Anymore inspiring secondary stories ?

Not Long to go till oncologist appointment. Been a very difficult 3 weeks ! Hoping to feel better when I know my treatment plan . This whole secondary diagnosis so scary ! Any possitive stories which can make me feel a little better ? First thing I think about as soon as I wake up ! Well all the time really it doesn’t go away . Thankyou

hi check out the celebrate thread for some inspiration x

Thankyou will have a look .

Hi lucy
Sorry to hear this
There are loads stay positive.
I was diagnosed straight away with liver mets and had docetaxel and herceptin and when i had my mid scan through chemo my lesions had shrunk by 40%
Which is amazing and still continue to shrink with herceptin.

I also met a lady who at the time said 6 months she was looking at hospices as she could even walk and was to poorly for chemo but just in herceptin she was given the deliful news that the lesion she had was nt detectable and she can walk up her stairs and is enjoying life.

Another lady i know has been given terminal and theyare just making her comfortable but last xmas was her third one

Its scary and you will have bad days were you think the worst etc but its normal and you should allow it from time to time do it doesnt build up.

Good luck keep me informed x

Thanks Lulu, I hadn’t heard of the Inspire forum!

I had a look and it seems to be US-based.  Or is there a section relevant to UK mets ladies?  I do get discouraged because so many treatments are available in the US but not on this side of the pond.