Anybody else having minimal side effects ???

Hey ladies although I find the threads useful I find they can sometimes be scary reading. I personally have had a positive experience of chemo, ok may be positive is a bit too strong if a word but I have experienced minimal side effects (nausea and constipation) have remained active and still working full time. While I wouldn’t have chosen this journey it really hasn’t been that bad and would liken the way I feel after chemo to a stonking hangover (I’ve had some shockers in my time !). This site is invaluable but we do all have a different experience and I feel it is really important to those starting out to have some positive experience to draw upon as I now most people look to the monthly threads before treatment to get an idea of what to expect. I think it would be really great for there to be a ‘positive’ thread for them and everyone else to view . Anybody with me on this ? Sxx

Oh and baldness, I forgot I’ve got that too !

Suzie68, I agree with you.  It is very important that we have some positive news to focus on.  For me the journey as the medics call it has not been too bad.  In fact I still wonder how fast the time has passed since I started my treatment - Feb 13.  I worked through the last chemo and all of radiation and herceptin.  I think it is true to say that some days I feel quite tired however I felt going back to work stopped me from focusing all my thoughts on breast cancer.  I still read too much from Dr google which is bad and I need to stop it.  I have four more treatments to do then only need to attend hospital three months, then six, etc.  Regards

I had symptoms of Labyrinthitis which i was about to go to gp for diagnosis but lump showed first. This is where u feel dizzy and floor moves. Chemo stopped these symptoms so thats one good thing to come out of this

What a great idea for positive posts- I agree with other ladies in saying it’s not the nicest experience to have, but I think the fear of it and what you expect it to be like is so much worse, I have also been lucky so far with having manageable side effects, my nausea was brought under control very quickly on first round and helped for the others and in between I manage to work and walk my dogs a couple of miles a day too!!
The hair loss is upsetting at first, but it’s amazing what you get used too, I wear a realistic wig and a beanie around house and now I hardly notice , and of course it will grow back, you have to keep thinking of that!

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Hi ladies
I had my 1st tax chemo with herceptin. It went well and I had no problems apart from a cold
Which seemed to worsen the side effect . Worst hangover ever. Cold now gone but left cold sore . Had 2nd tax today and so far really good just bad taste in mouth. Will see what the next few days bring. Hopefully nothing to bad to come ad I would like to go back to work
All my fingers are crossed . Wish everybody well and great idea for this thread

Glad I’m not the only one was being to think I was a freak lol. While I wouldn’t say it’s been a walk in the park it is definitely doable. While I do feel really quite nauseous for a couple of days after ( had fec 4 on weds) I spend the next 2 days going for walks and gardening to get out in the fresh air which really helps, I think if I stayed in bed in my pjs I would feel worse.

Busyanne I agree that working helps me focus on something other than BC, I would drive myself potty if I stayed at home all day I understand that there are many people who are unable to work because of the setting or side effects and I feel extremely grateful to be able to have kept life as normal as possible. I’ve also found it useful to try and focus on 1 part of my treatment at a time rather than looking at the whole thing, I’ve got 2 more fec sessions and should finish that mid July then 3 weeks of radiotherapy and 5 years of tamoxifen, and am just taking each stage at a time. Wishing you all much love and strength sxxx

Hi everyone, I am so pleased to read all your posts. I will be having my PICC line fitted tomorrow 24/6/14, then chemo starts on 1/7/14. I am extremely anxious about my treatment as I’ve to get 3 Fec and 3 Tax then radiotherapy. It’s so reassuring to know that I could have minimal side effects.
I raise my 8 year old by myself and as we are heading into the school holidays I am really uptight how I will be able to cope with side effects and being there for my daughter.
I will post regularly and keep you updated on how things are going. Hopefully I can say that I am one of the lucky ones that has managed to get through this without too much horrid side effects.

Hi ladies very glad you found this useful, it really hasn’t been as bad for me as I expected. I have my 5/6 FECS on Wednesday and have managed to work full time all the way through (my choice) I’ve been to parties, bbq’s and a spa break and did a 20 mile walk 3 days after my 3rd chemo with no problems at all, you know your own bodies just done what feels right for you and if you feel tired or unwell then take it easy. It’s not a walk in the park by any stretch of the imagination but it is doable and the time flies by. Everyone reacts differently and you cant predict what will happen but I do believe a positive attitude can go a long way. Wishing you all the best with your treatments sxx

Hi WP23, hope things go ok for tomorrow, will be thinking of you x

Hi Wendy how dud you get on ? Sxx

Glad you feel ok (ish). For me the constipation had been one of the worst side effects and have not been able to go to the toilet for a week after each chemo. There is a recipe on here for a ‘go cake’ just put it in the search bar it should come up, it didn’t work for me but may well for you. Speak to your Bc nurse or team they will be able to give you something that will help. I’m on fec and have the last one on the 16th and thdn start radiotherapy in August . The fatigue can get worse as you go on but I’m still managing to do most things. Stay strong you can get through this just listen to your body and rest when you need to sxx