Lots of luck with the scan tomorrow and onc on Fri, honey. And with the chemo of course. Will be thinking of you…Just ring me even if you only want to rant or moan !!!

Liz xx

Hope the bone scan went well - thats a doddle eh? Good luck with the Onc tomorrow - sending big hugs to you x debbie x

Thank you so much for your comments, please keep your fingers crossed for tommorow 10am will let you know xx

hi everybody
just a quick update, i am feeling quite anxious, i am at the onc in the morning, i have had my week break of chemo this week, the first 2 weeks i started on xeloda & herceptin my liver pain settled down, but the last couple of days i have been in pain again, is this usual,i am terrified my chemo isnt working or is it just tumour pain ?, i did feel a bit more settled when i started the treatment but over the last couple of days i just feel negative about things and its so unlike me! think christmas wa keeping me going now im just thinking about it and what if…? need some positive vibes sending please
galen xx

Tons of good vibes from me and good luck in the morning - let me know how you go on.

I slobbed in front of telly last night instead of filing, oh well ! Hope you got some wine…

Liz xx

PS I know our mets are different and I’m not HER2+ but when I started the zometa drip for my bones, they did say I may get extra pain as it can cause tumour flare initially but it’s ‘normal’. Sometimes I do get a little pain a couple of days before my next drip is due.

hiya liz
Thank you so much ,your message has cheered me up, yes i had a few glasses of wine last night and opened my box of harrods chocolates my aunty bought them as a christmas present, will message you 2moro and let you know how it goes
take care & thanks
love galen xx