I am half way through my chemo, 3xFEC and 3 Taxotere, after having lumpectomy in Sept. My breasts have become tender, no specific lumps or sore spots just generally sore if pressed or if OH gives me a cuddle.
I think I should probably phone the beast clinic but dread the thought of further examinations. Anyone else had the same problem?
Hi Anne
i had lumpectomy in Oct and half way through epi xeloda (on TACT trial). My bc breast is very tender at times after settling down a while ago it seems to have erupted again.
Went to see onc today for an appointment anyway told him who examined me and said all was well normal etc.
I would mention to bcn though to be on the safe side.
That’s reasurring thanks. I am going to see onc tomorrow so will mention to her then phone bcn. Makes it so much easier when someone else is experiencing it.
Maybe it’s a hormonal thing. I’m 39 but haven’t had a period since just after 1st FEC last June, but my breast do still sometimes feel like they did before a period.
Hope the onc is able to answer your worries
I spoke to onc who checked and examined me assured me it was nothing to worry about and hormonal - phew. I have a had a marina coil for years so no periods to guage when I’m going through the menopause but assume this is it which is a relief,.
Don’t want to scare anyone but I had pain in right bresat for 9 months before I was seen by a breast specialist in May 08, he said there was absoloutely nothing wrong with me and it was hormonal, advised me to take Evening Primrose Oil and said his goodbyes. Had I not made a fuss and insisted on a scan my BC wouldn’t have been diagnosed 3 weeks later.
My breast has been sore and tender during FEC so I am hoping this is normal but have mentioned it several times to BC nurse who says “It’s just anxiety.”
I think maybe chemo stirs up the cells and whilst it’s killing them that causes tenderness.