Anyone else too sore & dry down there?

Hello there, I’ve been on Tamoxifen for three years and I’m embarraced to say that intercourse has been impossible as I am very sore and dry since my treatment. I mentioned to the doctors a couple of times and was told to use ky or replense but no joy. I went for a smear test last week and the nurse could not open up the instrument that they use to get a proper test done, she said that I SHOULD NOT be that sore and could only take a sweep of the cervix. I have not had any bleeding or offensive discharge except when she tried to take the smear when I blead. Has anyone else had any similar problems after taking tamoxifen?

Burnie x

Hi Burnie yes yes yes am in exactly the same situation as you ive been taking tamoxifen for 3 years in April intercourse is uncomfortable to say the least i’m always sore and itcy,I use canasten cream and it goes for a while and then comes back.I’m assuming its thrush and caused by tamoxifen.I have had 2 borderline smears in the last year and am due another one in February,I also bled when the smear was being done.Never had any of these problems before chemo and tamoxifen.sorry got no advice just wanted you to know your not alone wishing you all the best Melxx

Hi stressy-messy, Thanks for your comments, it’s always nice to know that you are not the only one, I’m not expecting my smear to come back clear as the nurse marked it urgent, we’ll have to wait & see but many thanks. Burnie.

Hi, I’ve been taking Arimidex for 3 months and have the same problem. My consultant suggested stopping taking it and swopping to Tamoxifen as you can use Vagifem or other oestrogen based treatments with tamoxifen. Did your doctor talk about this? I think there are other treatments as well that my BC nurse said she would get the name of. I certainly don’t want 5 years of this.

Hi, Thanks for that information, my gp told me I couldn’t have anything with eastrogen in it and that was while taking tamoxifen, I have just changed to Aromasin in the past few weeks and the problem is still there. I dont see my onc’ till end June so I’m i bit stuck till then, I am dreading having to have another smear if it comes back without enough cells or anything. You would think that our GP’s were more on the ball with all this, perhaps they are frightened to make the wrong decision. I dont know what to do yet but I can’t carry on like this, thanks for your support though. Burnie xxx

My consultant (top banana at The Royal Marsden) told me that patients taking Tamoxifen CAN use locally applied oestrogen creams or Vagifem. He sent me to see a gynecologist who started me off with daily applications of Vagifem slowly tailing off to once a week, then moving me on to weekly applications of a cream inserted via an applicator. He also suggested using a tiny smear of cream on my vulva every evening. Sylk is also very useful and can be given on prescription.

I was also prescribed Betnovate to deal with the sore skin - again a very light smear.

Perhaps you should change to a GP who is better informed?


Thanks for that AlexG,I too was told couldn’t have anything with oestrogen as my cancer was 8/8 ER+ and PR +.Im not seeing oncologist until November but will ask about the creams when I have my next smear.


Hi all, I have been on tamoxifen for a year now and have suffered with this problem and recently been referred to gynae as intercourse so painful. He was wonderful. He suggested I use Pjur (black bottle) which you can buy on line (Amazon), it is a silicone based lubricant and is fab (far better than KY). Also I use replens religiously every 3 days to keep the vaginal tissue moist and healthy. After all my treatment and hormone therapy I seem to have “shrunk” but am determined that BC won’t take away my sex life! He also gave me some dilators which have helped, but the Pjur is fab and made a real difference. Keep persevering!

i have the same problem after chemo and tamoxifen. I asked my GP to prescribe vagifem and the stupid woman was horrified. Fobbed me off with Replens which was crap. Saw oncologist recently and prescribed vagifem no problem. GPs really aren’t up to speed with this.

Was on Tamoxifen for the recommended 5 years. Had virtually every side effect there was, but was well supported by my Breast cancer Sister and Surgeon, but not by my Oncologist - he told me it was all in my mind! Anyway, I was referred to a Menapausal expert who with the agreement of the others prescribed Vagifem. I used it and am still using it with great success(marriage saved, sanity saved).

I don’t know whether you have tried it but I was terrified of chemo upsetting my urinary tract as years ago had severe cystitis. So to prevent problems I use Replens (Boots) once a week. It is expensive and don’t know whether it can be prescribed but it has kept me comfortable. I am now on Arimadex and intend to continue.
Best of luck,


Dear Burnie

I suffered this for 5 years. I had to be referred to the hospital for my smear as it was impossible to do at the GP surgery. The procedure I had at the hospital was so much better - they have all sizes of instruments and were much kinder unlike the GP surgery which usually has a “one size fits all” kind of instrument for doing smear tests.

I have an unopened pack of “SYLK” which is great for dryness if you are interested I could send it to you for free. I don’t need it now as I’m now on femara and don’t suffer from dryness. SYLK is 100% natural - contains no parbens unlike replens. I found it very helpful. I used to buy it off the internet but you can now get it on prescription. My GPs have been prescribing it for the last two years.

Good luck.


Hi everyone. I too have this problem with dryness I found replens really helps. At first I was buying it from the chemist but a couple of years ago I heard it had become available on precription.Needless to say my gp now issues it to me. Hope this helps all the best to everyone JL