Hi Everybody,
Has anybody had their recon done at St Johns Hospital in Scotland, if so by which plastic surgeon? How did the op go?
I will hopefully be getting an LD flap recon with implants within the next few months. I was due to get it done last September but i have had to wait due to a low heart scan which was caused by Herceptin. I had 10 treatments of Herceptin so my OC has stopped it.
I am hoping to have tram flap reconstruction at st johns livingstone this year i have an apointment to discuss things in feb i would be very interested to hear how things go for you. I had right mast in december 2006 followed by chemotherapy and now on tamoxifen
from Carolyn159
I had a free TRAM flap done there in 2008. It is a very long operation (10 hours) but I was asleep! As my other half said, what’s the difference between 1 hour and 10 hours? I was in high dependency for one night, but that is routine and then was transferred to the main ward, where I was in a single room, which was kept very warm. Apparently, heat helps with the blood supply to the new breast. The first couple of days I felt pretty rough, but on the whole, I had an uneventful recovery, and was in hospital for 9 days. The staff were all very nice and I felt well looked after.
If you want to know anything else, feel free to ask.
Thanks izmark for your comment very helpful who was your surgeon are you pleased with the surgery any ill effects now hope you dont mind me asking questions
take care Carolyn159
My surgeon was/is very thorough and I am very pleased with the result. In fact, it’s a nicer shape than my real boob! I had no ill effects, but I do still have slight discomfort in my lower abdomen. This is where they took the flap from and put in a mesh, in order to prevent a hernia. Apparently, it dissolves over time and adhesions/scar tissue takes over. I can feel where it is as it is firmer than the surrounding area, and it is also numb. It is not painful, but I am aware of it.
Thanks, How long were you in hosp and how long was it till you were up and about. I am not a very patient will be wanting to be active as soon as possible. Were you in a lot of pain after op and how long for. Thanks for answering my quetions i really appreciate it.
Love Carolyn
Thanks Izmark glad to hear your recovering thanks for your comments i am very grateful it is very reassuring and worthwhile speaking to someone who has been down the road i am about to go.
Thanks Carolyn x
Take care x
Sorry for the delay in answering. Anyay, I was in hospital for 9 days. They had to wait for the drainage amount from the abdominal drain to be at an acceptable level, before they removed it - which they did on day 9 and I went home that day. I was up and about gently the next day after the op. Like you, I am impatient and during those 9 days, I did not sit by my bed like a lot of people, I went for walks around the hospital…with my drain! I was not really in too much pain - but they were very good with the pain control. It’s important to keep on top of it, otherwise you will be uncomfortable when moving around. I gradually reduced them when I got home.
Thanks for replying you sound as if you were up and about quickly which is good. Hope I am the same everyone is different thanks again for info.
Hi there yes I had mine on 5 October 09. It was excellent and nursing staff were great.
Slight ‘boob’ (for want of a better word) and I didnt get my pre-med but to be honest it was over before i knew it. I had a tram flap, left sided reconstruction. (edited by moderator) did my plastic surgery and am still not sure which breast surgeon did the tumour and lymph nodes etc… It was 11 hours under.
I was awake and chatting to nurses very soon after coming round and managed to sit up two days later with help. Obviously thats due to me having a tram flap so you will prob be quicker.
I was in for a fortnight but only because I got an infection and like one of the others said due to waiting for drains to reduce.
I loved my stay there and have happy memories of it. I was really nervous but the staff were so amazing and (edited by moderator) is the loveliest man you could ask for in a job like that. There is a hunky surgeon who works alongside and he is also lovely - eye candy lol.
I chose St Johns as they supposedly have best plastic surgeons working there and have to say my recon is great. xxx
Hope it all goes well for you and keep in touch xxxx
Sorry carolyn just noticed your post bout tram flap. Same op i had last October so if you want any advice on what to take with you underwear wise etc and how quickly you will get on the move etc… absolutely anything then just ask.
I am a very active person too but take the advice and take it easy. Dont try to be a hero cos it will just hinder your recovery. By all means get up but go slow and dont overdo it.
I strolled down to the canteen with my four drains in tow and had to get my OH to shove me back in a wheel chair!!! Bit too optimistic and that was about day five.
I am seeing in Edinburgh on 12 Feb again to discuss nipple recon etc…
Hi everyone
I’ve just had my apt at St Johns to be referred to plastics. I’m not sure which duo of surgeons he’s referred me on to at the moment, but I was just wondering how long you all had to wait for you tummy tuck recon after your initial apt with plastics?
I’ve heard it’s around 12 months, but wondering what others experience was.
Hazel x
Hi there not sure your exact circs but I was diagnosed with BC in August last year and got app in early September. I waited 4 weeks after seeing him or maybe 5 before op on 5 October 09. It was six weeks from diagnosis to surgery x
I was supposed to get but he got called away so I think but dont quote me i got someone called Could be wrong but thats the name one of the nurses mentioned. x
if i decide to go for the risk reducing surgery for the brca2 gene i would prob have the surgery at SJH so its good to read about your experiences… at the mo im waiting on an appt to discuss it with my cons once my genetic nurse writes to tell him the outcome.
Just to say i had my appt this morning, very nice man. I am going to have tram flap surgery hopefully this year. There is a waiting list. Hoped to have it done by the summer so i could ditch the prosthesis but hey i have managed 3 years whats another few months. I feel more settled now my mind is made up. Thanks for all the support.
I’ve just got an apt thru for 1/3 at St Johns.
Googled him! LOL
Anyone seen him for recon? My only option is the tummy tuck, which I’m good with…I have plenty to spare after chemo!! Hoping that’s his speciality!!
I’ve been told the waiting list is currently around 9 months, so I might just manage to squeeze in my tummy tuck & new boob by the end of the year!!
I despise my prosthesis too!!
Ive just been for my 1st consult -he’s lovely and so reassuring-he said about a 9 mth wait for tram flap, so im glad Im on the list now.
Hi everton babe
I had my appt on 5 feb and he also told me about 8 or 9 months and put me on the list. I found him very nice. Maybe we will end up in hosp at the same time. I am going to have my right breast reconstructed by tram flap. hope to keep in touch.
Carolyn x
Hi Carolyn159
Nice to hear from you-Im also a right side recon.I was there on the 12th and found him to be reassurring as I just didnt know what kind of op I wanted, but he sold me on the tram flap and had some good stats on completed successful ops, so just the wait now (and the weight loss too!!!)
I might have to delay the op for a month or so till I can ‘work up’ some more sick leave tho. : (.
Cathie x
Hi cathie,
I had hoped to have my op by the summer so i could ditch the hot sweaty prosthesis but i have waited 3 years so another few months wont be long coming round. Mr (edited by moderator) is going to do my reconstruction first then later, reduce and lift my other breast. So i will have a nice new body(i live in hope). Nice to hear from you.
Carolyn x