Anybody between exeter, newton abbot and plymouth?

was wondering if there is anyone out there located anywhere between exeter,newton abbot and plymouth?

Netty xx

Not quite, but nearly, I’m the other side of Exeter. I’ll help if I can and at the least my reply will bump your post into Latest Posts where it will be seen by many more ladies, who may be nearer.

Bumpetty Bump

Sorry, I’m many miles away but don’t want this to slip off the first page :slight_smile:

Jane xxx

Hi Netty
Not far from you, Exmouth.
First time I’ve used this forum.
Due for mx Op next Wednesday with immediate reconstruction (diep).
How can I help?
Sooz x

Hi thank you sooz, foxyferret and alto for your replies and for bumping me up!! lol
i guess i was just interested to see if i could find someone nearby who i could meet up with for a natter - i’m due in for my op on 11th and then i’ll be at the mercy of my hubby and then my mum whose visiting!

Netty xx

Hi Netty
Dont know whether Exmouth is that close to you, but willing to meet up. Looks like we’re both at the same stage at the moment with the awful waiting (roll on Wednesday), I have my pre-op assessment and sentinel node scan being done on Tuesday.
Dont know what to expect at the pre-op so would be interested to hear from others. Also have been warned the radioactive substance that gets injected to locate the main node can sting, anyone wish to share their experience on this?
Sooz x

Hi sooz
Are u being treated at Derriford? i was there this morning for my pre-op. i did not like the swobs up my nose!! but hey i guess things are going to get worse than that!
i go in next mon for my op.
Exmouth is long way from me as i’m in ivybridge, just outside plymouth but hey we’ve found each other now so can keep in touch and maybe meet one day when we’ve kicked this things butt!
hope your doing ok…

Sorry, just that little bit too late to advise you, sooz, about the pre-op and sentinel node radioactive jab. Wish I’d seen this sooner but thankfully not too late to wish you all the best for your op tomorrow.
Good luck to you too Netty.E for Monday. Are you also having mx? Or wle? I had two of the latter so can tell you of my experience with them if relevant but I was lucky enough to avoid mx.
I’m having my first yearly mammogram at the RD&E next Monday, scared stiff but hey ho, just another thing to get through.

Best of luck to both of you, please post when you can I will be thinking of you.

hi foxyferret

i’m having a wle and lymph nodes removed (haven’t learned that acronym yet). petrified as never had op before but guess its one of those things.
and all the best for monday!!!

Netty x

Hi Netty

I had WLE and SNB (sentinel node biopsy) together. I’m guessing you’ve already had the SNB as they are removing your lymph nodes (ANC = ancilliary node clearance).
The WLE never caused a moments problem, the SNB was more painful, paracetamol took care of it. I was really surprised when I was discharged from hospital (day case) with just paracetamol but it was ok.
I can’t say as to what a ANC is like but I do know that you MUST DO THE EXERCISES that they give you. They are really important to your mobility and…if you need radiotherapy you will need to get your arm above your head!
If paracetamol doesn’t work for you get something stronger!
Getting comfortable in bed is a little bit difficult. I found sleeping sort of sitting up was best so I would suggest one of those V shaped pillows and another small pillow to support your breast.
I too was petrified but it’s not that bad (it’s the fear of the unknown!) I’m here on the other side of it and you will be too.
Get on to your BCN (breast care nurse) if you have any questions - they are there to help.

Thank you for the hug and your good wishes for Monday.
I hope all goes well for you, and I hope this has been helpful. Please post when you are able as I will be wondering about you. Good luck!


Hi, I’m not from your area but just wanted to say how good I found Derriford hosp. I was on holiday last year, the 3rd week of 3 week cycle of my fourth chemo when I should have been feeling well. To cut a long story short, I ended up on the oncology ward at Derriford for 4 days due to very low blood count and in danger of infection. They were very kind and the care very good. Hopefully you may not get to experience the oncology dept but if you do, I hope you have the same experience as me.
Best wishes as you start your journeys, I’m a year on from diagnosis,
much love
Gaynor xx

GMT - thank you for your message - i have to admit i can’t fault derriford hospital. they have been great - and long may that continue. it was a shame you had to experience it but at least you had a positive experience.
thank you again for sharing
Netty xx

Hi foxyferret,

thank you for the advice - i’ll bear it in mind and will make sure i do my exercises! especially as i will be having radiotherapy at some point.
i’ve got my comfy bra’s ready, shirts to slip into, and lots of books to read so i’m set as much as possible for monday!!

see you on the other side

Netty xx

Hi Netty,
I found asda sports bras were the most comfy but as I’m pretty small breasted (even smaller now!) I usually went without!
I forgot to say that numbness is to be expected (it’s only now, a year on, that I can feel it when I apply roll on deodorant!). Little niggly/sharp pains, lasting a nonosecond, I was told are the severed nerves regenerating themselves.
Glad you’ve got the shirts, you will need clothing that buttons at the front. I am surprised that I have forgotten some of the things that made life easier at the time. I suppose it shows you that life moves on and we forget these horrible times.

Best of luck,

Hi Netty
I’ve just joined the Forum, I’ve been meaning to for a while now and have finally done it today. I see that you are in Ivybridge – I live in Plymouth.
I had WLE and SNB on 30 Jan at Derriford and it all went very well. Had the radioactive dye at 10 am and then went through the admission admin and then operated on at about 1.30 pm. I was awake by 4.30 and then home by 6.45. I took the paracetemol and Ibruprofen as instructed and also did my exercises and was back at work just after 2 weeks later. My treatment plan includes chemotherapy though and I’ll be starting that on Wednesday (13<sup>th</sup>).
I wish you all the very best for Monday. Best of luck.

Hi foxyferret
funnily enough its the asda sports bras i’ve brought! clearly great minds think alike.
thank you for the warning regarding the numbness and the sharp pains.

i’d take it as a good sign that there are things you’ve forgotten!!

thanks for your messages
Netty xx

Hi Twinnumber1
i aspire to have a similar experience to u! as i could really do with being back at work within 2 weeks!
i’m having my lymph node out so that means i’ll be experiencing derriford overnight!
if you ever fancy meeting up PB and we’ll arrange something - or we can leave it to fate and see if we bump into each other at the mustard tree! ha ha


Hi Netty
I hadn’t realised you were having your lymph nodes out and staying overnight in hospital - I was very lucky being able to go home the same day. I had two and a half weeks off work and then worked mornings only for 2 weeks. Have only just gone back full time and now will be starting the chemo so will have to see how I get on with that. Not sure I’ll be up to much for a while.
would love to meet up for a coffee one day and to have a chat - once you’ve got over your surgery?
Best of luck for Monday.
jess x

Best of luck for tomorrow Netty. Glad that you have “met” someone at the same hospital as you. Hope you can meet up at the mustard tree (what on earth is that?).
Sooz - are you out there ? How are you doing?
Twinnumber1 - glad you’re ok and back at work. Good luck with the chemo on Wednesday, hope your side effects are few.

thank you Foxyferret - a little bit nervous but also “eager” to get it started. Finished work today by having a lovely lunch with the girls. The Mustard Tree is the Macmillan drop in centre at the hospital. I have a wig consultation there at the end of the month but still haven’t decided whether I will have one - I quite like all the beanies etc.
Netty - I hope everything went ok for you yesterday and you are now at home. Take it easy and get plenty of rest.
Jess x