Anyone else had superglue instead of stitches ?

Recently had my second mastectomy in 5 months , plus a WLX for recurrence in my first scar . Was amazed to find on waking up that instead of stitches , I had been superglued !! Can’t say I am impressed though …hard and crunchy , and very puckered , whereas the stitching on my first mastectomy was beautiful .
Just wondered if anyone else has had this , and if so , how long before it peels off ??
Hope everyone is keeping well and coping OK .
Jill xx

Hi lavenderblue,

                               i had mx with immediate ld flap reconstruction oct 13 and my surgeon used glue instead of stiches and i was very impressed with the result i can hardly see the large scar on my back .the crusty scabs came off about 10-14 days later .last week i had lipofill to recon and had glue done again on the small holes they make to insert the instrument they use to remove the fat and the scabs have come off already in my experience i prefere glue to stiches . linda

I had this twice with two recurrences and I think they use it if it is hard to stitch. once was on the underside of the breast and the second time it was right up the middle between the 2 breasts in the cleavage area. That one has healed up amazingly quickly, don’t be tempted to pick it off too quickly though. Best thing is to rub the area with baby oil first thing in the morning and last thing at night and after a while it will peel off itself! Mine was black and I was a bit worried at first but the results have been really good and the end product doesn’t depend on your surgeon’s stitching ability!

K M x

Hi Jill,


My incision was glued too and I was told that the colours underneath it (mine were black, purple and orange) were the felt tip pen marks from where the surgeon had marked me before slicing and the antiseptic stuff they wipe over us.  The glue dissolves slowly so it took about 14 days for most of it to go and the rest I peeled after that point.  


Read on the other thread that you are due your results in about a week so I hope that goes well for you, keep us posted and take care of yourself



Hi just wondering if anyone else has, like me, just had a 2nd mastectomy? The 1St had beautiful stitching on my long but neat scar. The 2nd has a sort of 2 pronged fork shape that resembles a pin cushion on the prongs. It looks fairly ugly and puckered. Although 3 weeks on it looks slightly less scary, the glue and blood have crusted together & taking ages to drop off. It’s hard to feel in any way feminine with this bizarre process going on! All the best to everyone going through this Roseyposy