Anybody sufferred nausea, earache and sore neck

Hi All
Been having rads for 1 week to chest and neck. At weekend felt very sick (now gone) and had earache and sore neck - still there.

Any tips on the best for the aches and pains ?

Will mention it today, but thought I`d see if there was advice from “the horses mouth” so to speak


Hi Jane

Had very similar to you - the sickness still hasn’t gone. Neck is sore and earache and headache. Generally feel a bit demoralised as I expected to feel better once chemo was finshed. Everyone keeps telling me I should feel much better and everything is OK now the chemo is over - it isn’t. Do you have to deal with the same thing?

Anyway if you have picked up good tips re: dealing with rads side effects would be interested to hear.

Are you on hormone therapy? don’t think that helps.

Take care good luck Swanie.

Hi Swanie

Thanks for the note.

Finished Rads today ! Still sore neck and ear but they have said just paracetamol and time.

Today I am on a high of being finished and although I am tired I dont want to miss any of today.

Am on arimidex at moment - not too bad

Good luck


Good news that you are through - i am taking Arimidex and have Xelodine injections - again this does not seem too bad.

I am finding that Ibubrufen has really helped with the neck ache. I have 19 more sessions to go. Counting down the days.

I really hope that all goes well for you in the future.

Best wishes Swanie