Without them we would not have certain crops they are invaluable to the cycle of life… Plus they make great honey xx
I know they are great, just worried about being stung! x
Good luck turnercat. It will be ok. Focus on the fact that it’s going to make You better (even though you don’t feel ill?)
How are you feeling today Scaredchelle?
Managed to stay up till 9.30 last night. Mouth is feeling better. Just very tired. Hopefully that will change in the next few days.
I hope that everyone has had a good weekend.
Is it best to sleep when you can, or try and hold out so that you sleep as much as you can at night?
Hi ladies.
I’m the same today. Very very tired. Sickness is staved by the drugs but I am realizing that I need to snack to keep energy levels at least high enough to go and have a wee!!!
Husband and mum are trying desperately to make me drink loads but it tastes rank. I managed 2 liters yesterday but am only at half of that today ?
Don’t really know what to do with myself
Oh and I slept for an hour this afternoon. We’ll see if that effects the night. But I woke at 3 last night and couldn’t get back to sleep so nothing can be worse.
Your research seems to be paying of Sarah.
Anyone recommend a way to keep hydrated? Water tastes rank now I’m 2 days in. Getting hassle from the husband!
Hi scarechelle have you tried coconut water. Its supposed to be very hydrating. Thanks for your words of encouragement by the way x
Hi scaredshelle. I know what you mean about even water tasting awful. For the first two cycles, I found iced water drinkable - I used a thermos cup and filled it with ice . For the third, I didn’t even like that but found the peach fruit and barley ok. I filled 2 litre bottles with water and made sure I drank them as the fluids flush out the chemo drugs and can help with SEs. It does pass and you will get there, xx
I agree completely with Welshgirl. I am now day13 and am starting to feel more like myself. Even waking with a pillow full on hair is not daunting. I am glad so many of you have had a good weekend.
Hi scaredchelle, try freezing fruit juice as ice lollies. Fruit snd veg whizzed up as an ice cold smoothie is good as well.
I know this may be a weird question but does any one here have pets. Starting Wednesday and just wondering how my dogs are going to react. Please don’t tell me we are supposed to stay away from pets due to infection.
Hi TC Best of luck with your chemo. I was worried about pets, but can assure you it will be fine. We have 2 super friendly rabbits & I thought they would be able to smell it & run a mile. I’m pleased to say they were just as friendly & are nice to cuddle when you’re feeling a bit low. xx
Hi Turnercat, have you been given your meds yet? It are you going in before?? Have you had your bloods done? Sorry about the questions I am an information based person. I am waiting for my start date xx
Hi ange they should do the bloods the week lending up to your first chemo and the oncologist will prescribe the medication the appointment before your chemo and then it should all be there when you go in for your first treatment. Did you get the list was it a bit overwhelming? Xxxxxxx
Glad you are feeling ok Scaredchelle. Keep resting :). Yes Sarah I did thank you so much. So much to think about. So I will get bloods done week before then away I go. Did you have to sign a consent form to agree to the treatment?? Xx
Cool, thanks Sarah xxx