Hi Kim,
just a quickly on the nails whilst I remember, I was advised to paint them black, really is supposed to help. I bought Barry M mosaic top coat in gold to paint over the black, it looks good.
Hope all s/e are not too bad, will post properly later
Hi Ladies,
The black nail varnish on fingers and toes is recommended for those on Tax. Not as essential for other drugs. It seems it is best to apply a nail strengthener first, then the black (2 coats) then a top coat. If you feel glam you can use a sparkly top coat.
Also, those on Tax and Carboplatin might be pleased to hear that 20% of you won’t lose any hair at all!!! This is a combination normally given with Herceptin.
Take care, Linda xxx
FEC - T Cycle 1, Day+1
Hi ladies, not a great first night, didn’t sleep at all the whole night and was absolutely shattered. I assume it was the steroid although in took it at 6pm so would have expected to sleep a little. Ended up watching tv in bed all night. I also popped a Nytol which nurse says was ok, but it didn’t help. I’m off to see the nurse this morning to gert dressing changed so will try and get sleeping tabs if poss
keep you posted
Pauline xx
Re. Taking steroids during Chemo - I was advised to take any steroid meds before 2pm. Any later would cause me to be awake all night!!! Worth noting for another time.
I took steroid tablets at 4pm after FEC 75 round one and like you, ended up awake all night, watching TV In bed all night! Now I make sure be always take steroids before 2pm and although I never sleep well while on steroids, this way I at least get a few hours sleep, as opposed to none at all!
Best of luck with your treatment - and getting some sleep too! xx
Mejane - Interseting, thanks. I was def told 8am, 1pm and 6pm form steroids but will maybe take the 6pm one a little earlier today say 4pm and then speak to the nurses. Thanks for the tip - dont think I can go another night withought sleep
Pauline xx
PC Martin - yes, it’s probably best to check with tour nurses as we are probably on different regimes/meds.
My steroids are Dexamethasone 2 mg tablets and I take two tablets twice a day for three days post chemo infusion. I am on FEC 75 x 6, am now 24 hours post Fec 4 and am lucky to have minimal side effects, just extreme fatigue some days, but anti-sicknesmesses seems to be working - so Far!
I must say I find not sleeping at night so wecodes get me down too - best of luck with both your treatment and sorting out your Insomnia too! XX Mejane x
I am on Dexamethasone 2mg and take 4 tablets twice a day (Tax/Carboplatin) for 3 days starting 24 hours before. I have been told to take the last ones before 2pm if possible but they must be 6 hours after the first lot, so much depends on what time I get up in the morning! They must be taken with food or you will get tummy problems. I have managed to take my late ones about 2-30 and have no probs sleeping - so far!
FEC-T Cycle 1 Day 14
Hi Pauline, Sorry you had a rotten night (I was the same - not great!). Everything always seems worse too when your tired so hopefully you can snooze when you feel like it today. I am same regime as you FEC-T my steroids were prescribed for 2 days after Chemo at 8am and 2pm, the anti-sickness were prescribed 8am and 8pm. Hope your keeping other SE’s at bay and that you sleep better tonight.
Hope everyone else doing ok!
Had my prosthesis fitting today as I have still been wearing my Softie since my mastectomy. It’s great, I got my dressing removed for last time yesterday so this came at a great time. It’s a nice prosthesis, feels good on and does not move around so I am really pleased with it. Not so pleased with my hair loss tho…although it appears to be coming away all over it is constant - so I need to stop touching it!!!
My Head Strong and Look good Feel better classes on Thursday and Monday are gonna be very timely!!!
Take care all
Love Lori x
Hi everyone,
I went for my blood tests and consultation today, only to be told that I can’t have my chemo tomorrow as planned because my heart scan at my local hospital isn’t until Monday and has to be done first. I’m now scheduled to have it next Thursday at my local hospital. I was absolutely gutted as I’d built myself up to get it over and done with. On the bright side, I’ve got my wig sorted out and I can have some quality time with my husband and kids before they go back to school next week.
I hope you get your sleep sorted out Pauline.
Keep your chin up Lori. I hope the courses cheer you up a bit and help you to feel more in control.
I was told today that the Tax causes problems with your nails so thanks for your useful tip Lola.
Just had first FEC-T and everything went ok. Canular in the back of the hand then nurse there all the time injecting plus saline drip, so wasnt alone and we chatted for the whole 50mins. Had two red syringes and two white. Had 5 tablets to take before we started + the emend I took before going. I have two more to take today, one at tea time and one at night. Not only that my oncologist popped in to tell me that the CT Scan looks clear of any spread. yaay I have been praying a lot for that.
Thank you all. I know its a long road but reading your coments makes me feel part of another lovely family. xxxx
Great news Primrose Hill. I’m glad it all went well.
Hi Angels,
FEC-T cycle 1 - tomorrow
I can’t think about anything else today. Been really helpful to read all your posts. Will def need a sleeping pill tonight. Having chemo through cannula in hand even though I warned them that it’s not easy to get into my veins. It took 3 nurses and 3 attempts to get blood for my tests yesterday.
Decided not to go for the cool cap. Now have short hair.
Pauline sleep well tonight.
primrose hill keep well
Best wishes to all
Diggy x
Good luck Diggy x
Hi all
Pauline - hope you get some decent sleep tonight!
Mel A - I understand the frustration, I had my heart scan today - they forgot to book it so I only found out on Thursday night (how do they forget!), luckily though I don’t start chemo until next Monday.
Primrosehill - glad to hear the first chemo went well
Diggy - good luck for tomorrow!
Everyone else - hope its all going well and sweet dreams for tonight!!
Diggy I know it sounds strange but I quiet liked being there knowing that chemo is giving payback. Also the nurses put a heat bag (one of those wheat bags you heat) on the back of my hand which made my veins stick out. (I was the same as you for blood tests). Then a natter and a coffee. I thought it was going to be worst 50mins ever. But it wasnt, it went so quickly I didn’t even have time to read the two mags i’d bought.
All the best xx
Also thanks Mel A and Spudgirl. xx
Hi Linda, yes it was me scuttling out of the door! I thought I saw you but wasn’t sure. Hope your chemo went alright today and you’re feeling ok. My turn tomorrow and Thursday - eek! Hopefully spk soon xxx
Hi Mamakaz,
Ooooo good luck tomorrow and Thursday. I hope you are as lucky as I was. Both days were a breeze, but I had the port to thank. No pain or discomfort at all. The infusions went in smoothly and without problems. So far, so good. I am still waiting for the side effects to kick in, but expect to be hit by the tank in a day or two. I just missed Tabitha today, too. She arrived a short while after I left but had the same nurse. Weird there are 4 of us just starting at the same chemo unit. Nice though. xxxxxxx
FEC-T cycle 1 day 8
Hi everyone,
Just a short post, felt really emotional all day, I suppose it had too come.
Diggy and Mamakaz, good luck tomorrow
Linda, glad your chemo went ok and you’ve got started at last
Pauline, I was told to take my steroids before 2pm and I haven’t had problems sleeping
Primrose hill, tick box 1
Hope everyone’s s/e are not too bad
wishing you all a good nights sleep xxxxx
I am on E CMF chemotherapy on no 2 having it through the cannula. I have used the cold cap twice and I have to say my hair is shredding a lot, I am finding it very distressing indeed. It is quite short already but I can’t shave it yet.
I would love to hear from someone on the same treatment.
thanks Lori for your post. I got my prosthesis today also!
thanks everyone too.
Debra xx
All the best for Diggy and Mamakax or anyone having there first chemo today. Hugs all round xxx.
Debra not sure what E CMF chemo is but all the best. Hope you feel better soon xx.