Hi all,
heven’t been on this site for ages now, after Chemo decided to try and get back to normal and think about it as little as possible.
I went to SJH last September (after begging to be seen for 6 months), was told I would have my op in Jan. Having heard nothing, got in touch to be told “there is no actual waiting list, just a list, it could be up to a year” that was by a few of the secretaries mind you, so now I’m not sure when I will be seen or indeed how much warning I will get.
I have a friend going in next week and know another who has been seen there and they both seem very happy with the surgery. I am just a bit disgruntled by the vagueness of it all and was wondering if it was just me
I think it is as everyone else seems to be getting seen and taken in reasonable time.
Well this seems to have turned into a bit of a rant…many apologies. I was just wondering what lengths of time people had been given between seeing the surgeon and getting recon done?
It’s nice to be on here again and I hope I will return more often, if only to assure people that you do get through all that stress, pain and worry eventually.
When are you ladies due to go for your ops then? I’m hoping for the end of the summer I spose.
Hi Gill
I was seen by (edited by moderator) on Monday & he said his waiting list is currently around 16 weeks.
I’m having DIEP recon…or hoping to…if my CT scan results from this morning come back okay!! :o(
I would speak to one of the BCN’s & see if they can look into it for you.
Good Luck
Hi Curtainqueen,
My own BC surgeon who referred me to SJH said they have an 18 week rule-you can read about it here-( 18weeks.scot.nhs.uk/what-is-18-weeks)-so maybe you could quote this to the appointments clerk. I know,( cos I wanted to delay my op till I can get paid sick leave,)that they are very aware of this target ad I spoke to my plastic surgeons secy very recently and we are looking to delay my ‘entry’ onto the waiting list because of it.
Hope it all works out for you, Good luck.
Hi all,
Very interesting about the 18 week wait. I saw (edited by moderator) on 5 Feb and he said about 8 month will just have to wait and see I suppose. Like you dont know how much notice I will get. Just wish it was over and done with.
Take care
Carolyn x
Hmmm, all very curious that we are all getting different messages. I had a look at the 18week thing but it will not become legislation till Dec 2011! I am going to write to surgeon today and ask for clarification of the situation. Ill let you know how I get on.
good luck to all…
Good Luck Gill
Are your BCN’s at St John’s too? If they are I would call them & see if they can chase it up for you too. I’ve found them amazing & they’ve always come thru for me.
Carolyn, I’d heard the average just now was down to 8 or 9 months, but (edited by moderator) told me his list is around 16 weeks…I wonder if he’s not long started operating at St Johns tho, as I’d always just heard of (edited by moderator)
maybe I will phone and clarify too. Keep in touch with any further developments I anxiously look for an appt every day hoping my op will be sooner than 8 month.
Take care all
Carolyn x
Hi Everybody
I have finally got my date for my surgery, the 15th April. I cant believe its nearly here and starting to feel really excited but nervous at the same time.
I am having an LD flap with a chest expander implant, i have been reading some comments about the chest expander and im a bit worried about it as most of the comments werent very good. Has anybody got any good comments about this?
Thanks Lorraine
Hi Lorrainer
What brilliant, exciting but scary news! Im pleased your long wait has ended. I can’t help with you question about the op-Im waiting for a tram flap at same hospital ,Im sure someone will be along to advise you on here,and Ill be watching your experiences with great interest. Best of luck with your op.
just want to wish you the best of luck Lorraine. I hope it is all you hope for and goes well.
I wrote on the 15th March just asking him to clarify the situation and perhaps give me a guide as to what the waiting list MIGHT be…so far, no response. I am very dissapointed obviously and am seeing my own Doc on the 23rd so hope she can chase things or get me seen somewhere else.
Best of luck again, a friend of mine has just had her surgery there and is recovering nicely now.
Thanks Gill and Cathie your comments are very much appreciated. I was initially told the waiting list was approximately 6 months but i have had a longer wait due to my heart problems. I have an appointment to see the Cardiologist tomorrow 9am so fingers crossed he gives me the go ahead with the operation, but the surgeon and the aneasthetist dosnt think there will be any problems as i am active enough ( never stop running after my 8 year old twins and grandchildren)
Well i will let you know what happens tomorrow.
Ive finally got the go ahead for the operation on Thursday from my Cardiologist. My heart is still a bit sluggish but will be okay for the op.
I will let you all know how the op went when i feel upto sitting by the computer again.
Take Care
great news lorraine… good luck with it
Thats great news about your op. I am so jealous wish it was me. Keep us posted and let us know how you are doing.
Good luck and take care
Carolyn x
Hi lorraine,
Hope you are well after your op. Thinking of you
Carolyn x
Hi all St johns ladies just wondering if anyone had heard anything about their surgery date. I am getting impatient, (i have only waited about 3 months)lol.
Take care all
Carolyn x
Hi Girls
Good to hear from other members of the club lol! My initial appointment was in early Feb when I was told about 9 months, but was recently advised it had increased to 13 mths
,so the wait goes on.
Hope u are all well.
oh dear, what a disappointment though it was going to be this year. Just have to keep waiting I suppose. If I do hear anything I will let you know.
Hope you are all well
Carolyn x
Gave the Hospital a ring and yes its about a 1 year wait, which is a bit of a bummer but it took me 3 years to make the decision, so just have to wait the time. I saw the consultant in Feb so it will probably be about Jan/Feb nxt year before I get my tram flap reconstruction. They did say that could change depending if they have any cancellaions.
Will keep you posted. Take care all
Carolyn x
Hi has anyone had their expander replaced with an implant at St J’s? If so what all happened e g how long were you in and more importantly how long did you wait?
Kind regards to all.