Anyone due to start chemotherapy in September 2015

Oh ros your such a strong lady lots big hugs to you. Suzey I don’t like taking tablets but I gave in to diazepam between 2-4mg depending on how tired I was. Only while the steroids were keeping me awake. Those steroids are very strange! I’ve stopped taking them for now but would do it again next time if needed xxxxx

Thank you for the tips and advice, and all the words of encouragement, I’ve made notes, and I am busy getting my things together, scarves and hats ordered. No one has mentioned a picc to me yet but it may be needed my access is shocking.
You have all been through various symptoms but the sickness and tiredness seems to be the main concerns. Thankyou to nikki For the tip on when to take the steroids, I will definitely do that 8 am and 12, I’m worried about weight gain though, will try and walk daily, my partner is being supportive which is a great help and my daughter who is s nurse offers advice, but it’s good to hear from people that have been through what you are going through. Also so very very wonderful to hear that life goes on at the end of all this rubbishy horrible time, good luck ladies, I know I can get through this but i also know I will have dark days, but you guys help me get through them times. X x

Carmina, you will be okay. Listen to your body and rest when needed. I have long term sleep problems so suffering a bit at present. It is truly rubbish to be going through all this but we are all strong in our own ways and will get through it, especially with the support of all the wonderful people on here. Big hugs coming your way.

Thank you Suzy, I have sleep problems sometimes, which is the reason I am up now at 03.15, but I’m not working just now so will grab a couple of hours later, I’m usually pretty strong and have been till now, but concerned about the chemo, but it’s just another day and I need the chemo so obviously will have it.
Thank you for your kind words, as you say the support here is wonderful. Hope everything is ok with you. X

Hi carmia once you start treatment and the fear of the unknown is gone I think you will be much better. I’ve only had the first one so far but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be it’s very doable. Just make sure you have the drugs you need beforehand. I know it’s scary but you will be fine and then you will get a good nights sleep. When do you start? Xxxxxxx

Hello Sarah, thankyou for your support and encouragement, my first session is next Wednesday, I see the onc first then to the chemo unit, all of this journey is about facing the unknown and getting through things in an ideal world you wouldn’t have to, I know I can do this, and I guess we are all stronger after it, I have already gained inner strength I didn’t know I had.
When is your next session Sarah? I hope you keep well, did you have surgery pre chemo?
Best wishes x x

I had an mx on the 7th of July. You are so right I thought I was a strong person before but to go though this is a whole different ball game. This forum has been a godsend for me as my family and friends are incredible but they don’t understand and this illness can seem a very Lonely place. So instead of having a nervous breakdown I come on here and it helps me with my family and I’m getting to talk to all these amazing ladies who hopefully next year we can all meet up and say p–s off cancer! :slight_smile: I shall step down from soap box now lol xxxxxxxxxx

Sorry carmia my next session is Thursday I’m having FECT. I’ve stocked up again on everything. Feeling more positive this time as I have written everything down from last time. You will be fine Hun :slight_smile: xxxxxx

Hi welsh girl I’m sorry you have had to join us. Which chemo are you having? You have come to the right place. I’m the same as you I’ve had my first and having my 2nd next week. I’m hoping to keep my hair till after the weekend. And have my wig waiting too. I hope you we can all help and support you through this. The nausea will pass. Ginger ale helped me. Big hugs to you the ladies here are all lovely. Xxxxxx

Hi WelshGirl

Welcome to the club & extremely sorry to hear about your diagnosis .  I had first FEC-T on Monday & was very sick. Doc refused to give Emend despite me & the chemo nurse asking.  I wrote an e-mail to my consultant saying how sick I’d been & now have it for round 2.  If you didn’t get first time ask. I had a stage 3/HER2+ 2cm lump, so even though stage 1c & no nodes involved, still having 6 chemo, radio & a year of herceptin.  I started in the August blog, but got delayed twice, so I kind of post in both like a few others.

enjoy your weekend.

Ros How are you doing today? All have a nice weekend.


Sorry should say grade 3 . . . Chemo brain attack!x

I am 68 and was diagnosed on 7 August with inflammatory breast cancer. 4 months chemo, then surgery followed by radiotherapy. My first chemo was on 3 September after every bit of me had been scanned Fortunately it hasnt spread anywhere.
The chemo was OK no real problem apart from the cooling cap which I am NOT repeating. If my hair falls out I will deal with it. Have felt really well apart from the migraine after chemo. More tired than normal but nothing major. Anti sickness meds all worked well, including self administered injections. Didnt think I was going to be learning new skills!! My view of this is the same as when I was in labour - each chemo (contraction) got me nearer to the final result.

Hi, I’m new on here, was dx on 1st June with a 1cm tubular cancer, WLE and sentinel node biopsy on 1st July, I did not get a clear margin, also the 1cm lump was almost 2 (19m) there was also a 1mm area of invasive ductal carcinoma, also 1 of the 3 lymph nodes had cancer cells. Had a re-excision, breast reduction on good side and lymph node clearance on 19th Aug, results showed clear margin this time and the remaining 9 nodes were clear (1 out of 12). I have my first oncology appt next week, seems s bit weird but I’m eager to start. How I see it is as soon as I’ve started I’m nearer to the finish!! However, I’m a little scared, mainly of the needles, also the anaesthetist had problems with finding a decent vein when I had my ops, so not looking forward to this at all. You all seem really brave and upbeat on here having read your stories. Much love to you all and hope you all start to feel well again very soon. Would love to get some reassurances that my feelings are normal xx

Hi janey and everyone, all your feelings janey I think we have all had, I start my chemo Wednesday and dreading it, but the lovely ladies on here have reassured me that it is all doable so I will grit my teeth and get on with it, as Someone said it takes you nearer to the finish line, I am having 4 chemo sessions, and cannot wait to tick them all off, have a good weekends ladies big hugs x x

Hi again Welsh Girl

Sounds as if you had a tough first one like me. Although I avoided the second type of big-C, due to reading the April 2015 thread (have a look some of it will make you laugh), I do have the most gruesome mouth issues. I am just praying it starts to get better tomorrow as I am struggling to eating anything today.  Fingers crossed we get a better second dose. Sleep well. xx

I am sure that the way you are feeling is ‘normal’.
There are many different ways of feeling about it and dealing with it, as I discovered when my son died 4yrs ago. There is no one right way.
My way is to hand the problem over to God and trust in Him to lead me through things.

Hi Bibi, my mouth is also giving me problems. Nothing too crunchy like biscuits or toast. Too painful on the roof of my mouth. Good excuse to eat cake. Have also been struggling to eat and lost some weight. Strangely finding apples okay.
Had my echocardiogram baseline check yesterday. I am going to have a hospital free week next week for the first time in 8 weeks. I can’t wait. All you lovely women take care and enjoy your weekend. xx suz

Hi ladies I’m due my first chemo on Wednesday and very nervous. I’m having Chemo prior to my op which I still cant get my head around. I’ve got a grade 3and its quite large so I think they want to shrink it first.

PP the thing I have found best is Difflam mouthwash (numbs it), but was also told to swill my mouth round with 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda/1/2 tsp salt in warm water regularly. The worst thing is cleaning my teeth & have had to resort to baby’s toothbrush. Hope you r not as bad as this, as driving me mad today.  Helpline said should start to go in a couple of days. x

Good afternoon all, I am due to start chemo in the next few weeks. I have not been given a start date yet. A brief outline, I am 40 years old 2 boys ( 2 and 15) I have grade 3, Er+ and Her2+ cancer. Had an mx as had other areas of grade 2 and 1. Snb showed lympth positive so had those removed too. An due to have 3x FEC and 3 FECT followed by herceptin and then hormone therapy. Have am taking on all the advice here in preperation for d day xxx