I am due for a mastectomy followed by an immediate LD recon on Wednesday and just wondered if anyone else is due for surgery this week?
I am scared and wishing it was over.
Just want to compare worries/notes with others.
I am due for a mastectomy followed by an immediate LD recon on Wednesday and just wondered if anyone else is due for surgery this week?
I am scared and wishing it was over.
Just want to compare worries/notes with others.
I had same op 3 weeks ago. Please try not to worry or be scared, it will soon be over. I am feeling great now and you will be again too.
I will be thinking of you.
Jackie xx
Hi Dotchas
i’m having a lumpectomy this wednesday 23rd June after it was postponed on the 3rd July due to being anaemic,and i know exactly how you feel.
I’m actually seeing the anaethatist tomorrow for hypnotherapy as i have a phobia of anaesethic, i’m such a control freak that i’d rather have it under local if possible!
I’ll be thinking of you on wednesday and sending you best wishes ,take care
Hi Tracey,
Its scarey isn’t it.
I hope your hypnotherapy helps you, I don’t fancy an operation under local!
Have you had anaesthetics before?
I am more afraid of the pain and what my recon will look like!
You will be out of hospital before me but please post how you got on and I will too when I get home .They say I will be in a week!!!
Best wishes for Wednesday and the hypnotherapy too,
Take care,
hi dot
i had the same op as u way back in feb and feel great now and have healed really well, new boob looks really good and im getting a nipple done soon to. good luck with yr op and a speedy recovery
god bless
Hi Maria,
I got home on Tuesday so I am glad its over.
My new boob is very swollen but still looks very odd as the transplanted bit is not so swollen if you see what I mean.I have a sunken area where the skin form my back is now.
Are you OK?
Hi Dot
sorry i’ve not been on before,yes it went very well,anaesthetics no prob! my anaethetist even had a black sense of humour as i went under,the last think i remember is the nurse chiding him as he said he was more nervous than me,and then when i awoke in recovery the same nurse said she thought he was out of order but i wasnt bothered at all,he had my sense of humour very dry and the hypnotherapy obviusly worked!
How do you feel pain wise,today i’ve managed on 2 paracetomol as i hate taking pills,better get used to it as i think i’ll probably be on something a little stronger before too long.
Tomorrow is results day,and i am abnormally calm,dont ask me why,i think i have waited such a long time to get here that i have a feeling of ‘fait acompli’ and that my destint is filed away at this very moment and nothing i do can change that and believe me i am not normally like that hence the user name but somehow i’m filled with uncharacteristic calm,my sister is a christian and has been praying so maybe…
Anyway when will you receive your results? and how are you with exercises and doing things for yourself,i find not being able to do my hair the most frustrating.
take care
Hi all
Had my WLE and node biopsy on monday, results next wednesday. When the anaesthetist saw me before I went down she said that my liver function tests were fine - permission to have more sherry!!!
Glad all went well for you and the hypno seems to have worked!
I had a bit of a rough time ,lost a lot of blood and ended up in High Dependency for the first night!
Then started feeling and being sick with severe stomach cramps.Drs couldn’t agree what was causing it so we stopped the Ibruprofen then the Iron and finally the antibiotics once my drains were all out.
I got out Tuesday but developed a sharp pain in my new boob which was even stopping me breathing properly never mind moving!
Went to clinic today after calling my BCN and the Dr drained a seroma on my back which aparently had put pressure on a nerve that is still connected to the muscle that is now my new boob!!! It was amazing to see how much stuff came out!
The pain is much better now,I have just been on Paracetamol since Saturday night but have taken some Ibrufen today for the sharp pain.
I am managing to do my hair but my nodes were sampled via my mastectomy scar so I have no scar in my armpit.It took me 3 days to realise!
I get my results on Tuesday,fingers crossed.
Good luck for yours ,let us know how it goes,
Hi Dot
so sorry to hear about your awful experience,that would have totally freaked me out waking up in HDU!
Hopefully your over the worst now and its onwards and upwards!
Well i’ve had the most wonderful results i havent stopped grinning since receiving them.I thought i’d coped very well considering but i realise for the last 2mths i’ve had a large black cloud over me.
I had the tumour removed with clear margins,2.5cms,grade 2,er+ pr+ hercp- and NO LYMPH NODES!!!
i just cant believe it as i’d feared the worst as i’m 45yrs and although on most things i’m not young where BC is involved apparently i am.
I will have an appt with oncologist to discuss further treatments,consultant said to take sandwiches as its a long consultation about 2hrs. Will definately have rads but thats all i know of for sure,but breast surgeon said to me that the cancer has been taken away so i assume any further treatment will be preventative and to give more of a guarantee.
I will be thinking of you on Tuesday and will say a prayer that you get equally great results.
Take care
Hi Tracey,
Thats great news ,hopefully mine will be similar!
If I had had a WLE I would have needed rads but Dr said with Mastectomy then no rads but will not be sure till after Tuesday.
Keep grinning you deserve it,have a drink on me!
Hi Tracey
That is fantastic news !!! Have a drink on me too. It’s so good to hear something good, am very happy for you
Best wishes Jilly xxx
Good news for me too!
Just as hoped for all 3 lumps grade 1 or DCIS and all less than 1.5 cm and Er+ and no nodes so just 5 years Tamoxifen for me!
I was so happy I didn’t take all the details but I see the Surgeon again next week re my wound so will ask all sensible questions then!
I feel as if I have just got off a very long and very fast roller coaster.
Tracey ,hope your oncology appointment goes OK.
Thanks to all on this forum for support,you are a fantastic bunch of women!
Brilliant news Dot,
it,s lovely to hear such positive outcomes.
i read a lot of threads on this forum as i’m currently on 6wks sick leave and oh is looking after me and the children wonderfully. these forums contain the most wonderfully inspiring people you could wish to come across and in the society that most of us live in with fragmented families and people too busy to give each other the time of day its wonderful that a facility exist like this that can give us all reassurance.Whatever stage your journey is at there is always someone you can relate to from the good solid advice right through to the frigtened anxious newcomer!
My oncolgist appt is 15th August at 07.00am!
I didnt realise they started that early.
once again i’m so pleased for you Dot go enjoy the rest of your life!
Thanks Tracey,
7.00 am Are you sure? What an ungodly hour!
I hope you don’t have far to travel!
Having a cancer diagnosis certainly sorts out friends,family and acquantancies…my support has come from all angles and not always from where I expected it!
I also just remember that my Surgeon said it was tubular which didn’t ring any bells (hehehe!) but just read that that is even better news,now I really am grinning!
Meanwhile I am going to enjoy my sick leave and the rest of my life!
Let us know what the Onc says,
Hi all
Great news!!! Tubular, grade 1, 4mm in size, clear margins, clear lymph nodes (6 taken), only rads now!!!
good luck for the rest of you who are about to go in!!
Hi Angela,
Another tubular ,maybe its not so rare after all!
Jings 4mm is tiny!
Congratulations and good luck with the rads.
I was so happy last night ,I couldn’t sleep!
It is encouraging to here results like this. I’m home today from hospital after my radical mx. Path results with onc on Mon 18th first thing in morning too. My appointment is only 45 mins? Docs seem reasonably happy (if thats possible) that no nodes involved according to core biop, but path results will confirm. Still expecting 4 months chemo though but think same as you ANXIOUS. Prob to be certain they’ve got it all and reduce chances of coming back. I’m being so positive that if onc spells bad news I’ll just want to go to the darkest room and cry all day. However, pretty sure it’ll be ok. Am praying too and I find it theraputic and helpful.
Anxious, good luck on 15th. What hospital are you going to? Hope it goes OK. Let us know. x x x
Tracey ,
good luck for tomorrow!
Let us know,I’ve got my fingers crossed!
Its good to be home isn’t it? I did cry though!
Good luck for Monday,let us know,my fingers will still be crossed!
I saw a different Dr on Tuesday while getting my wound checked.I explained I hadn’t really taken in my path results so he very kindly went over them all in words of one syllabul (sp)!
All good news ,well as good as you can get with BC.
Grade 1 ,1.3cm,0.5cm and “a few cells”…not even a lump!
Tubular which the Dr said is the “best”
Er+ 6/8 so tamoxifen only.
I am still emotionally unstable! Crying at the weirdest things!