Hi, I’m new to all of this and have read lots, but struggling with the “it may be different for you” thing. Expecting to have total of 4 EC, then 4 taxotere to reduce lump size then mastectomy and radiotherapy. So far I’ve had 2 lots of EC, been in hospital with a infection after first chemo. Now on neulasta feling a bit better to-day, but lots of muscle aches and feeling tired. Not really sure how I’m going to get through chemo, then surgery, then radio!! It would be good to hear from anyone in similar position.
Thought your post looked a bit lonely! I had chemo first to reduce the lump size - FEC and Taxotare. In my case it worked. After the last chemo (at the end of December after 6 months) the lump no longer showed on scans. I had surgery three weeks ago - a lumpectomey - and there was hardly any cancer left to remove. I’m now waiting to start radiotherapy in a few weeks.
Although the chemo is horrible its worth it if it shrinks the lump. And if you can get through chemotherapy you can cope with anything.
I’ve had two lots of neulasta etc as my blood counts were too low for surgery - they can make you feel achy and horrible too.
My way of coping was to give myself a treat before each lot of chemo when I knew I was feeling reasonably well - a day out, a nice meal or a special treat. I was also told to focus on something nice in the future - in my case my holiday this year.
You will get through it, this site is really helpful and makes you realise that you are not alone.
hi clare - from a storm raider - come and join us fighting the baddies - we need all the help we can get!! My best friend from school is having the same as you and has just had her last chemo session so now has surgery - it seems fairly common as lots of the ladies on here had it that way…good to see you anyway - I have my second lot of FEC next wed, just waiting to have appt for hickman line too and my hair lost the plot big time today so has now been shaved off…the joys…where are you from - I’m nr Shrewsbury, Shropshire/Mid Wales border, 43 & have 2 kids 10 & nearly 16, mary x
Me too, 6 lots of taxotere, then mx with clearance and then 5 weeks of rads. I finished all this in February. I’m also on Herceptin.
My tumour shrunk from 8 cm + to something like 2.5 cms by the time I had the op. I also had to have neulasta, and yes it really does add to the aches and pains.
Good luck, chin up, you’ll get there before you know it.
Hi to you all. Gosh what a community out there. Thanks for all the comments, it’s good to hear I’m not alone and there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I’m 50 with one daughter and twin grand-daughters who are 14 months old. I live near Manchester with my husband who is helping me through this.
I had chemo first when diagnosed in December 2000 at the age of 46, 4 doses of EC then 4 doses of Taxol. I then had a lumpectomy in June 2001 followed by a mastectomy in July 2001 cos they weren’t convinced that everything had been removed cos the ‘lump’ ended up being 2 different types of breast cancer. This was followed by 3 weeks of radiotherapy and 5 years of Tamoxifen which finished in August 2006.
You will get through it all, just take each stage as it comes.
I’m now nearly 55 years old and have annual check ups.
I have had 3 FEC and 3 TAX, one more TAX to go. That is almost the first chapter of my journey complete - it is to be followed by surgery and rads. I found it so hard going, with FEC I would say I slept most of the time as I was totally exhausted - I’ve had 2 hospital stop overs and 2 lots of fuel top up (aka blood transfusion). I was getting to a point that you could read me like a clock and the A&E department knew me as soon as I arrived!
I found it so hard to get through it but here I am, one more left to go. The good news is that the lump has shrunk!
I’ve started adding my experience to the forum as I often searched here when not knowing who else to turn to. I wish you a speedy chemo trip and a positive outcome.
Hi there - thank you for posting your experience. I hope your last Tax goes OK. Ive not felt too bad this week so I’m hoping that I can plan to do things the week before my chemo session. Nothing too drastic as an hours simple house work leaves my muscles aching.