Hi everyone…
New here. I have a Question:
Has anyone ever been MISDiagnosed with Fibroadenoma to learn later they have Breast Cancer?
Here is my sitch
2 years ago I went in for my first Baseline Mamogram. I was 36.
I had little red dots appear on my breast. Started in the right breast.
So, I was at the doctor for a Pre Op for a Surgery I was about to have.
Surgery was unrelated, I had a VERY LARGE Benign Tumor (Lipoma) removed from my upper Thigh. This was the size of a tennis ball.
Doc sent me for a Baseline Mam.
I had the sugery on October 31 , 2013 (Halloween). I was waiting for the results from the surgery and my Mom was supposed to go for a mamogram. SHe had not had one in 10 years. So, She said she would go , If I went with her and had mine done. So, we did.
I got a letter the next week from the breast center saying that my Mam was abnormal and I needed Diagnostic testing.
I had the right breast Diagnostic Mam. I waited. They called me back in for a Ultrasound. I waited. They Called me Back in again.
The tech said "The Radiologist Doctor wants to perform the Ultrasound himself.
Now I was worried.
He came in. asked my family history. I said None that I know of (I was Ill-Informed)
He went over an area. then said “To be honest, I do not know what this is. I never saw anything like it”
So I told him my history with Lipomas. I have has 3 in my back and now one in my thigh.
He said “THis is Not a Lipoma. THis is not a cyst. But I do not know what it is”. Then he said a buch of stuff I really didnt understand but heard him say it could be Ductal Carcinoma, or Lobular Cancer. It id not have a defined shape. He said We could wait 6 months and see if it grows… but if I were his sister, he would tell me to have it biopsied right away,.
So, I had an Ultrasound Guided Core Biopsy.
I was soooo Nervous.
Monday before THansgiving I got the call.
Fibroadenoma. My husband Grabbed me so tight that I thought he cracked a rib!
During the wait, I learned that I did have a family history.
My Grandmother (Fathers Mom) Actually Died from Breast Cancer at the age of 52. She did not want a mastectomy, and refused treatment. She lived with the cancer until it won.
My fathers Sister had Ovarian Cancer and Breast cancer. SHe had her 3rd child at the age of 32 and passed away 2 months later.
I had my 6 month follow up May 2014. Took a Diagnostic Mam. THen Made me take a Ultrasound. I was told they can feel a lump digitally, but nothing is showing up on the mam or ultrasounds. I was told I have dense breast tissue. THey said if I notice any other changes, let them know.
This week I have been having a Real SHARP Burning pain straight thru my breast. I have an Ache under my right armpit. Nothing bad, but noticable.
THe past 2 months, my breasts have been become Unbareably Sore and Swollen for 2 weeks out of the month. So swollen, I have actually had stretch marks appearing!
Today, I noticed my nipple seems elongated, light the outer edge it pucked a bit. I feel a thick area at about 3oclock (right where my nipple getting weird)
I have 3 or 4 small little bumps (almost look like little pimples) on that same side of my areola.
Not sure if this is related at all, But My sleep pattern has been all over the place.
I have been out of breath REALLY easy. Like, just walking and talking and I have to catch my breath.
I have an appointment for a Dual Mammogram on Friday.
I have had this bad feeling. Like I am REALLY Aware that somthing will be wrong.
Life is Great. Happy Blissful Marriage of 15 wonderful years. Wonderful Kids, Successful Photography Business. No need to have this impending doom feeling. I just feel like SOMETHING IS WRONG.
So, My question is… Has ANYONE ever been told via Biopsy it was a Fibtoadenoma, then later developed Cancer?
THank you very much for any help and patience reading my novel length story. WIshing everying Happiness, and Good Health.