Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Good morning everyone,


Feels like I’ve been away for so long. I had a week holiday in  Wales for my friend’s wedding and that was the first week of my 3rd and last FEC (w/c18th AuG). I had a good time and good weather and relaxed as much as I could with hubby and teens.

Then back to work, 2mad couple of weeks with some of my staff on hols themselves and had to be on fully involved. Luckily I felt quite well and normal.


Finally had my first tax yesterday and feeling quite well surprisingly, not much nausea either and manage to get about 6hours sleep on and off. Very alert this morning, thanks to steroids I guess…



CathC hope your tax goes well today and looking forward to minimal SE with this cycle :smileyhappy:


They gave me only 4 Filgrastin injections to take, anyone had the same?


Also some different antisickness tablets cyclizine, which don;t have to be taken around meals, but as soon as you feel nauseous. I only had one yesterday apart from the Emend and Ondansetron and they seemed to have kept sicky feeling at bay.


From talking to the oncologist yesterday, it sounds like all being well, the whole thing and radiotherapy should be finished by mid December, so I guess Xmas celebration will have an added meaning into many of our lives.


take care July ladies and hope to see everyone doing well this week,



Flossie xxx



Heartening to read through all your posts and to see how well you are all doing. Sorry to hear about delays in treatment, not easy, especially when planning to go back to work. I am hoping to go back after Christmas.
I have chemo round 4 this thursday. That will take me to over half way. FEC this time.
Beautiful day out there. Hope to go for a potter. Is anyone else experiencing extreme exhaustion? I get tired so easily!

Morning Ladies, a lovely one here in Essex too.

Wendy - sorry to hear about the delays to your radiotherapy it’s so annoying when this type of thing happens and unfortunately appears to happen far too often. I have found through this whole process the admin side if things has been really badly handled, appointments not being made as promised, chasing up dates and delays to almost every procedure. We are going through enough stress without these added pressures. I do hope it gets sorted quickly for you and doesn’t delay your return to work.

Flossie - wow you’ve certainly been busy recently. It’s good that you are coping so well and able to retain some sort of normality . I had my first Tax yesterday too and am hoping to be finished treatment and back to work before Christmas. I didn’t get any Emend yesterday which worried me a bit but I was fine with just the prochlorperazine. I have been given 6 Filgrastim injections to start on day 5 instead of the 5 to start day 3 with Fec.

Cath - good luck with Fec 4 today, hope all goes well for you. It is a long day isn’t it. My appointments have usually been 11.30 and until yesterday I’ve not left the hospital before 6.30 so was a lovely surprise when I was finished by 4 this time. Fingers crossed for minimal se’s for you and that you have your tradition post chemo Chinese?

Horseslave - enjoy your pottering around today I think the tiredness is cumulative but we are on the downward slope now. Good luck with your first Fec on Thursday I hope you get on better with it than the Tax.

Well day 2 of first Tax and at the moment I’m feeling surprising well. I haven’t been sick at all and even managed to have some dinner when I got home. Usually I’m in bed within an hour if getting home from treatment but stayed up last night watching tv with my daughters then wanted to get through some more of my book so I ended up being last to bed. Usually have fuzzy head and can’t read anything. Slept until 4.30 which is pretty good whilst on steroids and up at 6.30 feeling good. Am rather anxious however that I’m living in a fool’s paradise at the moment and that when the SE’ s do hit me they will hit hard! Think I’m just going to take each day as it comes, appreciate the good days but be ready for it all to change.

Hugs, Karen x

Hello Ladies,  


I started chemo in July (FEC-T) and am currently on day 8 of 3rd FEC.  I’ve suffered badly and am still suffering with Nausea through 3/4 of each cycle which I find completely debilitating.  Was hoping that the Tax cycles might prove easier but reading on here it looks like things could get worse which is quite honestly frightening.


I’m impressed by how active everyone on here seems to be, as I really am managing to do much less.  What’s the secret?!


Is anyone else on chemo before the op?  I’ve been told that my op won’t be until after Christmas (last tax beginning of November) and then will be radio therapy?

Oh Cath, so sorry your treatment didn’t go ahead, must be so soul destroying. Wishing you all the luck in the world for your ultrasound, hope it all ok and you can get back on track next week. Sending much love x

Berkshirelass - welcome to the July thread, sorry can’t help with chemo before surgery I had mastectomy first. I had my first Tax yesterday, like you I was sick on Fec despite taking Emend but have been fine so far, although it appears to be day 4-5 that SE’s kick in. My onc said that 60% of ladies fare better on Fec and 40% on Tax, maybe you will be in the 40% as you had such a hard time with Fec. I can only echo Cath in that I’m not particularly active at the moment I try to get out with dog but not back to work or anything. We all have to cope with this in our own way and just listen to your body and do what is best for you.

Hbunny - sorry to hear you are having bad time on Tax, I’m feeling slightly anxious waiting for SE’s to kick in. Hope you start to improve from here on in then just 2 more to get through.

Slyolddog - sorry to hear you too are suffering from Tax SE’s, sounds like I need to make the most of tomorrow as may hit me after then. I’m going to go with the sleeping when I can, might as well make the most of it while not working and kids at school. From looking at other threads it seems like insomnia is quite a common SE of tamoxifen so looks like I might have to get used to it. Hope you start to feel better soon and are able to eat and drink properly again. Tinned peaches sound nice, I quite fancy them myself now as I’m not enjoying fresh fruit at the moment. I keep buying loads but throwing away as I can’t face it. 45 minutes on the treadmill is amazing, well done you. I couldn’t even do that before I had bc, but reading all the latest research I’m determined to get fitter and hope to start running when I’ve finished with the chemo.

Sounds like a lot of us are not having a great week at the moment but despite the delays, hurdles and awful SE’s we are getting through and the finishing line is in sight!!

Onwards and upwards, ladies
Karen x

Hi Wendy

I made pineapple ice lollies to suck during my 3rd Fec but had to wait so long to be treated that despite being in a cool bag with lots of ice packs they all melted!! Probably should have sent my husband to buy some from shop this time but was freezing using cold cap and drinking lots of hot tea instead. Hope you are well x

Cath - so sorry your treatment didn’t go ahead. I really hope the ultrasound goes well and you are back on track soon. Sending you big hugs.

Karen and Wendy - don’t be impressed with my treadmill activity. I am just walking, not running! I just feel that any movement is better than none, just keeping the hips moving, that’s all. I don’t do the ice pops during treatment, just drink as much water as possible. So far I haven’t suffered too badly with ulcers, just Lisa if taste. Today’s tinned pears tasted good though. I too have bought and thrown away loads of fruit. Tinned is the way forward for now.

Looking forward to a hot bath shortly to ease the aches, they’re in some unusual places!

Have a good evening all. I hope those of you who aren’t sleeping get some proper rest.

Hbunny - glad you got everything sorted out and at least you are not neutrapenic. Hopefully you will start to feel better from now on.

Cath - you certainly have the right attitude, good on you for making the most of an extra chemo free week. It is so easy to get down when faced with these setbacks but if you can put a positive spin on it, as you are doing I do think it makes you feel slightly better. I do hope your ultrasound goes ok tomorrow, will you get the results straight away?

All this talk of treadmills is motivating me, I’ve seen some reasonably priced ones on Amazon but just have to find space. All the current research does seem to point to keeping active helps in fight against recurrence and although I walk dog I’m not sure it’s enough. I’ve never run before and have absolutely no cardio so wouldn’t feel right pounding the streets so might be easier indoors.

Take care
Karen x

Hi Hbunny, Slyolddog and Karen,


Day 5 of tax has kept me home, not able to go to the office today. Sleepless night because of bone and joint pain, throat feels swelled up and can barely walk :frowning: Not to mention constipation ouch … 

I am hoping that this will improve over weekend, as I cannot bear the unwellness for too long.


I wish someone that has gone through tax would give me some hope :smileyfrustrated:


Keep in touch, going to slump on the sofa for a bit 





Hello Everyone!
Day two of FEC and happy to report no sickness yet just mild flu symptoms. Keep expecting the TAX SEs to emerge but no sign yet. Drinking as much as I can, I remember that advice.
Got weekend away at royal berks show next weekend, so hoping that I finally have an easier time with the chemo, with this one.

Hiya all

Looks like the docetaxel is hitting everyone hard! Me too, still, and I’m on day 8 of 3rd one with final one to go. Chest pain, sleeplessness, mouth soreness counteracted with constant painkillers, daytime naps and Difflam with salt water mouthwashes.

Oh my god this is hard at 3.31am when you’re up wide awake when all you need is a good nights sleep!!!

Anyone else getting hot flushes all night too?? Might be because I’m on Herceptin too? I got a ‘chillow’ to help - I hated it but my husband love it. He’s now sleeping even more soundly!!

My countdown to the end of chemo is 14 days (plus SE’s). It just can’t go fast enough?

Well done to all you brave women. We will get through this and hopefully pop back to later threads to encourage the poor souls just starting their journey - think positive?

I’m off to do another night-time Soduko!

Ruby xxxx

Hi Ruby

Sorry to see you’re suffering under tax. Today is day 9 for me and I too am suffering sleep wise. I’m knackered but can’t get to sleep at night as my heart is racing and pounding in my ears. Some ladies have been taking clarityn, I don’t know what benefit this brings, maybe someone can explain.

Last night I took a couple of Nytol before I went to bed and if certainly helped. Not sure if its a good thing to take though, I may call the hospital and ask.

The Tax pit is certainly a harder one to crawl out of than FEC. Never thought I’d hear myself say that. Finding things to eat/drink that don’t taste disgusting is also a challenge. By now I would normally be feeling ok.

Can I just ask why you didn’t get on with the chillow? I’ve often considered one but the reviews I’ve seen suggest its a little too big.

Time to drag myself upstairs and get dressed. I foolishly offered (pre tax) to put my cousin and her husband up for the night and then take them to Heathrow early tomorrow morning. Oh dear!

Hope you feel better soon.

Hi Slydog

The chillow is definitely cool but I didn’t like the hardness of it under my head. Even though it slides into your pillowcase, it feels so different I just couldn’t get comfortable. However, as I said my husband has slept soundly with if for 5 nights now - shame I can’t give him the hot flushes too!!! Xxx

Huge hugs to all on TAX, I do feel for you. Its horrid. I feel ok on FEC. Not great but nowhere as dire as that TAX stuff. Ah well, as long as its doing its job and kicking the bcs arse!
been doing loads of painting and drawing, strengthening my lymph removal arm. Got orders for commissions coming in! Keep me occupied.
Really looking forward to royal berks show, daughter has lots of her rare breed poultry entered. She has to wash and blow dry them on Thursday, they love it!

Cath - hope you are enjoying your ‘extra’ weekend and that everything goes ok when you see your onc on Tuesday. My husband has a fatty liver but the only thing dr’s say to him is to eat healthily. Daughters are very keen for me to get on and buy this treadmill so I’m going have to try and find energy to clear a space for it, like you I’m not after an all singing/dancing version as the hardest thing will be making sure I keep using it once the novelty has worn off!

Wendy - hope you are enjoying your weekend in Windermere, good news that you aren’t suffering from SE’s now. Great to hear you have your planning meeting for radiotherapy, you seem to be getting through this really quickly, although I’m jealous as still have another 2 chemo’s to go it’s lovely to see other ladies coming to the end. Will you need further treatment after radiotherapy?

Slyolddog - hope you are starting to feel a bit better after the Tax, and that you are able to eat a bit more. Have you managed to sleep any better? I don’t know what I’ve come to that I’m obsessed by what I’m going to be able to eat all the time. Like you I’ve been more active in the couple of years pre diagnosis than ever before, getting a dog forced me to get out and about. I’m hoping that if I start off with longish walks in treadmill I will be able to build up to a jog and maybe even a run!! That may take a long time though I doubt I could even manage three minutes without becoming breathless.

Hbunny, hope you enjoy your LGFB session, I have mine booked for 22nd November and am really looking forward to it. I agree that the lack of taste on Tax is the pits and is not helping my mood. That post radiotherapy swim will be here before you know it, I used to enjoy swimming but will need to wait for reconstruction before I can do that again.

Flossie - hope you are feeling a bit better now. I too am suffering from constipation under Tax, the opposite from Fec. I don’t know if we can take anything to ease this as it just adds to the general feeling of grottiness.

Wendylois - glad to hear you have been faring so well on treatment. Have a wonderful time at your son’s wedding looks like you will have lovely weather for it. So pleased that your mum is on the mend and will be able to make the wedding too. Last treatment on Wednesday is the icing on the cake, another of our number finishing this part of the journey?

Horseslave - glad to hear you are coping well with Fec. Well done for keeping up with your art work sounds like it’s keeping you busy. Hope you enjoy the Royal Berks show this weekend.

Ruby - sounds like you are really suffering under Tax too, I know it’s not much comfort but you only have one more to go. You will get through it and it will have done its job. Hopefully each day will be a bit better.

Well I’m day 6 of Tax and hating the way my mouth feels and lack of taste. The Difflam mouthwash is helping though but I’m very much missing my little treats, they used to really help me through my down days on Fec. Although it’s great not having the nausea and fuzziness I had with Fec, at least the worst of SE’s were finished within a couple of days. Needing to nap more during the day and although haven’t got any real bone pain yet just have niggly aches.

Hope everyone has a good a weekend as they can, SE permitting

Hugs, karen

Hi hbunny

I’m on day 6 and my thumbnails have suddenly become very sensitive. I have been wearing black nail polish and gloves to do washing up but looks like this may be in vain. I had thought that the loss of nails happened further down the road, possibly even after chemo finishes but not so sure now.

Still wide awake despite no aches or pains but have just seen news so am going to stop feeling sorry for myself. What has this world come to ?


Thanks Nikki, it’s always good to hear from someone who has been through this and come out the other side! I won’t panic too much about my tender fingernails just yet.

I don’t want to jinx things but unless things change in next couple of days I seem to have done ok on this Tax. Aside from the horrible mouth and aches I haven’t had any bone pain yet. I hated the sickness and nausea which came with Fec. I have felt very down this week but my onc said this is a result of coming off steroids.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend in the sunshine

Karen x

Cath, hope all goes well with your blood test tomorrow and that your chemo goes ahead as planned Tuesday. Quiz night sounds good fun, I haven’t been to one for years. Enjoy eating what you fancy this weekend, might be able to stretch to a cake myself later x

Hi Pam, don’t know what the lollies are all about lol
I sucked on pineapple lollies a day or two later when my mouth was yuck, can’t say it did much for me that any other ice lolly would have done.

Nails - yes paint them before chemo, a solid colour was the recommendation of my onc, I went dark navy blue or black. I always wore gloves when outside during daylight hours.

Steroids - I took at no later than 8am and no later than noon - had no problems sleeping.
I always was a good sleeper though apart from when first diagnosed and the onc gave me a couple of sleepers, can’t remember the name, they were good, I only had to take a quarter of a tablet and it knocked me out for 10 hours!

Yes, I hear the ice lollies do reduce soreness in mouth. Never got a chance to try that, as they had all melted in my freezer bag by the time treatment arrived!
On TAX I have kept nails painted and apart from deep ridges they have been ok. Feet very sore still from last TAX 4? weeks ago!
FEC has been much, much kinder. Day 5 and can get around, good appetite, mild nausea. Nowhere near as awful as the TAX was for me. Slightly wobbly legs? Trying to drink lots to prevent bladder infection?
Missed seeing daughter compete in local pony shows at weekend but grateful to my horsey friends for taking her. There are some wonderful people around.