Anyone due to start chemo in April? - Awesom April Angels

Fec - day 8

Morning ladies, hope you are all well and welcome to all our new girls :slight_smile:

Feel as though I have turned a corner today (fingers crossed) as cold feels much better. Still on anti biotics and havenā€™t ventured out yet but do feel semi normal again. Linda makes a really good point about docs surgery, Iā€™m sure that is where I picked up this cold!!

My mouth is still very sore inside and sores all around the outside - not very fetching - need to call doc to try and get something better. Iā€™m on Aciclovir at the moment but not doing anything for me. Any suggestions from anyone? Also whilst my hair is not falling out yet, it is completely dead, I canā€™t do anything with it and is like straw - think I will take the plunge later today / tomorrow and shave it off - will let you know if Iā€™m brave enough :slight_smile:

Deborah - nice to hear from you x

Take care all, away for another ice lolly 8)

Pauline xx

Hi Pauline,
sorry youā€™re suffering a bit, I used Corsodyl mouth wash and it worked a treat. Iā€™ve got into the habit of just using it everyday regardless,
hipe you feel better soon xxxxxx

Hi Pauline, I also use Corsodyl Daily mouthwash at least 3 times a day, continuously whether I have a problem or not. It is very good at keeping infections and ulcers at bay. Now you have the ulcers you could try the Cordosyl Treatment mouthwash for a few days. Instructions on the bottle. I also gargle with the Daily to help prevent sore throats. The general advice is to keep drinking water to hydrate the mouth. Then to help with the soreness, mini-magnums!!! (or pineapple - chunks, tins, juice)
Hope you feel better soon. xxx

Hey Amber

You wouldnā€™t believe it - when I got the mouth tabs from my doc last week he told me to stop using cordasyl as it had steroids in it and would irritate my mouth. Iā€™m just off the phone to Onc dept at hospital and the nurse was none to pleased with my doc - ā€˜Is he an Oncology expertā€™ were her exact words!!! So back to the mouthwash will will hopefully do the trickā€¦:wink: xx

Hi Pcmartin
i was recommended Difflam mouthwash rather than corsodyl so might be worth a try. My sister is a dental hygienist and she got me some Duraphat toothpaste which dentists recommend during chemoā€¦apparently it helps keep your teeth and mouth protected through chemo as has more fluoride in itā€¦Iā€™ve started using it today and will continue as it does make mouth feel fresh and doesnā€™t taste bad!

Hi All,
I started my first cycle of FEC-T last monday so thought I would join the group! I then got admitted that night because I was vomiting every 10 minutes and it went on for hours and hours and wouldnā€™t stop. Did any of you have such bad vomiting? Iā€™m hoping they give me some better antiemetics next time. Iā€™ve also been feeling really irritable and wondered if it was the Zoladex injection they gave to preserve my ovaries - did anyone else have this? Iā€™m wondering if it is worth bothering with if itā€™s making me moody.

FEC-T Cycle 1 Day 20

Hope your on the mend soon Pauline, I too have been using cordysil without issues so hope you improve soon.
Went to the Look Good Feel Better meeting today, it was great and I would encourage you all to make an appointment if you have not already done so. Its good to meet others in the same boat and the volunteers who run the course were fantastic. Not to forget the ā€˜goodie bagā€™ We used the contents during the 2 hour session and took it all home at the endā€¦I have to say it was definately over Ā£250 worth of products, astounding generosity from the beauty industry!!

Having my wig trimmed tomorrow hopfully so it will soon be time to update my profilr pictureā€¦not happy seeing that long dark hair then being disappointed when looking in mirror!!!

Hope for those going through cycleā€™s at the moment that your almost though the SEā€™s and those about to startā€¦good luck!

I have my cycle 2 on Wednesday so not long before I board the Chemo Coaster again!

Best wishes to all - Love Lori x

thanks Linda & Kate - annoying thing is that I use cordasyl as a matter of course (pre chemo) as tend to have problem gums but stopped on the advice of GP!!! Hopefullly it will do the trick nowā€¦

Zoe - sounds like a nightmare, so sorry :frowning: Iā€™ve not been sick at all iā€™m also not having any injections. have you read up on all the s/es related to your chemo cocktail? you might get some answers there? hope you feel better soon x

pauline xx

Hi everyone, hope you are all feeling ok today. Sorry Iā€™ve been quiet but had a lot going on over the last week or so. I saw my onc today, scans all clear which is a huge relief. Will be starting FEC-T in 2 weeks so might just manage to creep into the AAAs! Have dentist, wig and headstrong this week so getting myself prepared! Good luck to everyone having treatment this week xxx

Hi Zoe I havenā€™t started treatment yet but my sisters good friend was in exactly same boat as you and was admitted overnight with excessive vomiting on her second cycle she had ondansetron via a syringe driver this was good but still felt v nauseated although no vomiting .
This time they are starting the driver 24 hrs before so hopefully that should help her further again I really hope that they can offer you something xxxlots of love caz

Hi all
Just to warn you that I booked onto a Look Good Feel Better course today and the earliest date they had is 18th June. The earlier you book the better! Glad you enjoyed yours Lori.

hi i had my first chemo 9 april and side effects not to bad, not much sickness but i hkeep getting chronic idigestion, heatburn when ever i eat. i have had this 3 days now and have been taking gaviscon but does always work does anybody know if this is a long term problem or not as 6 months of this will send me crackers. Or if any body knows of something else that works i would be grateful.

Day 11 after Chemo
So went to work today but had a really bad night sleep so was shattered before I even arrived. I must admit it was good being back. They have taken a lot of the jobs from me so I am not stressed and it is nice to think of something other than whats happening.
I must admit tho when I had my shower this morning I had more hair than usual fell out. I am panicking all the time that I am just going to wake up one morning and I am going to be bald. In some ways I donā€™t know if it would be better just to shave it off now and then thatā€™s the end of it.
Has anyone done the Cold cap and if so how long did it takes before you had to shave your head?

I am using the cold cap and have has two treatments of chemotherapy. My hair is falling out now and tomorrow I will say goodbye to it. I am very upset the cap has not worked for me. Felt very low today.
Debra xx

Hi All,
Fec-T cycle 1 Day 14
Got a call from my Gp surgery today asking if I needed an appointment after my call to NHS 24 at the weekend, they were checking to see if I was ok, thatā€™s a first but it does go to show that we are treated as priority.
My hair is shedding a bit today, not too much but itā€™s definitely started. Look Good Feel Better session tomorrow so looking forward to that and the goody bag of course.
Pauline, hope your mouth is a bit better, forgot to say I am addicted to smoothies now, I have at least one a day and make sure thereā€™s pineapple in it.
Lori, good luck for Wednesday
Hope everyone else is ok and s/e minimal xxx

Joan - ring the chemo unit in the morning and tell them about your heartburn and indigestion. (your day time emergency number) They will prescribe you something to take. Normally Omeprozole. Your GP might be able to precribe it over the phone - please donā€™t visit the surgery, too many germs. xxxx

Hi ladies, hope everyone is coping well and not suffering from the dreaded s/e.
fec-t cycle 1 day 14
Hair started falling out in clumps today so took control and shaved it off, no more waking up and wondering if that was going to be the day it all fell out. I have to say it felt good knowing it was my decision and not the chemoā€™s!
Joan - I was the same with the heartburn, it didnā€™t matter what i ate! I phoned the helpline no from the back of my chemo book and the unit aranged with my gp to get a script for ranitidine, i havenā€™t had any heartburn since.
Amber - hope you have a lovely day tomorrow at lgfb, ive been trying to get to the one in aberdeen tomorrow but havenā€™t been able to get in contact with anyone despite leaving messages on their answering machine.
I have also been using the cordosyl alcohol free mouthwash and have really noticed that my mouth feels way much better rather than what feels like ā€œmorning afterā€ mouth!
Is anyone else having trouble sleeping? It canā€™t be the steroids as i only had them for the first 3 days after chemo, im fine once i fall asleep but struggle to fall asleep. Any tips?
Good luck for all who have appts or procedures in the next few days.
Take care, Christine

Cant sleep!!!
So much for going back to work, Last night started to get a sore throat and it has woken me up, I am now waiting for the Doctors to open so I can get something for it.
I must admit I have lost confidence with my own GP. They first told me that my Cancer was a syst and that they would make an appointment with the hospital to get it drained. When I arrived at the hospital after 5 min with the doctor (who turns out to be my surgeon) I knew something was wrong and after many many tests was told it was BC and inoperable due to the size it grew.
I then called them last week to get a sick note for the week I was off after Chemo. I am not the kind of person to be off sick and didnā€™t know how to get a sick note. First the reception said the doctor might want to see me (which I tho was funny as wouldnā€™t the surgery be the last place in earth I should be going near) but if I didnā€™t hear anything to call back the next day after 2pm. Called them the next day and after a 10min wait was told they had posted the line and if I didnā€™t receive anything the next day to call them?? Next day I hadnā€™t received anything but was sick of calling them and the following day still nothing so I called back this time the receptionist said she would inform my Doctor and hung up?? So waited an hour and went round to the surgery and sat and waited and with 10 min got my sick line. Why they could not have done this in the first place god knows and this is probably were my sore throat has come from.
Now I need to go and see the Doctor tomorrow and donā€™t know if I can be bothered with the hassle. I feel as if I am bothering them but its not like I have an ingrowing toe nail (no offence to anyone that has this as I am sure that it is very painful)
Sorry night-time rant over

Hi Kels
ask your doctors for a home visit if they will not help via the phone as visiting the surgery will not help you. I had a real problem a couple of weeks ago getting my GPā€™s support but yesterday they were so different. I asked for a telephone call from doctor about getting a prescription, got the callback and within 5 mins the prescription was ready for collection. They can do home visits/telephone calls but you may need to bea bit forceful with the receptionists to get through. Good luck

Ok so I am just back from doctors and I have a throat infection:-/.
The doctor was great even tho I had to go into the surgery. She has given me antibiotics but says to wait two days to see if my own immune system will kick in before taking them. She said I should always have antibiotics in the house just in case but before taking them to contact them. She also wrote the next sick line for the next chemo so donā€™t have to worry about that but did say that she thinks i have gone back to work to early.
Thatā€™s me in lock down for two days my work are going to be so amused but have asked them if I can work from home so figures crossed.
Just wish I could sort out the sleeping side.