I finished chemo and rads in Jan/Feb 2007. I’ve been taking tamoxoifen for the past year with no side effects. My hair started to grow back properly in June 2007 and I was finally able to go to the hairdresser for the first time in over a year, in December 2007. What I’m now finding is that my head is very sore, around the crown area. I’ve experienced this before, approx May/June when hair was first growing back and again in September. The health advisor where I work (she’s a nurse) thinks it may be related to the hair growth, perhaps some sort of growth “spurt”. My head got very sore when I started to lose hair during my chemo. At the moment it’s so sore, it feels as though my scalp has been cut. Anyone else experienced this? It’s not a problem, bit of a nuisance, that’s all.