Anyone due to start their chemo July 2014

Hi cath, work should be fine only 2 of us in the office, so should be able to avoid any problems. Head feels like it is going to explode this am though, feeling ok until an hour after the injection, think the headaches have got gradually worse after taking it but only just made the connection, last one today though so it will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings - anyone else on 7 days worth?

hope everyone has a good day. Hbunny

Hi ladies,

Hope you are all well and thank you for you comments and I hope your treatments are going ok without to many se,
I will be starting my chemo next Friday really scared.
And like some if you have said turning into a hypochondriac with everything.
I’m really worried about looking after my youngest and myself while going through this.
However I did meet with a friend of a friend today whom finished her chemo a few months ago and she is 56 and still managed to work most of the time.

I’m glad those of you that have already started seem to be doing ok hope it continues.

Cath- hope ur medication tomorrow sorts things out for you xxx

Hbunny- hope your headache has eased off xxx

Joanne xxx

I must apologise, I lack the focus and memory to reply individually to all the individuals on the July thread and really admire those that do! I feel guilty for not individually acknowledging every single brave lady on here.
Had my first chemo session yesterday. Seems ok, no sickness yet. Feel groggy and tired, headache. Had dreadful night with restless legs and inability to sleep despite being exhausted but managed to nap this morning.
So, not great but Nowhere near as bad as I thought it would be

Hi Wendy, no headache this am and feeling ok?. Not sure if you are on something different but the steroids i had were tab form 2 x daily for 6 doses and are anti sick meds. The injections are to stimulate bone marrow to increase white blood cells to deal with low immunity and had 1 for 7 days.

cath, do hope the constipation has eased, something so simple can really make you feel lousy. Now day 9 and doing fine, just cant get passed the thought it might hit me hard next time, but we will see. You can cope with most things if you get good sleep and im certainly getting my share at the mo.

hope everyone is ok today, sorry cant reply to all, struggling with just a phone at present. Love to all hbunny

Hi horseslave, bear with it for a few days and you will be back to your old self again soon. Be gentle and kind to yourself, you deserve it. Its amazing just how resilient we are all becoming and adapting to our new situations, although not easy. Just thinking back a few weeks to where this all started made me realise how far we have all come.
sending love hbunny

Hi everyone,  I haven’t signed in for a few days as I feel I’ve been living at the hospital this week!  Saw radiologist on Tues and am going to have 5 days of radiotherapy asap but have been in hospital today having a port fitted, not painful but a very weird procedure.  Feeling a bit battered and bruised at the moment and not looking forward to going to bed as cannot get comfortable (poor old me, ha ha!)  I’m due to start Kadcyla next Thursday so don’t know what treats are in store with that, probably constipation is a certainty - bring on the sennakot!

Hope everyones treatment has gone well this week, it’s good to know that we can share our feelings as dealing with this horrible situation is such an emotional rollercoaster isn,t it?

Love to all

Laurelle   x

Hi everyone, this is my first post ever. I had TNBC grade 3 stage 1 had lumpectomy and 2 sentinel lymph nodes removed. On Wednesday I had my first round of Chemo FEC-T . Obviously just the FEC part. I can not believe it I have minimal side effects so far other than a headache. I am religiously that in the anti sickness and steroid tabs that I was advised to take regardless. I had raced around doing things and preparing for the worst before Wednesday and I really can not believe so far so good!! I hope the journey continues like this !

Hi JoanneKK, welcome to the BCC forums

Along with the support here our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support if you feel this would help at any point, lines are open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2 on 0808 800 6000

Here’s a link to further treatments information and support ideas from BCC which you may find helpful over the coming months:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi to everyone!


Not dropped in for a while so just having a chance to catch up with all your posts.  


I’ve also been lucky with minimal side effects and have had a normal-feeling week which has been pretty busy.  Part of it has been spent looking after my 82 year old dad who had a fight with his wheelie bin on Monday and lost, so he ended up with battered and painful knees, foot and back - he didn’t tell me until I rang him a day later though as he didn’t want to bother me because of my treatment but really I was fine and only live a few minutes drive away so could have gone straight there to help him!  He is also a bowel cancer survivor who was diagnosed in 2009 and had chemo, radiotherapy and surgery (which unfortunately had complications that led to a long-term infection that he had to have drained off in theatre 3 times a week for 10 weeks) - he inspires me as I think if he can go through all that and still be here looking fairly fit and healthy at his age, then I can get through this too!


Anyway, glad to hear that most of you are having minimal side effects from round 1.   Sorry to not name you all but there are quite a few now and I’d probably leave someone out!


Rachagogo - I also have a spotty-like rash all over one side of my face but under the skin? (never had any spots before, apart from the odd pimple).


WP23 - I’m also due to be right there with you on the 21st for round 2.  I know what you mean about not daring to say too much because of jinxing the next one!  My cousin made me laugh the other day as she was so surprised when I spoke to her on the phone in a bright, bubbly voice - she was in shock and had been worried about ringing me as she had expected me to sound really groggy!


Laurelle - hope you manage to get a restful weekend after your busy week.


Well, I’m just waiting for the hair to go now.  Not sure when to take action yet - had planned to get the hair trimmers on it before it comes out, but it just feels so normal at the moment that I keep putting it off and thinking ‘might as well leave it while it’s ok’.  Think it might just be a rush job to get it off when I see the first clumps come out - am on day 13 so I guess won’t be long.


Had my first glass of wine since treatment last night but didn’t really enjoy it as I kept feeling guilty about it because of all the reports linking alcohol with BC & with recurrence.  Is anyone else indulging?  I obviously want to keep as healthy as poss, but would also like be able to enjoy the odd glass without guilt.


Not sure if it was the wine, or the hair loss thoughts or just another SE of chemo, but I also had some very strange dreams indeed last night.


Sorry if I’ve waffled on a bit there!  Sending hugs & best wishes to all,





Hi Everyone 


I have too started my chemo on 7th July, dx grade 3 TNBC (invasive ductal) after lumpectomy and SNB with clear margins and no node involvement (lucky me!!!).

I have been put on 6FEC-T. One FEC done and felt reasonbly well for the first 3-4 days, struggling with the constipation/diarohea scenario but otherwise able to do most things at a satisfactory rate. I also have a PICC Line which is giving me paranoia as it feels uncomfortable and achey. Day 5 was an absolute nightmare really dizzy and shaky, each inch of my body felt so painful like I have been involved in some traffic accident, not really sure if to call the hospital as thinking it must be how it should feel. I think maybe just not listened to my body telling me I should just rest. Today I decided to take it easy and it feels slightly better. Anyone with similar dx / meds experienced similar?

Will keep you posted with how it goes, but I am truly hoping that it is only a couple of horid days in a cycle, as really can’t bear the helplessness of it.


Good vibes to all xxx


WP23 wrote: Sugar8  Hope you are still feeling ok after TC -h, i am not getting the herceptin alongside TC, they have said herceptin will start after chemo and radiotherapy, not sure why this is, post code lottery again maybe?? do you have herceptin by injection? how has it been?

Reply: WP23 , The herceptin is by injection which was fine. Don’t seem to have any problems with it so far. I won’t be having any more Herceptin until I finish my further 3 cycles of chemo, then it will be given for over a year.


It’s amazing how all these regimes vary.x x

Hi Everyone

Hope all is well. I am having problems with webpage.


I felt tired today but with resting and paracetamols I have now recovered. Has anyone experienced pains in their bones? I am on Day 4 of my first cycle. 

Food tastes odd but the pineapples works. I also fine coconut water qiute cooling (if you like that drink)  I can actually taste it.:slight_smile:

Keep well all

Hi all you wonderful ladies, havnt been on for a bit. Glad to see you are all doing ok with treatment, I would say can’t wait till Friday to start and join in, but I won’t lol.

My youngest is a boy 10, also have twins at 20 and first grandchild on the way. I’m 38 And Tnbc which has frightend the life out of me.
I have planned to speak to the little one tomorrow, and really anxious about it,
Hope all of you are doing ok, I see that the group is getting bigger, so hi to all new people and ev1 else.
A wee bit of soppy ness from me now lol.
Had an a appointment with hairdresser to try wigs on today with my sister, but to my surprise all three of my sisters were ther and my mum and best friend, what a day it has been, however I have realised now just how much all of this so called journey is affecting all my family, this is definitely the hardest thing any of us will ever do in our lives and if not for ourselves then for our kids and family we need to fight this friggn disease. I just want to thank each and every one of you for any support and encouragement and that I am here to do the same for yous.

Lots of love Joanne xxx
Ps sorry for soppyness but that’s just me lol

Cath asked:

Hi, sugar8


So glad your first cycle is over. How did you find the cold cap?


Like you I was pretty nervous beforehand and just prayed they’d find a good vein. Here’s hoping our veins last the full sessions.


Stay well.






Hi Cath 

My cold cap experience went well. All the advice given was very helpful. As expected the brain freeze lasted 5 minutes which was distracted by the warm tea I kept in my mouth. By 15 mins I could not really feel much. I am keeping everything crossed that it works. :slight_smile: because it prolongs the day’s treatment but hoping it will be well worth it. 


Hope you are fine. Tonight  I feel well which is great as Ihad a rough day today. Roll on tomorrow. 


Hi Joanne76

Soppyness is good.

You are so lucky to have such a supportive family circle who are all getting involved and who will be there for you during your journey. It is so important and will help you during your recovery. 

Were you pleased with the wig you chose? 


You appear to be a very strong person and yes we will fight this disease and stay positive through our journey. ((hugs))

Hi Candyflossie

I felt exactly like you but on day 4. I think I overdid I the day before by going to work a very busy shift. I have decided that rest is definitely the best medicine so that’s what I did today hence the insomnia. 


All muscles and even my bones were aching. Paracetamols and fluids worked well for me, although it took me all day to recover. I shall have to rethink my work plan. 

My dx. is IDC left breast but my treatment is Taxotere and cyclo. It appears that it doesn’t matter what regimen is used the effects  are all individual to the person. Keep checking your temperature, if that’s ok you will hopefully soon be fine.



x x




 I am very sorry to hear that your dad has lost his battle with bowel cancer, How are you feeling? You seem to be such a positive person.


Hope your spots are improving and the GP has given you something better to get rid of them.


Funnily enough my husband is also trying to complete our kitchen. He is putting up a lovely new vent which is well overdue. Joy! Can’t wait to potter around without the food smells :slight_smile:


Keep well




Well I wasn’t expecting to feel worse than ever day 4! Pain in lymph node removal area, stabbing and pain around and almost under this dreadful expander reconstruction mess. All bones and muscles aching.
Will try to drink more water, my son makes a lovely cool drink with ice and ribena which stops the water tasting too bad. Might try the pineapple suggestion on here? Also going to,up my tramadol, forgotten to keep on top of pain meds for my recent ops!
Hoping I will turn the corner soon. Feeling for us all going through this but its going to be worth it!

Good morning again,


Thank you to all the replies, sugar8 and Just, it is true I have overdone it, I can work from home so really I should have not gone to work at all on Friday.

I feel like I have turned a corner, yesterday I rested a lot and called the hospital to tell them about the PICC line discomfort. They said to keep an eye out as there was no high temperature involved. It seems to have settled overnight, so I’ll keep warm from time to time as the vein may have been inflamed.


I am going to rest today, although I already feel like doing tons of housework. Have a lovely rest of the weekend xxx



Hiya I’m due to start fec-t this wed (16th) what were your experienced during the 1st week?? When will I loose my hair and what’s the best type of wigs to get?? Does the sucking ice pop thing really work?? Sorry about all the questions xx Tia Rachel xxx