepared me.
i agree with you Sooz injections don’t sound like fun! and i know what u mean about the drain… just for a nanosecond i thought ‘oh its gone’… Will be thinking of you on tuesday and will keep my fingers crossed xx please let us know how you get on.
Twinnumber1 - i’ll not cancel the session then, i was just thinking it was a bit of a hassle as i’d have to get the bus from ivybridge, as hubby will be at sea by then and my in-laws don’t drive and i still won’t be able to drive. Really it will do me good to get out and about as i do tend to hide away when hubby is away.
Foxyferret - happy to be mothered by you anytime… and the advice is always greatly received.
i wish you all a fab weekend
Netty xx

So glad you’re feeling better today Netty. Well done on getting dressed and putting the make up on. Yes, little nanosecond sharp pains are normal, nerves regenerating, but anything you’re not sure about… get advice. Don’t take my word for it, I’m not a Doctor!
Don’t cancel your session at look good feel better unless you really have to…I’ve read that they are really good/helpful and the goody bags are really good.

As I’ve said I can’t really help you all through chemo but once you’re all onto radiotherapy (if you need it) I can be back with loads of tips!!

Thanks for all the advise Foxyferret - I will get over to the "starting chemo in… thread
Good luck to you all
Sooz x

Hello Netty, Sooz andFoxyferret.
i’ve not posted for a couple of days as not feeling great. on day 3 the side effects have started which is mainly nausea and aching all over. I’ve taken the anti sickness drugs which has stopped me from being sick but doesn’t really take the nausea away. I’ve just been moping around for the last few days feeling sorry for myself and waiting for the SE’s to go.
Anway, I’m glad you (Netty and Sooz) are getting on so well since your Ops. I remember how good it felt to get the surgery behind you.
Netty - hope your husband isn’t away for too long?
foxyferret - I woud happily be mothered by you but as I am 49 I think it’s a bit cheeky so we’ll go for “big sistered”. The one thing I’ve bad a few chuckles about through all this is that I have been referred to as young for having breast cancer but at 48 I didn’t feel like it.
lots of love
Jess xxx

Twinnumber1 - i hope you are feeling a bit better today… i guess now you’ll know what to expect next time. Not that i suspect that is of much help really!
Hubby is away for a month. He also went away yesterday for a week so my parents have come down to see me and look after me! so far mum has done my ironing and dad is out in the garden!! lol!!
i’ve got a lot more mobility in my arm today but i do worry i’ve got a bit of cording coming as my elbow is a bit tight. but i might just be imagining it!!
Dressings are being removed on wed so at that point i’ll be able to see what i look like! as i was worried about how much of my breast i’d have left - doesn’t look like i’ve lost that much but not sure how much of it is swelling. Should just be grateful i still have it really!!
bye for now

Hallo ladies,
This is “big sister calling” (we’ll settle for that).
Noticed that none of you have posted for a few days. I hope this is because you are all busy doing nice things and not because you are suffering SE’s.
Hope all is going well for you. Thinking of you.


Hi big sister!! (that has a good ring to it!)
i’m alright - did to much and have hurt my arm! so mobiity has been hampered a bit! also means in in doghouse with hubby! oops!
Results day tuesday!! keep your fingers crossed for me!!
hope your ok x

Good luck tomorrow, Netty.
I’ll keep everything crossed for you.
I’m ok, still waiting for mammo results. Mainly at the moment trying to keep warm!!

Hi Netty
Just sending you lots of luck ad best wishes for your results tomorrow.