Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi all, hope everyone had a lovely Easter and enjoyed eating lots of chocolate!

Cath, is your mammogram tomorrow? Hope it goes well I’ll be thinking of you. Has your rash gone yet?

Wendy, I have the same problem with uneven hair growth, the left side is definitely longer than the right even after 2 haircuts. I’m not keen on the curls either, thought I’d escaped at first but the curls are definitely there now. Have a lovely time on your road trip, you both really deserve a nice break, hope this gorgeous weather lasts for you.

Slyolddog, how did the hair dye go? The first post chemo colour is a big boost but yes hair growth does seem to be extremely slow at the moment. Your doing well working 4 days I’m back to working normally now but I only do 3 days a week.

Hbunny, congrats on the haircut hopefully won’t be too long before you can ditch the hats.

Clare, Happy a Birthday for tomorrow, hope your herceptin is nice and early so that you can enjoy the rest of your day (that’s if you don’t have any se’s). Congrats on your Wedding anniversary too, have a lovely week.

Thank you all for the kind wishes for my daughter. I think she is ok at the moment but she keeps things close to her chest, when she found out about my Cancer she would only talk about it with the school counsellor.
I also agree wholeheartedly with Cath that this site is not very user friendly. It would be so much easier if we could respond to individual posts. I do read all the posts regularly but do put off responding sometimes as I don’t want to leave anyone out but including everyone in one long post can be a bit daunting… And then when I go to reply there are even more posts so I put it off again!! Even after many months of posting I still get lost scrolling up and down on my phone. However this site has been a godsend for me over the past year so I will stop nitpicking.

Love to all, Karen x

Oh Cath, I’m so sorry. I will most certainly keep you in my prayers. Hopefully everything will be ok but as we know the waiting is the worst part. Sending lots of love and hugs your way x

Wendy, enjoy your well earned rest from work. Lots of love to you and your hubby too x

Slyolddog, yes you go for the professional hair colour, that’s what I’m going to do next time, might last a bit longer. I imagine this time of year is bringing back memories for a lot of us. I spent last Easter waiting for cancer to be formally diagnosed and for scan results to see whether it had spread x

Hugs to all, Karen

Cath, I am absolutely keeping you in my prayers. What an awful wait. What sort of pain have you been suffering from and why did they need to do a biopsy? I’ve got everything crossed for you, do your best not to think too much about it. Easy advice to give I know.

You take good care of yourself. Xx

You are absolutely not on your own Cath, we are all here for you. You take good care of yourself x

Hi Cath, glad to hear that you are outside enjoying the sunshine today, simple pleasures can be the best sometimes. I will be cursing my dog in the morning when I’m trying to have a lie in but I wouldn’t be without him, they do lift your mood sometimes.
Also glad that you are feeling more optimistic today as you say I’m sure they are just being over cautious but always best to get things checked thoroughly.
Enjoy your Friday xx

Fantastic news Wendy, celebrations are most certainly in order tonight - enjoy??
Cath, lots of prayers on your behalf as Wendy says hopefully you will be celebrating on Wednesday too


Great news Wendy, enjoy your celebrating. I’m desperate to have my mammogram and scared of it all at the same time. I just would like a date.

Cath, you have a good weekend and try to keep things out of your mind. We are all sending you positive thoughts and prayers. I won’t get off my knees till Wednesday! Xx

JuSt, hope you are having a lovely time on your well deserved hols. I’m very envious, would love to be somewhere hot, sunny and relaxing instead of getting ready for bed so that I can be up early for work in the morning! Enjoy every moment.
Gill, good luck with your first clinical day back at work. Hope it’s not too emotional for you, you’ve been through a lot in that 10 months but have come out the other side.

Got a C25k app on my phone today and am determined to actually start using it…soon. My treadmill is currently home to the ironing basket so will have to start using it again, especially as there is still a lot of chocolate around the house.

Hi Karen

Just looked up the app you mentioned as I’d never heard of it. Let us know how you get on. I’ve done an hour on the treadmill tonight, walking not running! I try to do it about 3 times a week, jf the music grabs me I’m sometimes on there for about 90 minutes! In my head I can run but whenever I do my body goes into meltdown. As the app is free maybe I’ll try it.

Gill, good luck for your return to work. You’ll soon get in to the swing of things. It must be a very rewarding job.

JuSt, enjoy your holiday!

Hi Slyolddog, you’ve put me to shame with the treadmill. An hour to 90 minutes is fantastic - I haven’t got any further than just downloading the app yet and I certainly can’t run. I would say that having been up since 5.10 to walk the dog before work and not getting home until 6 I was just too tired but I can’t use that excuse for my days off. I’m going to have to bite the bullet and get my backside into gear…tomorrow…

Cath I’m seriously impressed with you as well as Slyolddog getting carried away on the treadmill. Maybe I need to find some better music!! Hope you don’t have to wait too long for the call on Wednesday. We will all be thinking of you and keeping everything crossed.

Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine xx

Karen, I’m not exactly running on my treadmill, just walking at a manageable pace. My other half watches a lot of dull TV in the evening which I hate so I take myself off for a walk. I’ve now mastered silent singing, (which is a relief to anyone within earshot!) along with air drums and air guitar so running would be positively dangerous! You have a very long day, don’t beat yourself up over what you do. I couldn’t do a long day and I’m absolutely not a morning person, I’m liveliest in the evening and that helps.

Wendy - have a fab time! :slight_smile:


Wendy, have a wonderful time on your road trip. I hope this lovely weather lasts for you!

Cath, keep nagging that’s what I need.

Slyolddog, running or walking I’m still impressed. My husband also watches a load of old rubbish but instead of doing anything constructive I flop on the sofa in my pj’s with my kindle.

Does anyone else on letrozole suffer with a dry mouth? I’ve never drunk so much water (except on chemo) but to no avail.

Ps Slyolddog - I’m sure your singing is lovely!! Xx

Cath, sending you big hugs today. Hope you don’t have to wait too long to hear from your BCN xxx

Cath, I think we’ve all been waiting to hear your results! I’m so pleased you’ll never know.
Get yourself a huge slice of cake and a glass or 3 of wine and enjoy that great feeling.

Super big hug to you. Xx

Fantastic news Cath, I’ve been thinking of you all day Its been a long week for you. Your poor son must have been so confused.
Have a wonderful evening, I bet that cake and wine will taste even better than usual ??? xxx

Clare, glad your bone scan went ok I feel about 80 sometimes, even my fingers get stiff and achy. I’m not too bad with the hot flushes, I’ve always been a blusher so am used to going red and feeling hot a lot.

Enjoy your cruise x

Hi Gill, lovely to read about your return to work sounds very emotional. It is surprisingly tiring when you first go back but the feeling of starting to return to normal is a good one. I do envy you living in Cornwall, Poppy is a very lucky puppy.

Well done you, Cath leaving your hat off. I hope you are still on a high after last week.

Love to all, Karen x

Hi All, it’s exactly a year ago today that I was formally diagnosed. Had onc appointment this morning and he is sending me for a chest scan to check out my cough ( in fact I actually have 2 different coughs now). He is hopeful that all is ok but this is the only way to find out for sure.

Hope everyone is doing ok

Karen x

Hi Cath

I should be having the scan within the next couple of weeks but will have to wait until my next onc appointment in 6 weeks to get the results. He did say that he thinks it will be fine but that he couldn’t say for sure without doing a scan but not to worry about it - easier said than done!

Glad you are enjoying the weather, must be lovely in Ireland I’ve never been but have lots of friends and family who love it over there. Nice and bright here still but a bit chilly today.

Take care
Love Karen x