Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi hunnybunny well thats my 2 nd 1 out of the way it was nxt is july 18 th so you should be on your way by then I just want that 1 out of the way then its half way wishing my life away arnt i.i have to start my injections on tues for 5 days must be better got a good spare tyre to put it in so will b ok.still watchin my temp wont let that happen again.have you found out yet when you start your chemo.take care sheila

Thanks for that sodastream, i would be really interested to know how you get on without the ice. Good luck and keep well. Hbunny

Hi cath the injections I have to do are to help me fight off infections as my white cells were far to low.a few ladies on the forum are doing them and have said they are fine anything that helps I will take session went fine yest put my gloves on before I went so they could get the canula in and it works.had bad nt lastnt same as after my 1 st sess went to bed at 11 and woke up at 2 and you are wide awake tossed for a few hours got up at 6 will have a nap later.the only bad side affect iI have had is ulcers and sore mouth take care and good luck sheila

I know, don’t think the cold cap is,even an option at Shrewsbury. I know i might feel differently when the time comes but at least loosing the hair isn’t painful or makes you sick, i suppose its because its so obvious that everyone makes it such a big deal, but hay that’s what wigs ate for? kee the positive thoughts hbunny

Here goes,

I have been on here reading for hours and amazed by everyone’s positivity.
I am sitting here alone after turning down all offers from family and friens to go out.
Since dx iv had operation, with clear margins and clear nodes, grade 3.
I have app to talk about chemo next week.
I find it really hard just talking about that I have this (hence pushing people away)
I am so scared about this treatment and how I will cope with it especially when I am already in the state I am, just wonder and praying that I will be able to muster the courage and positivity that you all seem to have.

Joanne 38 xxx

Hi unfunny, I really do hope so I can get to how you are feeling I am just totally numb and feel i am just pushing everyone away but feel so alone and need them, it’s not fair on them and I feel guilty about that. Xxxx

Hi joanne just the word cancer scares us to death you are not alone its just a word put on your boots and as hunnybunny says get that gremlin family have been great just let yours do the same for you dont push them for the treatment its ok you will be fine at my 1 st I was scared in my 2 nd I said bring it on the staff really take care of you chin up and good luck sheila

Hi cassa, thank you for your reply, I don’t even like to take pain killers at the best of time so think the main thing is being scared of all this stuff in my body and feeling out of control of it,
Also I keep lying in bed and having panic attacks about being bald, I no I shouldn’t care about the hair side of it.

Joanne xxx

Well, July 2014 is tomorrow so we we are all starting on our journey. My first FEC T is tomorrow afternoon and hubby is coming with me. Trying to be positive and I will be checking in with everyone on here regularly so good luck everyone. Let’s kick cancers butt!!

Hi Everyone, I’m new on here but have been reading all the posts as I knew I would be starting Chemo in July, just didn’t know when exactly. Well. I’ve now seen my oncologist and have a date, I’m to have my first of 6 FEC on the 15th. Diagnosed beginning of April with DIC and LIC in both breasts, had WLEs for both with node removal on both sides too, positive nodes both sides. My oncologist told me that because of my existing osteoarthritis Tax was not an option hence the 6 cycles of FEC, is this a good thing do you think? Is FEC generally ‘easier’ than other chemo combinations? I really need to work through my Chemo so a little worried when I saw the range of SE associated with Chemo in general! I also have 2 of my daughters at school so worrying about school runs too! It seems that ‘Worry’ becomes your middle name when going through this.


Hi all, I also started my chemo yesterday (1st of 3 x FEC, then 3 x docetaxel) - okay, not strictly July but pretty damn close!  Just to reassure those waiting that I didn’t find it too bad at all, even though I was very fearful of it and would describe myself as ‘a bit of a wuss’ when it comes to needles, medications, nausea etc!  I just had a couple of hours last night where I felt nauseous, took a Domperidone (which unfortunately didn’t seem to help me much at all) then had a good vomit a couple of hours later.  Since then, I felt much better and feel fine still now so long may it continue!  

Good luck to all on your journey - hope we can all help each other through this,



Hi Wendy and Sodastream,

Thank you for your very positive and helpful advice. I have ups and downs some days I’m upbeat and almost forget about the dreaded C, other days it seems to bethe only thing I think about! At least I can keep busy waiting for the Chemo to start as I have to have a Portacath inserted due to both sides having lymph nodes removed. I’ve also got to have heart function test, chest X-ray and bloods done…and the all important Chemo talk, just waiting for all the appointments to come through! That’s something else you have to develope on this ‘journey’ …patience!!

Onwards and upwards. xx

Hi everyone, just touching base following chemo assessment this am. Starting 1st FEC tomorrow. Although cant wait to get this started just beginning to feel a bit apprehensive, at least wont have a week counting down the days. Good luck to all and hope everyone keeps well.
ps ditto re constapation info greatly received. I always find pumpkin seeds and pine nuts fo the job for me, good sprinkled on cereal or yoghurt. Love to all. Hbunny xx

Hi bunny on your way at last I am sure you will be fine the nurses are great.i had my 2 nd fec last fri went ok but feeling realy tired just now sleeping most if the time my energy levels are at o just now.i started my inj yest not to bad have to do them for 5 appitite is awful just dont fancy anything at all.had a bit if constipation so takin lactolose.i still have a skinhead cant understand why no more has fell out head or body I suppose it will.anyway good luck for 2 mrw and take care sheila.



I’m due to start first of six chemo on Friday - FEC-T, reassuring to read some of the posts and realise that others have same concerns as me. don’t really know what to expect as my pre chemo visit was cancelled as they are too busy so in at the deep end on Friday!

Hi Hbunny


Hope all goes well for you today, I’ll be thinking of you. Glad I have missed out on much by not having the pre assessment look around, like you I’ve picked up loads of tips from here but still can’t really imagine how it will be as sounds like everyone has different experiences!


Hugs, Karen

Hi All

Sorry about the confusion re chemo July start. I didn’t see this thread b4 I started another :-(.


I have Invasive ductal CA (IDC) 4mm. No node invasion, HER2 positive and ER pos,grade 3. Left mastectomy on April 28th.

My chemo starts on the 9th July. It will be good to share experiences. Thanking the June chemo group. You have all been so helpful and I wil be keeping in touch with you also. 

Good luck All. 

Hi ladies,
I have my first fec on Monday7th … Just want to get started now ,it just so horrible waiting and not knowing what side effects your going to have or what the whole experience will be like. I have been following the thread for a while and just wanted to say thank you to you for all the information (good or bad ) it’s great to have this support from ladies who are going through and know what it’s like to go this hideous experience.
Look forward to more stories… Thanks morag

Hi Cath & all,


I’m also not sure of best way to reply so will put it all in this one post!  Fortunately, I’ve not had another ‘room spinning’ episode so that was a relief last night, although I did find myself awake before 3am (again!) so am having a bit of a woozy, ‘off’, tired day - manageable though and at least no pain!  Am hoping that after last steroid injection tomorrow, I may be able to get a bit more sleep - although I’m not a good sleeper anyway, so we’ll just have to see!


Cath, just to let you know my first chemo was 30th June but my heart scan isn’t scheduled until 15th July so I assume it’s quite normal to start treatment then get the scan done after.  Hopefully, there won’t be any delay in your treatment and you can get cracking!


Good luck to all of you due to start your treatment soon - hope all goes as well as it can - we can do this!!


best wishes,




Hi I am starting chemo fec-t in the next few weeks, I am so scared how I will cope constantly on here reading, at the stage were I’m all over the place can’t do anything about the house or go out, all sorts running through my mind will it work? Will it come back? Have I got it elsewere?
Sorry for sounding so desperate just had to write it down as I think my family are getting fed up with me going over all the same questions all the time.
Joanne xxx