Thank you ladies for all your responses and especially to JaneRA for her very informative response which has put my mind at rest that this type of cancer is no worse or no better than any of the other types of BC out there. JaneRA - I really hope things turn around for you and you start responding to the chemo - please let me know how you get on. I guess the upshot is that having any type of BC is never a good thing and much depends on a number of other factors which determine prognosis. On hindsight, I think the recent spate of publicity can only be a good thing in raising awareness particularly among younger women. It is just very scary when you have just been diagnosed with Triple Negative to pick up a newspaper and then read a heading entitled “The new deadly form of breast cancer” more aggressive with less treatment options. My Onc is heading a trial for advanced Triple Negative patients to determine whether a more targeted form of chemo would be more effective than what is currently being offered. Let’s hope in years to come they will also come up with other options as well as chemo to treat this type of BC. Thanks again and best wishes to you all.
Just to let you know my friend had ER- and PR- breast cancer 8 years ago. She was HER+ but did not have herceptin as it wasnt around then so basically she had no further treatment after chemo ( like triple neg). Just to say she is FINE after 8 years - she has never had any further problem.!
Also I think being HER- is a good thing as my onc told me that it meant no herceptin to drag out treatment for 6 months longer and he said that after herceptin that only puts HER+ people back on an even playing field with HER- people so basicall he said HER- was a GOOD thing.!
Good Luck
Alise x
Good to hear this news Alise…I didn’t know they were rountinely testing for her2 8 years ago and would be interested to know which hospital your friend was at??
best wishes
Hi Jane
My friend was treated at Christies in Manchester. They didn’t tell her at the time she was HER+ but they did know. She was told a couple of years later when she questioned if she could have herceptin but they said no as it has to be given at the time.
Best wishes
Ah that explains it. I thought it would be Christies or the Marsden.
best wishes
Hi Jane,
I have triple Neg BC, all quiet worrying at 1st but now just got used to it. I am nearly finished on 6 months of chemo then got rads to come. Bit scary as then its all they can do but hope they have sorted it out. When i had my diagnosis they tested me and found out i was ER and PR - so i opted for bi lat mastectomy to be on the safe side. Then had tests back after op saying i was HER - to so pleased with my choice. I have had DNA taken for genetic testing but i have know family history so who knows where it came from!!
Hope everything goes well with you.
Al xx
sorry i meant DoyleJ